Lennon's Ticket to Ride

The following article appeared in New Musical Express on April 16, 1965, page 10.

The man from London Transport was more than a little surprised when the famous face beneath the equally famous Beatle haircut asked for a ticket to ride-on the tube train!
At 6 am, when most Beatles are known to sleep, here was millionaire John Lennon joining the early workers in a trip on the Underground!
His journey had nothing to do with the title of The Beatles' newest hit. With road manager Neil Aspinall, John was trying to get home after an all night record session with two of The Rolling Stones.
Neil and I went to Mick and Keith's house in Hampstead and played records all night but we must of out-stayed our welcome because when time-to-go-home time came our hosts had gone to bed!
"Anyway, we left thinking we'd get a cab to Neil's place so as I could get a shave before going down to Twickenham to film-it was too late for me to go to bed.
"We walked about six miles-at least it seemed that far-but there were no cabs so when we saw a station we decided to go by tube. It was full of char ladies on their way to work. They gave me funny looks so I gave 'em funny looks back. It was a laugh-first time I've been on the tube for a couple of years."
They wouldn't have had to walk, of course, had John had his new Ferarri with him-but he'd reversed it into George's garage a day or two before!
We were chatting at the end of what had been a strenuous day for The Beatles-the NME Poll Winners Concert.
"Honest it's been nerves all day-we were more nervous about going on that stage at Wembley than we have been about anything for ages.
"You think to yourself, 'Oh cripes, is this the one we're going to fall down on!' And remember, the NME show was the biggest live audience we've played to since the American tour last summer.
"On top of all that we had the strain of following the best-some of them-of the acts in the business and from a little window in our dressing room we could watch the show and see how well they were going down.
"But we were more than pleased with our own reception-we were bloody delighted!"

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