Different Tune to the Same Song
By: Kitty-chan
Chapter 6: Prom Night

AN: Thank you Anon Reviewer. I realize I suck at grammer and spelling mistakes. I didn't get into college with my wonderful English grades *cough*F*cough*. I got in here by art and science skills and my roomie, Stokley is even worse than I am (she's just a math whiz! ). Anyway, thankies Brachan90 for the great ideas! ^_^ I almost forgot about Diamond! *slaps forehead* By the way, the Mary Sue idea was perfect! *Is now getting Croaky Frog's mental image* Eek! *shudders*. I don't know whats worse, being a grammerly challenged college student or a very odd LotR fan.

"Why oh why did I take this job?", grummbled the grey wizard has he set up his disc jocky equipment again.

"Why oh why must you drag me along?", whined Bilbo has he watched random teachers has they attemped to decorate the gym.

"Because, you must suffer with me. I refuse to die in this horrid High School from boredom without a witness!"

"Great, so ummm... how long do we have to sit here?"

"Valar only knows."



The high schoolers slowly started pouring into the gym has Gandalf sat there has bored has all hell. He was forced to take requests and play tiny booper music since the teachers didn't want any head banger music to get the students "violent". Yet, he was able to slip some punk, rap, techno, and hip hop into the mix.

Bilbo was half asleep on his unsuitable fold out chair. Finally, Bilbo woke up when Frodo jabbed him with a plastic fork. "Hey, Bilbo what are you doing here?"

"I'm being held against my will by DJ Gandy. So, who are you here with?"

Frodo grins than points to a beautiful blond elven babe that was dancing and beckoning him to go dance with her.

Bilbo's jaw dropped, "How did you get a date like THAT!?"

"It's my big blue eyes! The chicks dig a hobbit with emotional eyes."


"Well, gotta go.", said Frodo has he ran out onto the dance floor. He bumped into Pippin.

"Hello, Pip! Who is this?"

Pippin looked over at the sweet hobbit girl next to him and blushed, "Oh, this is Diamond."

"Good for you Pip! Ya finally found a lady. I thought you would have turned out gay but you proved me wrong."

Pippin shrugged like it wasn't a big deal than noted, "Seems Merry is a wall flower tonight. He didn't ask anyone."

"I'm sure some fan girl will come along and sweep him off his feet."

"Oh, they always do! Where's Sam?"

"With Rosie... I think their having a little 'fun' in Aragorn's car."

"Speaking of Aragorn... where is he?"

"Don't know."


"Is it just me or is Eowyn glaring at me.", pondered Arwen.

"I think she's glaring at me.", said a wide eyed Aragorn. He spotted Gimli talking to Merry about the finer points of being a single male. Faramir was dancing with Eowyn who kept glaring in Arwen and Aragorn's general direction. Frodo was trying to dance with a tall elven blond. Pippin was happily showing off his brake dance skills to his hobbit date. Eomer, Haldir, and Boromir preferred to be pimpin it but failed. If Aragorn knew what Sam and Rosie had been up to in his car he would have freaked. He finally spotted Legolas and flaged him down.

He came over with a blond haired, blue eyed, prefect in every which way girl. Arwen smiled and asked, "Who's your date?"

"Mary Sue.", said Legolas but Aragorn could tell something was wrong... very wrong. Being his long time friend, Aragorn needed answer but couldn't ask in the company of this... so called Mary Sue.

"Legolas, lets get the ladies some punch.", offered Aragorn.

Legolas who knew what Aragorn was trying to do, quickly nodded his head. Has soon has they reached the table Legolas wispered, "You gotta help me! This phyco jumped me in an ally and put a knief to my back and forced me to be her date. She's phyco! Please, please get me outta here! I'll be eternally in your debt!"

"Careful, she's watching us. We can't go out the front exit or she'll jump us both. Than make us her love slaves for all our naturally born life!"

"Damn, thats a long time for me!"

"I'm guessing she's gained imortallity just so she could stalk you till the day you die!"

"No! If that happens than promise me you'll kill me!"

"Damn, she's coming this way! Hurry, lets run for the exit."

