Different Tune to the Same Song
Chapter 1: Many Not So Good Meetings

Author Notes: These characters don't belong to me. They belong to Mr. Tolkien yet I have altered them quite a bit (ex: someone who was father and son will be older and younger brothers instead). This story starts out in a modern day Middle-earth and its basicly the story of the Ring if it came about in a different time. Well, enjoy!

The Middle-earth University lay north of the Shire near the mirror like lake Evendim... but what the hell I'm not has talented has Tolkien so I willn't get in to deep about the setting. The important thing is you know where the hell I'm talking about... you don't... WELL THERES A MAP IN THE BOOK DON'T ASK ME!!!

Now where was I?


The hobbit waved good-bye to his teen-aged cousin and walked forward onto the campus with his last box of things in his arms. He looked looked around foundly and headed toward his dorm.

-I'm finally here! No longer sitting around at Bag-End. There's fine single ladies and I'm FINALLY able to legally drink.- The young Bilbo Baggins smirked to himself.

He entred his empty dorm to find it not so empty.

His room mate had arrived and he was a young dwarf with a nicely trimed go-tee and was busyly setting up a playstation system. The dwarf looked up has Bilbo walked in. He smiled and said, "So, you must be Bilbo?"

"Yes, and you must be Thorin."

"Thats me, so ya ever play Twisted Metal."

Another smirk speard on Bilbo's face. -This is gonna be a very promising year indeed.-


The twenty-one year old wizard sulked down the hallway. If he had to be Saruman's room mate for another year than he was going to have to kill himself. -Wait, than Saruman would want to sell my remains on Ebay. That wouln't be the wisest thing you've done, Gandalf.-

He sighed at the thought and decided if Saruman said so much has 'hello' to him, heads where gonna roll. He opened the door with a jerk and stepped in the reveal that know one was inside.

Just before he could contemplate the idea that he would get his own room, he was knocked over has a box full of cloths littered all over him. Gandalf looked over at the intruder to see a young man also cluttered with laundry and an empty laundry basket wrapped in his arms.

"Crap, I'm sorry. You must be Gandalf. Such a shame we had to meet like this.", said the man has he pulled a dirty sock off the brim of Gandalf's baseball cap.

"And you are?"

"Isildur.", he plainly said and stood up than held out a hand to help Gandalf up.

Before he could stand someone else came running into the room and knocked them over again. "Damnit, Aragorn! What did I tell you about doing that!?!", protested Isildur.

Isildur's younger brother, Aragorn stood there with a smile. He seemed to be in his teens and still attending High School. "Couldn't help it. Brotherly habit.", Aragorn said with a toothy smile has if daring his older brother to come after him.

Isildur smirked than said, "Gandalf here is a wizard. I wouldn't need to chase you if thats what you where thinking. Now, get back to the car before he turns you into a troll or something of that kind."

"I'm not a little kid anymore. I don't believe in such folk tales."

Gandalf stood to his full height and looked down on young Aragorn and said, "Really, well seeing is believing." He snaped his fingers and a flicker of blue flame jumped from him fingers.

Aragorn jumped back than muttered, "I'll be going now." He than turned and ran down the hall.

"I shall call you Strider for you are not nearly running fast enought!.", shouted Gandalf after him with Isildur's snickering in the background.


Saruman halted infront of his door. The young wizard paused and than shuddered. Out of all the people in the school he had to dorm with Smeagol. I shy student that made no friends and people couldn't help but fell sorry for him. The nickname around campus for him was Gollum for he studdered and had a voice smilliar to that of an un-broke teenager. It was also rumored that he had split personalities.

Saruman shrugged off the thought and went in. Smeagol was small and thin for a young adult male. He sat quitly on his bed while reading a thick book. He didn't even look up or take notice of Saruman. He just sat there and went on reading.

Saruman grabed his bookbag and left. He than headed to east campus in hopes of fiding Gandalf so he could make this year another living hell for him.


Beorn yawned and watched has his long time friend and soon to be room mate drove. Elrond an elf from Rivendall sighed and forced himself to stay awake.

"Maybe I should take a turn.", said the well built young man with a tattoo of a snarling brown bear upon his right arm.

