He of the Ring Sat he of the Ring, alone in the dark, A-rowing about, until he heard, "Hark." For there came a Bilbo Baggins And he now held the Precious Vicious! Suspicious! With a bite much worse than his bark, Gollum wanted his Precious. "Come here," said Gollum, to the young hobbit. "Come near," said he, for he planned to rob it. So the young hobbit moved closer And in the dark they riddled. Nibbled! Fiddled! Though the whole time, Gollum wanted to throb it, For a long time they riddled. They riddled of eggs, of wind and of fish, Then after a while, Bilbo had his wish. Poor Gollum answered a riddle wrong, And he now had to lead him. Feed him! Breed him! Gollum's promise, had him trapped in a dish, The promise made to lead him. But he of the Ring, he now had a plan, To lead Bilbo out, and kill him by hand. But Bilbo Baggins had the Precious, And Gollum couldn't see him. Be him! Free him! Dwarf, wizard, elf, hobbit and man, Everyone couldn't see him. So Bilbo Baggins, escaped with a leap. The Precious he held was now his to keep. Gollum alone, in hatred he cried: "Thief, thief, Baggins! We hates it!" Fates it! Crates it! The last Bilbo heard, from within the deep: "Thief, for ever we hates it!"