Ringo Starr

Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) was the oldest Beatle, the last to join the group and, at five foot eight, also the shortest by three inches. Ringo ensured a place in everybody's hearts thanks to his sad eyes, ready smile, and good-natured willingness to be the butt of his colleagues' jokes.

This is not to say that he won't stand up for himself when the going gets tough. Ringo came closest to John when it came to producing laughs, and it was for that reason-as well has his innate ability to win the sympathy of an audience-that he was singled out for his performances in A Hard Day's Night, and then given the central role in Help!

During the Beatlemania years, Ringo was perhaps the most popular - and certainly most recognizable - member of the group among the general public. However, within the group itself he fully acknowledged John and Paul's greater talents as both singers and composers, and he accepted his more limited role while taking full advantage of whatever opportunities came his way. As a result, through all the ups and downs of The Beatles' relationships with one another, Ringo ranks far and away as the best team player.

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