"Don't worry. We're almost to campus. I just don't wanna hit an Ent or anything."

"Why an Ent? Out of all thing you say an Ent."

"Cuz its the only thing that could kill us but walk away with only a few burnt leaves."

Beorn shook his head at his elven friend. -To think that one day Elrond would be in charge of the Last Homely Home. It seems unlikly but I guess all Elves are a tad bit "different" in there young adult years.-

The car ride went on in peace and with little conversation.


The young man had short dark black hair, a pale face, and was clothed has a goth. He pushed the door of his dorm open with his shoulder for in his arms was a fairly large box.

"Hello! You must be my room mate! Well, I'm Celeborn! Nice To Meet You! Can I help you with your boxes?", said the golden haired elf has he grabed onto the box and tried to pull it from his unwilling room mate.

"I'd rather you not.", reasponed the voice on the other side. -Sweet mother of Barad-Dur! Don't tell me I've been cursed to stay with this, this ELF!-

The goth sighed and let go of the box. The elf and the box went crashing to the floor. Celebrant looked up sheepishly than said, "Hey! You'r one of those weird kids from Mordor!"

Celeborn looked at the name in marker on the side of the box. "Sour-ron?"

"It's Sauron you twit. It's my name.", responed the goth.

"Oohhhh! I see it now!"

-Ignore urge to hang him on my dash board like fuzzy dice. Ignore urge to hang him on my dash board like fuzzy dice. Ignore urge to hang him on my dash board like fuzzy dice. Ignore urge to hang him on my dash board like fuzz...-

"You wanna play Hang Man or something?"

"Sure, where's the rope?", mummbled Sauron


Tom Bombadil sighed and waited for the arrivel of his room mate called Theoden a young lad from Rohan. Tom jumped has the door quickly swung open and shut but it wasn't Theoden it was a young man in baggy jeans and a gray t-shirt.

"Shhhhhh!", he wispered to Tom. "Can I hide in here a moment? I'm trying to avoid someone."

Tom shrugged than said, "Sure, it's fine with me."

"Great, by the way I'm Gandalf and I live in the dorm across from you."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Tom."

The room went silent again has Saruman walked by while calling, "Here Gandy Gandy."

"What does he think I'm an idiot?", sighed Gandalf has soon has Saruman got out of ear shot.

"Well, I better be going now. Be sure to come to my party it's on Friday and bring your room mate oh and booze.", said the wizard has he left.

Theoden came in a secent later, "Who was that guy?"

"Oh, some wizard. So what are you doing Friday night?"


Galadriel cleared her throat has she looked down upon the offender. Goldberry stood beside her with a frown. Saruman slowly shut the door he was peering into and turned around to face the angery elves.

"So what is it you find so intresting that could be in our dorm? Could it be we have a peeping privert amongst us?", groweled the elven Galadriel.

"Look you don't understand. I was merly looking for someone. I didn't mean any harm. Honest!", coward the young wizard.

"Sure, thats what they all say but we don't buy it so now you will face the wrath of two very pissed off elven bitch's!", said Goldberry has she dripped with anger.

Oh, crap! You really sank deep into the shit pot this time. Thought Saruman has he gulped with fear. You do not want to piss off elven women.


"We finally made it!", said Elrond with a sigh. He than clasped on the lower bunk and fell asleep in mere secents. Beorn might have done the same if it wasn't for the loud thud against the wall. He looked over at his elven friend who was unphased so he went out side to investegate.

Out in the hall there was a wizard that must have been caught without his staff. For he was hanging on the wall by a coat hook and was bound and gagged. By the knots that where tied in an elven style he could tell this was done by elves.

Beorn was about to let the struggeling wizard free until someone tapped his shoulder. The young man turned around to see another wizard in a gray T-shirt standing before him.

"Hi, I'm Gandalf. Don't let him go and believe me it isn't worth it. Be sure to come to my party and farwell.", the wizard turned and left. He was has quickly gone has he had quickly appeared. Beorn shrugged and left Saruman hanging in his place on the wall.

Please find the time to review. I would be very happy if you did. I know its short but the on the next chapter we go to the dreaded High School (insert violent shudder). For the hell of it just tell me who your looking forward to seeing in High School.

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