Different Tune to the Same Song
By: Kitty-chan
Chapter 3: Fridays are for Parting! (part 1)

AN: Thank you all for reading and reviewing. Looks like by the reviewer's votes that Sauron is getting dead ass drunk if he likes it or not :P. And I thought the Dark Lord was unloved. Tee He He

Boromir came down the isle of the bus and sat down beside Aragorn in the back seat. Legolas and Gimli soon got on and sat in the seat in front of them.

"Hey, did ya here that Eowyn and Arwen are going to that big party down at Isengard.", said Legolas who was turned around in the seat to face Boromir and Aragorn.

"Whoa, I heard it was gonna be just college students and a lot of beer.", replied Aragorn.

"I wouldn't take the chance of sneaking in. I mean those chicks are under age.", thought Gimli aloud.

"Shut-up, your making those two women sound like they have more balls than us.", said Boromir with a glare.

"I say we pick up our little hobbit buddies and head down there!", said Faramir from the seat across from his brother.

"Yeah, I bet you anything that Elladan and Elrohir got Eomer to tag along too. Why shouldn't we show up?", pondered Aragorn.

"Because of one word: cops! Where under the legal age!", reminded Legolas.

"Yeah but we gotta live while we're young.", countered Boromir.

"Come on Legolas. Just do has I do and give into peer pressure.", put in Gimli.

"Fine but I highly doubt that Frodo and the others would be interested.", gave in Legolas.


"A party with beer and babes! Cool! Count me in!", cheered Merry.

"Are there really gonna be college chicks there!", piped Pippin.

"You heard right and Legolas thought you wouldn't be interested.", said Aragorn with a smile.

"Like hell we are! Lets go!", rejoiced Frodo.

"I might finally get layed!", Sam said a little to loudly.

Everyone in the room gave him odd stares and it became strangly quite. Boromir broke the silence, "Anyway... like Aragorn was saying, we should keep a low profile. Since some of our older sibling might be there."

"By the way, thats a nice hat Legolas. Still have blue hair?", questioned Merry.

Legolas frowned than pouted, "Yes, but it's only the roots now. I never realized how hard it was to wash that blue crap off."

"Well, la-de-da. Enought on Lego's hair. We have a party to get too! Lets make this Friday night promising.", Frodo bounced with excitment.


"You always have to bitch, bitch, bitch.", grummbled Gandalf.

"Well! If you plan a party at Isengard you have to tell ALL the Istari!", pouted Saruman has they stood outside the tower.

"I did, just not you! Look, people will be showing up soon. I need you to play bouncer. Don't let anyone in thats not on the list. Got it!"

Saruman nodded than said, "What will you be doing?"

"I'm the DJ and the host. Gotta a problem with that?"

"Well, yeah. I'll miss the party while standing outside."


"What was that?"

"Nevermind. I gotta um... check on the kegs.", lied Gandalf has he rushed back into the tower.

Later that night...

"Bilbo and Thorin, your on here. Tom and Theoden, yes.", Saruman said has he let another wave of party goers in.

Saruman watched has two more car loads of people drove up. "Goldberry, Galadriel, Elrond, and Beorn. Your clear. Hold up Sauron your on here but who are these nine?"

"They WHERE Ted, Mike, John, Joe, Steve, Andy, Ryan, Tim, and Kyle.", replied Sauron.

Saruman looked at the nine who wore the same outfits: black baggy jeans and black hooded sweatshirts that shadowed over there faces. "I thought they where jockes. What I see now are goths."

"Yes... well it could be worse. They could still be jockes."

"Yeah well there not on the list because Gandy didn't invite jockes so they aren't coming in!"

Sauron cringed than muttered, "I'll... be your friend."

"Okie-dokie! They can come in. Hey, wheres your roomie. He was invited."

"Uh... well... he's... um... kinda busy." (Flash to scene of Celeborn bound, gagged, and shoved into the closet).


"Shhhh! Be very quite. We need to find a way in.", wispered Faramir has himself and the other eight crawled threw the thick, dark forest.

"Well no shit Sherlock!", mubbled Pippin.

"Well screw you Watson!", shot back Faramir.

"Will you two shut the hell up!", grummbled Gimli.

"Quite, I hear something.", said Legolas.

"Come on Lego, your always hearing shit.", put in Boromir.

"No, I heard it to!", said Frodo with a nod.

