Different Tune to the Same Song
By: Kitty-chan
Chapter 3: Fridays are for Partying! (part 2)

AN: The second part of the party. Full of drunken fun and acts that will be regretted in the morening. Also, find out how Isildur REALLY got the One Ring.

Bilbo crawled under Gandalf's table and hid there for has long has possible. They had a sombre conversation while Gandalf kept the music going. Meanwhile, Elrond gave up and decided to find out if Sauron would share Galadriel (how kinky and wrong this sounds but remember their minds have been reduced to that of children by good ol' boozes).

Tom and Goldberry (who's hair and clothing were distorted... I wonder why and where were they the first half of the night. I'll let your wacko mind do the work :D ) started reciting "Grease" songs. At that point, Gandalf cranked the music loader to drown them out. Thorin was now dancing around and pretending to be Aaron Carter (scary). Theoden was passed out on the Lazy Boy and Beorn was chugging down a bottle of rum.

Outside the madness...

"Aragorn, is this such a good idea?", questioned Legolas.

"Of course it is! My plans never fail.", replied Aragorn.

"Right... what about that rock you hit Pip with. I warned against that.", reminded Legolas.

"Are you always a smart aleck pain in the ass? We really need to get you drunk.", mummbled Aragorn has he led the way towards the door to the tower. Saruman halted them has soon has they reached him.

"Sorry, no yougens at this party. Those are the rules of Gandy."

"Well, I think you'll be letting us in soon. We may have to wait a while but you'll understand when the times comes.", said Aragorn with a cocky smile.


Gandalf turned down the tunes when everyone decided they wanted to watch a movie. They all gathered around the television with beer and popcorn. Most where shoved on the couch but some sat on he floor. The next challenge would be for everyone to decide and agree upon a movie.

"Oooowwww, Titanic!", said Elrond giddiely.

"Your only saying that because your drunk and there's nudity.", grummbled Gandalf for he was the only one sane enought to work the VCR.

"I Know What You did Last Summer?", questioned Goldberry.

"Really? Okay than miss ESP what was it?", questioned Beorn.

"No, she means dat movie!", corrected Thorin.

"Star Wars!", chipped Galadriel.

"Which one?", asked Bilbo.

"Return of the Jedi!", said Sauron but by his odd smile you could tell he wasn't fully correct up stairs.


"Cuz... um... cuz... my ideal is in it!"

Isildur nodded, "I always saw you has a Darth Vader... er... except with red eyes and black nail polish."

"Realy? Personally I see you has a very tubby Han Solo."

"Can I please play the movie know?", interupted Gandalf.

"Quite! Don't interupt the Dark Lord while he's rambling!", said Sauron with a childish frown.

"If only the sombre version of you can see you know.", mummbled Gandalf has he put the movie in.

Darth Vader only got threw half his, "Luke, I am your father." line when a Nazgul made a horrible screech and beckoned everyone's attention.

"Oh, dear lord! We ran out of booze! I didn't even get wasted at my own party yet!", protested Gandalf.


Aragorn smirked at the sounds of various screams from inside. "Well, that must be our que."

Just than, Gandalf ran out and said hurriedly to Saruman, "Do you a hundred for another keg."

"Nope, I don...", before he could finish, Gandalf shushed him and turned to the teenagers with a blank exprestion.

That was broken when Aragorn waved a new hundred dollar bill in front of him. "Okay, so what do you want?", gave in Gandalf.

"Access to the party and to the beer."

"Let's see here... chance a police raid or get the keg, chance a police raid or... get the keg. Hmmm... I'll have to go with the keg!" (Responsible wizard my ass!)


"Man, getting drunk is harder than I thought.", complained Eowyn has she looked at her beer.

"What do ya mean, luv?", asked Arwen with a bleech and a twisted smile.

"What is wrong with her?", questioned Eomer.

"Uh... elf thing.", replied his sister.

Arwen cackled and let out a deep scream that would put most heavy metal bands to shame. She proceeded to dance around like a head banger until unexpecting Aragorn bumped into her. "Well, hullo there you sexy lil bitch.", grined Arwen up at Aragorn.

"Riiiiight, are you sure all she had was wisky?"

Eowyn shrugged, "Elves and beer don't mix but... she is right about that sexy bitch thing."

"Aragorn, I'll bet you fifty bucks that you'll be raped by one of these woman.", commented Faramir.

"It's not rape if he wants it", pointed out Boromir.

