Dept. for Wimmin and Fangrrrls
"Get a life!"
by The Doc
Let me introduce you to Pete and Mandy:

Pete is a loyal supporter of Man U (a football team - soccer for those over the pond), Mandy is really into Stargate SG-1.

PETE ...

wears the club shirt, talks about the last, past, present and future games, and there be god before anybody tries to keep him away from attending the game on Saturday afternoon. He flicks through "Bizarre" and "E-Cup" magazine while at the newsagents (hey, he's only human), he doesn't mind a bit of a blue movie once in a while - sometimes also one with two girls - which, as we know from the reports of the scientists, is ranking very high in male sexual fantasies (what he liked most about the Spice Girls was Ginger's butt).


wears a t-shirt which shows Jack, talks about the last, past present and future episodes and there be god before anybody tries to keep her away from watching Stargate when it's up. She flicks through "TV Zone", "Cult TV" and "Starburst" while at the newsagents (hey, she's only human), and she doesn't mind a bit of fan fiction once in a while, sometimes also a slashy one - that's two blokes - which, as we know from the reports of the scientists, is ranking very high in female sexual fantasies (and she thinks RDA has a nice rear end).

PETE ...

is a "normal guy".

Mandy ...

"needs to get a life".

Can you spell "double standards", boys and girls?

Poor Mandy - she's at the bottom of the pecking order. Even male sci-fi fans are better off - agreed, they are considered "geeky and weird", but at the same time regarded as intelligent individuals, interested in technology and science. While Mandy and her friends �are "bored middle-aged housewives with too much times at hand".

To become a webmaster, one has either to be creative and a man or odd and obsessed and a woman. Well, thanks god for the odd and obsessed ones - if you'd take away all the websites created by women within this fandom, you could delete at least 90 % of your bookmarks!

Quite frankly: I don't give a rodent's rectum what journalists and assorted daftodils write, think or bicker about female sci-fi fans. I know we're a bunch of real kewl chicks, and we kick ass!

And no, I don't feel one itsy bitsy weeny li'l bit bad about my heart skipping a beat when I see a nice looking male. I'm 33 - not dead.
"...  'Pink Khaki' is just another website the world
doesn't need, run by a couple of stupid women
with too much time at hand who'd better spend their
time cooking for their children than drooling over
actors who wouldn't talk to them at conventions
if they weren't paid for it and who desperately need
to get a life. I doubt any of you have read the sci-fi
classics, in fact you don't know a damned thing about
sci-fi, all you know is Star Trek and Stargate.
Give us all a break and stop giving sci-fi fans
a bad name! ... "
Usually, mails like John's (who didn't have the grapefruits to use a working return addy), below, end up in the big round file that gets emptied every day. Usually. But not when we're one editorial short of an issue and under influence of PMS �... >:)
Not that I mind football, though ....
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