"But your always hearing shit too!", Merry said but Sam nudged him when the sound of a twig braking from afar could be heard by all.

"I'll go investagate.", reassured Aragorn but has soon has steped out of the clearing he tripped over something.

"It's Rosie! What is she doing out here?", gasped Sam has he pointed at what Aragorn tripped over (a keen ranger my ass).

"I told you I heard something!", yelled Rosie into the woods behide her. Out stepped Eowyn, Eomer, Arwen, Elladan, and Elorhir.

Eowyn put her hands on her hips and said, "Well, well. What would you nine be doing out here?"

"Same thing has you six. Trying to sneak into the party.", replied Legolas.

"Six? You mean seven.", corrected Eomer.

"Seven my ass! You can't count!", protested Gimli but just than Haldir fell out of his tree and landed on him.

"Shit, what did I land on? A rock?", grummbled Haldir.

"Naw, just Gimi.", shrugged Merry.

"Nimmble wood elf my ass.", mummbled Aragorn.

"Look who's talking!", answered Haldir.

"Well, theres no way in unless someone can think up a plan.", said Arwen to change the subject.

"I have just the plan.", said Aragorn with a grin.

"What would that be?", said Rosie who was now standing.

"Everybody, gather up all the money you have.", Aragorn annouced.


Steve the Nazgul walked over to the DJ table where Gandalf sat. "May I help you?", questioned the wizard.

"I have a requessst.", said Steve the Nazgul with a very hissing voice.

"Okay, whats wrong with Linkin Park, Blink-182, and Limp Bizkit."

"My Lord would like to here sssomething of hisss tassstesss."

"Lord, huh? Well if it Britney, BSB, and/or *Nsync it willn't by heard by any Lord of any kind tonight."

"More like Godsssmack, Rob ZZombie, and Maryiln Manssson."

"Can do.", said Gandalf with a smile.

Else where...

"I say we slash the tires to Elrond's cars and steal his *hick* hub caps.", giggled Galadriel evily.

"What did I do? I love Ritz Bitz! I luv Cheetos! I wuv me booze!", said a slumped over Elrond.

"Man, when elves get smashed they do it hard and quick.", noted Bilbo.

"Aw... elves drink like wussies. With there light beer and mixed drinks. But the dwarves, we go straight for the hard liqueur and vodka!", smiled Thorin has he took another swig of vodka.

"Forget you! Rum and ale are the way to go!", shouted Beorn louder than was needed.

"Where is my damn martini glass!", said Theoden who was crawling on the floor with his martini glass on the table.

Half the Nazgul where already passed sombre. Galadriel latched onto one of the Nazgul and said with a slur, "I wanna gothy boy for Chirstmas. I gotta pretty wring from elfie Cela-cela-born, where is dat wacky little elfie. A wring from dat naughty little boy Sauron, yup that pretty little gothy!"

"Hey, can I have a gothy too!", wimpered Elrond.

"NO! They belong to me. You can have a Goll-meagol.", said Galadriel with a crazy smile.

"They are so wasted.", Bilbo mummbled.

"Anyone ssseen SSSauron?", questioned a Nazgul.

"He went in the back room with Isildur.", said Beorn.

"Ooppsies, they must be having a funny game. Come on gothy Nazzagul, lets help Elronny-dey chase Smea-llumy", smiled Galadriel who was starting to make no sense.

Most everyone headed to the back room and soon has the door opened they could tell Sauron and Isildur where having a drinking game from the two shotglasses, five empty bottles on the table, and four still full ones.

"I challenge thee O tubby Gondor man! Wit my predie little wring and... and... it predie, no?", slurred the goth has he downed another shot.

"I like goldie thingies wit... wit. Hey, are yo eyes really wred?", mummbled Isldur.

"Naw ah! Tubby try to trick me! Tiz me secert! No tell but I tell you dis! I shall rule the world! Muhaahaahaa!"

They notice the group of specktators that has gathered around. Sauron jumps out of his seat and into Galadriel's arms.

"I'm gonna get a pet cheerleader for my Birthday.", he cheered.

Isildur rips Gollum out of Elrond arms, "My kitty!"

Elrond becomes a weeping heap on the floor but than notices Bilbo and a smirk grows on his face. Bilbo who was still somber, dropped his beer and ran.

To be continued.... don't you just hate me for this. It's not nearly over, the night is still young and part 2 of chapter 3 is just begging to be written.

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