"Why in Middle-earth do I get the most daranged friends.", mummbled Aragorn.

"Just lucky!", cheered Arwen.

"Hey, where did the hobbit's go?", question Gimli has he emptied his cup.

"We're here!", said Merry and Pippin has they came running up. They each had elven writing on their foreheads.

Pippin frowned than said, "Those pshyco elves wanted to keep us has pets."

Aragorn bent down and read Pippin's forehead. "It says 'Property of Elrond' but it's crossed out and under it is 'Repossed by Legolas'!" Than he turned to Merry, "Hmmm... 'If found, return to Haldir'!"

"That doesn't explain where Frodo went off too.", reminded Gimli.

Just than Frodo walked out of the kitchen with a bag of chips, a jar of salsa, a litter of cola, ten bags of m&ms, and a jar of pickels. They looked at him oddly than jumped when Gandalf shouted , "No you don't... wait, nevermind. That just Saruman's stash of goodies. Continue."

"Good, I have the munchie's. Who's with me!", replied Frodo.

"Me!!", shouted Merry and Pippin has they chased after Frodo and his arm load of junk food.

The other room...

"I make the better Cher than you do!", proclaimed Goldberry.

"Sure diva you got the voice but you ain't nothing without a wonder bra!", snaped back Galadriel who left Sauron in the the coner to cut out snowflakes from paper while singing, "Revalations, revalations. 21-8, 21-8. Liers go to hell, liers go to hell. BURN, BURN, BURN." (If you have the King's James version you know what I'm talking about).

"Personally, I see Goldberry has Madonna and Galadriel has Cher.", put in Isildur.

Than three hobbit came in and dropped a huge amount of munchies on the table. They noticed that Gollum had escaped and mostly likly would not wish to return.

Two of the hobbit's ran back out and than came back in while chanting, "Sam just got layed!"

Frodo laughted, "And everyone thought he would lose his virginaty to me."

Merry and Pippin blinked than stood there while shrugging at each other.

"Well, well. Frody, we didn't need to know that but thanks anyway.", piped Legolas has he skidded over to the hobbits with Haldir right behind him.

"Well, it's those damn FF.net authors that keep doing it."

"I know what you mean. Those fan girls are a accident waiting to happen."

Haldir rolled his eyes, "Lego, you know you love the attention!"

"I know... damn that Orlando Bloom and his dashing good looks."

"Dude, get over yourself", grummbled Merry.

"Anyway, who layed Sam?", questioned Frodo.

"Roise, gods gift to hobbit men.", grummbled Pippin.

"He he, your jealous."

"Awww, shut up."


You knew it was coming! The buzz from there boozes was wearing off and the sedative was kicking in. Althought Haldir and Legolas where still taking turns on giving each other piggy back rides, the party had relativly calmed down.

"We tryed this already! Remember, I won!", said Sauron has he know sat at the kitchen table.

"You did not! You left wit blondy!", replied Isildur has he repetativly stabbed the table with a steak knife.



"Man slut."

"Son of a bitch."


"Ha! You already said that one!", smiled Isildur.

"Son of a whore!"

"Too late, I win know on to the drinking game."

"Sure, but if I lose than I will curse you into eternal damnation and your soul will burn in the fires of Mount Doom for challenging one of much higher authority than you."

Isildur raised an eyebrow, "Whatever, you need to lay off the heavy shit."

Isildur poured himself a shot than downed it. He filled up Sauron's shot glass. He looked at the glass and stared at it for a minute. "Well!?!", asked Isildur impatiently.

"Well what... just wait you insolent Gondorian."

"Just drink it."

"No I think I have your glass from last time."


"So, I think I should get a new one."

"Grr... drink the damn thing already!"

"Fine, fine. Has long has you don't have some horrible disease.", replied Sauron than he downed the shot.

After seven more shots and the fact that he was already smashed has hell, Sauron passed out on the table.

"Sweet! I won! In your face!", smiled Isildur drunkly who was still fiddling with the knife. He than went on to pass out and the knief sliped from his fingers. The sound of it hitting flesh than the table was the last thing heard throught out Isengard. Well, and Saruman's bitching from outside.

Last word: Some people write humor during sugar highs, hyper rushs, and drunken glee. I write from my insomniac insanity and lack of sleep. Anyway, I wrote this has soon has I read a death threat from a reviewer. Said "just kidding" but you can never be to sure. O_o Oh yeah, next chapter is alot of hangover mishap and a trip to the ER... cool... morphine botton.

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