The elf and the ranger ran like hell for the door while dodging dancers. Mary Sue followed in a mad dash but she didn't sweat for it would ruin her perfect complextion. They duo finally made it outside but Mary Sue with super strenght had caught up and cornered them next to a parked car.

"I've got you now my pretty and your little ranger too!", said Mary Sue with a demonic voice that would scare the crap outta any Dark Lord.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.", was all Aragorn and Legolas could say has they sat with wide eyed fear.

Than they heard a battle cry and none other than Arwen and Eowyn appeared behind the demonic Mary Sue.

"Sup, bitch. We're the only leading ladies running this joint know back the hell off.", growled Eowyn has Faramir tryed his best to hide behind her.

"You know how many times I've lost Aragorn to one of you hussies! Check FF.net and you'll find out!", said Arwen with clenched teeth. (I don't mean to offend... some of those fics are really good).

"Muuuhhhhhhhaaaaaa! I am the great Mary Sue! I can not be destroyed!"

"Riiiiight.", comes the authors voice from out of no where. "Let's see... Alt+Ctrl+Delete. That should do it. Damn that Mary Sue virus."

Mary Sue vanishes and everyone lets out a sigh of relief. They returned to the prom to carry out what they had started.


"Damn it, just give the possessed ring to Frodo.", grummbled Gandalf.

"But why?", pouted Bilbo.

"Because, Sauron would never look for it in the high school."

"Why not?"

"To many bad childhood scars."

"Okay, fine!", grummbled Bilbo has sulked over to Frodo.

"Here Frodo, take this evil ring that looks all scary and stuff."

"Hey, thanks! Why do I have the feeling I'm getting screwed over in this deal?"

"Er... um... don't know. Ask Gandalf."


Boromir, Eomer, and Haldir stood beside the punch bowl. "So... should I do it or you?", questioned Boromir has he tapped the bottle of vodka in his jacket.

"May, I have the honors?", said Haldir with a sly smile.

"Of course.", replied Boromir has he passed the small bottle to the elf.

Haldir made sure no one was looking has Eomer and Boromir blocked the view of the teachers. He quickly poured the vodka into the red colored punch. The trio causally walked away like nothing happened. They leaned up against the wall to watch their plan play out.

Soon, teachers where freak dancing with each other and when Gimli jumped onto a table and started to strip... well... all hell broke loose.

"Harry Potter and all his friends are going to hell for practicing witchcraft!", slurred Faramir has he sat on Eowyn's lap.

"Know just because people love those books dosen't mean you should insult them.", smiled Eowyn.

Faramir began uncontroled weeping, "I sorry but... but... that Draco kid with his fucked up hair... he scared me."

"Dear lord! It's a child! Hmm... mental note: get gaint three headed dog (that part was tight!) ".

Arwen burst into laughter for no aparent reason. The three others at the table looked at her oddly. "What is it?", questioned Aragorn who knew damn well the punch was gonna end up being spiked.

Arwen pointed to where Legolas and Merry where dancing together. Aragorn sent his "damn you" look over to Boromir who just shrugged with a goofy smile. Frodo ran over to Pippin and gave him a camera. The two hobbits dragged Sam and Merry out of the gym. Aragorn's eyes wided has he heard his car skidding away in the parking lot. Diamond and Rosie where confused about the hobbit's sudden disapperance.

Aragorn could only mutter, "Damn you, Boromir. Damn you, Haldir. Damn you, Eomer. Damn those hobbits!"


What happened to the hobbit after the prom ( long preview of next chapter):

Tom, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli stood in the shriefs office. The pudgy shrief sighed and said, "Tom, your here because has far as I have heard. Your house is a moble home in the Old Forest. Correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"The rest of you are here because you where a friend of these... missing hobbits. Correct?"

They all nodded. The shrief sighed and sliped in the film that was discovered a day ago at the Barrow-Downs. He fast forwards it throught a clip of "Godzilla" until it showed static and than became focused again. The film shows Frodo in front of the camera with the Old Forest in the background. Sam is cooking something and Merry is putting up the tent behind Frodo.

"Is it running?", questioned the hobbit.

