Different Tune to the Same Song
By: Kitty-chan
Chapter 4: The Day After

"Ooowwww... my head hurts. What did I sleep on.", mummbled Isildur from the hard tile kitchen floor. He forced himself up but wobbled a bit. He caught himself on the kitchen table than let out a girly scearm and jumped back away from the table.

"Call 911! Call 911!", he shouted has he ran thought out the tower and the once passed out party goers forced themselves awake.

"Shut the hell up!", came the tired moan of Elrond from the couch.

"You fool, I'm sure you know how to use the phone.", came Tom's voice from the floor.

Gandalf had forced himself up and dragged his feet over to Isildur. "What is it?", muttered the wizard.

"Finger, blood, gone, knief, kitchen, Sauron, table!", panicked the man from Gondor.

"What? Calm down and form sentances! It sounds like Sauron gave someone a bloody death in the kitchen with a knief and took the finger and the table!", said Gandalf has he slapped some sense into his roomie.

Isildur took a deep breath than dragged Gandalf to the kitchen. Gandalf took note of the crime scene and said, "Guess we should clear this place out BEFORE we get the authorities down here."

"Why not get the Nazgul to drive him there?"

"Better to be safe than sorry."

After forcing the others to leave which didn't happen easly. The hangovers where heavy on all of them. Most the high schoolers where trying to think up excuses for when they got home. The college student didn't have that big of a problem. The Nazgul where the only ones left and where to drive there Lord to be down to the hospital. They also spent the time searching the kitchen for the missing finger... more importantly the missing ring. Yet, there was still one problem... Sauron was still asleep.

"Hell no! I ain't waking his crazy ass up. You do it.", protested Isildur.

"Nope, your the only witness.", remined Gandalf.

"Hey! All my munchies are missing!", shouted Saruman from over at the fridge.

Gandalf got a wicked smile, "Oh, Saruman. Would you do us the biggest favor?"


"Wake up Sauron."

"Okay", shrugged Saruman has he poked the black clad man with a fork.

"Dude, he just lost his finger. He dosen't need to be stabed in the back with a fork!", pointed out Gandalf.

"I can't believe he slept threw the whole thing.", snickered Isildur.

"Well, he did drink alot. So did you. So did I. Hmmm... see a pattern here. Well, what are you waiting for? Wake him up!"

Saruman shrugged again and pushed Sauron out of his chair and he hit the floor with a hard thud. There was groan from the floor and a harsh mutter, "I feel like shit. My hand hurts. I have the munchies and my finger's missing and... wait a minute. My fingers missing! That stupid son of a bitch, dumb bastard!"

At that point, Isildur jetted out of the room before he was spotted. Sauron sat up from the floor and than a look of horror came over his face.

"That little shit! He took my damn ring! It took ages to make that thing and when I finally do, some druken fool from Gondor hacks off my finger!"


After the Nazgul had dragged Sauron off to the hospital. Gandalf and Saruman locked up Isengard and headed back to campus. Gandalf had no clue where Isildur went but knew sooner or later he wold show up at the dorm.

Gandalf only waited thirty minutes until Isildur finally showed. "What took you so long?"

"I hitch hiked all the way from Isengard."

Gandalf rolled his eyes than questioned, "So, you 'dropped' the knief?"

"Yeah, but I can't remember where I put the damn finger. So, what happened after I left?"

"Well, he kept babbling about a ring and how he was gonna make a vodoo doll out of all your family."

"Really... odd."

Gandalf raised an eyebrow at Isildur's wet kanga pocket on his pull over, hooded sweatshirt. "What's in your pocket?"

Isildur reached into his pocket that he had noticed was carrying extra weight. He pulled out a wet baggy full of ice and tossed it to Gandalf. He open it and reached inside than pulled out an ice cold, turned blue, finger.

"Note the black nail polish, this must be Sauron's finger."

"Dude, I had it in my pocket the whole time. Freaky.", said Isildur has he grabbed the baggy and digged threw it some more has he pulled out a ring.

"Sweet! In your face Sauron! Ha ha! I got it! I got it!", cheered Isildur has he pocketed the ring.

"Shouldn't you give that back", pondered Gandalf has he possed the finger back into the baggy.

"Nope! It's gotta have some evil power but what the hell. It looks neato."


"Now hold very still. This will feel like a bee sting.", said the old docter has if he was talking to a small child.

"Wait, whats in there?", questioned Sauron has he eyed the needle.

"Oh, just morphine to dull the pain."

"Hey, don't I get one of those morphine bottons?"

"Only if your in serious and continual pain."

"So, losing a finger isn't on your can do list?"


"Damn", muttered the goth has the docter injected the needle.

"Now what color of string do you want for you stiches?", asked the docter.

Sauron looked at the old man has if he where blind. The docter, realizing his painfully appearent answer, shrugged and said, "Forget I asked. Black it is!"


Boromir and Faramir climbed over the gate of their house. They darted across the lawn and pressed themselves against the house. Trying not to be seen. They tryed the back door but it was locked and they where left without a key. Boromir looked up at his window on the second floor.

Faramir dived into his open window that was on the first floor. He gustered for Boromir to follow. He entered his brothers room than snuck up stairs to his room. Un- caught. They had got away with another one.

Eowyn and Eomer pulled off something simular and made it in without being caught. Elladan, Elorhir, and Arwen had also used their sibling trust to sneak inside their house.

Aragorn wasn't has lucky and he had to use the front door while his mother waited down stairs for him. Busted. Gimli also failed at sneaking back inside. He tripped over the lounge chair and woke his parents. Legolas and Haldir didn't have any problems sense they both came from elf families and could sneak anywhere. The five hobbits had the best lad out plan... they told their parents they where going to an 'innocent' sleep over.


Sauron walked into his dorm, still feeling like shit. Than he noticed the door to the closet rattling has if something inside was thrashing about. He remembered Celeborn and opened the closet has an elf flopped onto the ground into the middle of the floor.

He was still bound and gagged has Sauron toyed with the idea of leaving him that way. Than he realized he had work to do. You know the usual... taking over Middle-earth, coming up with new torturing ideas, and poisining peoples innocence. Yet, today he had something different in mind, getting revenge and his ring back.

He undid the ropes and let Celeborn go. The elf ran out of the room to go find Galadriel and complain about his roomie to her. Sauron took out his palantir cell phone and see if Saruman would be intrested. Than the Nazgul and some dude that nobody could remember what his name is (Mouth of Sauron).

His plot to take over Middle-earth would soon form.

AN: Short and not that funny but this is what I like to call a plot mover. It gets the boring crap outta the way and makes way for the good stuff.
Preview: The campus has a black out and the students are forced to entertain each other. The ring finds a new keeper and than another one... will that piece of junk just make up it's mind! Oh... and the Council of Sauron... Elrond started a fad.

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