Dept. for Creative Lines
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Unfortunately we can't answer all mail privately. Thanks!

Kewl Editorial Doc

My husband thinks that I'm obsessed with TWTIDJ and thinks I spend far too much time on the web drooling over said god and not cleaning the house.  Especially as I have recently discovered MSFANS!   But then he goes fishing so hey go figure.

Keep up the good work and stuff those people who diss us.

So far, over 30 people have offered donations with the purpose to get Mac O'Phile to do some topless posting for Pink Khaki.

We'll try our best, folks, we'll try our best ...!

Your PK-14 Team
Thanks a lot for your article on Jonas. You're no fans, but at least you tried to be fair and let each side speak their mind that's fair enough and more than we got these last months. I too hope there will be a S7 there is so much more to discover about Jonas. And thanks for the ring trivia.

Will there be a coverage of S6/7? Any chance of a Corky interview? Thunk of the month? Anything?

The cartoons are outstanding great artwork. Loved Sam and her bike <vbg>.

Keep up the good work

Pink Khaki sez:
Thanks! Well, we're sure the fishes won't share your hub's point of view - they'd certainly rather have him surfing! ;-)
Pink Khaki sez:
Yes, of course we'll cover season 6 and 7 (if there should be one) - alas not in the way of episode reviews or in-depth analysis. Others do this much better (and with more enthusiasm) than we ever could.

Interviews are delivered as and if they come - please keep in mind we're a very small online fan zine, not a big magazine. If we get interviews, then out of pure niceness of the interviewees. It's not like we can chose whom to interview, or that we get any interviews at all. But again: we try our best. :)

Gotta say Issue 3 is a damn fine specimin!

One teensy-weensy thingummy:

Re:  Sulkson's pad in Porridge - in the general blurb you state it is in Suffolk, which is Down South somewhere, however, in the actual artikel caption on the photo, it states that Sulkson Manor is in Porridge
LANCS which as everyone knows, is OOP NORTH!!!  Clearer directions pleez or was it deliberate to see
how closely folks actually READ your mag? hehehe (fishin' for a t-shirt here hehehehe)

LOVE all aspects of the issue esp the cartoons and the splendid advice (with translations) to fans for chatrooms etc.  Nice to know what MOTEM means LOL <G>

Wish I could draw like Leah and Makka (How DO you pronounce that?!) so many damn good t-shirt ideas and can't draw for toffee! LOL

Keep up the most splendid good work and many of my thanks to your compatriots/collaborators also.  The
story part II was also excellent.

Husky xxx
Fishing for t-shirts, are we, ha! Well, we'll see. ;-)

Damn, you blew up our cover, oh observant reader: actually, Sulkson Manor is neither in Lancashire nor in Suffolk. Only we have the address, and we won't share, mwuahahahahaha!

How to pronounce "M�kka": 'Mac' as in MacGyver and "ka" as in don't say it till you tried it. Mac kah. :-)

Thanks a lot for your nice comments, mucho appreciato!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

This is Great..... ok so far I've only read the editorials and I'm already giggling!

Don't have time to read the rest tonight, but I'll be doing it over the next few days. Please keep up the good work, we luv ya for it!

Luv n hugs

You're happy - we're happy. :-)
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