"Yes!", came Pippin's voice from behind the camera.

"Hello and here we are shooting on location in the beautiful Old Forest near Bree. This a document to prove the Bree witch legends and I am Frodo. This is Sam and Merry with me. Filming is done by Pippin."

The camera whirls around to face Pippin and he smiles at the screen and chirps, "Hiya!"

The camera goes back to Frodo who is standing with Sam now, "Sam, please tell us about the tales of the witch that haunts this place."

"Oh, some crazy old hag in Bree told us all about it!", replied Sam.

"I think it's a crock of shit!", comes Merry's voice from inside the tent.

"We can edit that right?", questioned Frodo.

"Yeah, yeah. Should I play the crazy old hag interview?", asked Pippin's voice.

Sam and Frodo nod than the film cuts to a scene of this... well... crazy old hag. The lady begins to speak, "The first time I saw the witch was in the Old Forest. I was sitting by this willow tree when BAM! It started eatting me! I knew it was a trick of the witch but thats when some nice fellow saved me."

Tom practicly gagged on his glass of water. Realizing he was that nice fellow and that tree was Old Man Willow.

The film went back to the hobbits but its dark out and strange noises are heard all around the camp. Merry was running around in circles around the camera man (aka Pippin) and scearming, "Waaaaaauugggghhhh!"

"Shut the hell up! We'll never get the noises on film with you doing that.", the camera whipped around to face Frodo.

Sam was shivering next to him and mummbling, "What the hell is that? It's coming from all sides."

"It's just those damn wood elves! For crying out loud.", grummbled Pippin.

"Uuuuh huuuuh... thats what all the disbelievers say before their killed by the Bree witch!", said Frodo while trying to sound scary.

Cuts to a morning shot of small piles of rocks surrounding the tent. "Oh, my god! Sam is missing!", shouted Merry has he pocketed some of the rocks.

Camera turns to Frodo, "Damn, he ditched us here to finish the film on our own. That cheap son of a..."

"Frodo! I'm gonna spend hours editing this damn thing if you don't stop screwing up!", shouts Pippin has the camera goes off.

Camera goes on again and three hobbits are sitting in a tent. They looked freaked out and than shrill screams and maniacal cackling is heard outside. "That isn't wood elves.", mummbled Frodo.

Suddenly the tent began to shake. The trio of hobbits run out of the tent screaming and Pippin is running with the camera and Frodo can be seen running ahead of them. The flim stops than starts again but it's facing Pippin, "I just want to say... that I'm so so sorry... to my mum and dad and Diamond and Sam and my cousin, Frodo."

"I'm still alive you twit!", comes Frodo's voice from the background.

"Oh, well than..."

The camera shuts off and than starts again in the morning but their at the Barrow-Downs and it's foggy.

Merry is facing the camera and holding a wooden stick figure doll, "We lost Frodo in the fog but looky at what he left us!"

"You fool! The Bree witch left that!", said Pippin.

Merry screamed than tossed the stick figure over his shoulder. They start walking when Merry shouts, "Oh dear... I lost the map!"

"What?! Dammit, where is all my pipe-weed!"

"Remind me to bust them for that if we ever find them again.", puts in the shrief.

Suddenly they bump into a house on the Barrow-Downs. They hear Sam and Frodo scream with pain from inside.

Merry runs inside with a frying pan over his head. Pippin runs in with the camera, "Merry, where are you? I can't find you."

"Fool of a Took.", utters Gandalf.

Pippin runs around the house randomly. Merry yells, "I'm over here!!"

Pippin runs down stairs and Merry is facing the corner, "Hello? Merry? Oh my! Speak to me! What the fu... adhgjjhgkgjh!!"

Camera hits the floor than goes off and the film goes back to the "Godzilla" clips.

"Ya see Tom. We know you live out there on the weekends so if you ever learn anything new just talk to us.", the shrief led them outside and bid them farwell.

Preview: In September of 3018 during the Third Age, three groups of students disappeared into the woods near Bree, Middle-Earth while shooting documentaries.

A week later their footage was found.

The Bree Witch Project. (dear lord, I've really lost it this time)

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