Dept. for Characters
Swimming with
boots on
"The intent was to have Daniel's death be a motivating factor in Jonas's decision
to abandon his world and come to Earth. The end of one story became
the genesis for another."
Author Joe Mallozzi on the SDJ discussion board
Our vet once told me that the main reasons cats and dogs don't get along was a misunderstanding: Cats purr when they feel good, and wag their tails when they are miffed. Dogs, on the other hand, growl when they are angry, and wag their tails when they feel fine. Cat purrs - dog feels attacked. Cat wags tail - dog wants to play.

Something similar happened with the introduction of the character of Jonas Quinn: the authors felt that connecting Daniel's "death" with Jonas "birth" would be a natural circle. Something ended, something started. That's how I understand Joe Mallozzi's statement above.

Now, if you look at it from the authors point of view, this does make sense. What was overseen, tough, is, that authors create characters and write lines for them, give them a life - but it's the fans' imagination and compassion that turns them into living beings and gives them a soul. Many fans felt the introduction of Jonas Quinn in the same episode as Daniel's departure was an act of disrespect. This impression was supported by some statements of Michael Shanks, who seems to share this point of view.

But a new viewer has no connection with the "old" Stargate team - not yet. For somebody new to the show, there *is* no Meridian - so, before I grabbed the keyboard and started to write this article, I sat down and watched all the season 6 episodes aired so far (with exception of "Nightwalkers") and tried to see the show with the eyes of somebody who has never seen Stargate before. Difficult task, but not impossible.

I asked myself: if I'd never watched Stargate, didn't know the pre-history, hadn't seen Meridian - how would I react to Jonas Quinn? Under these conditions, I actually didn't have any negative feelings about Jonas. But I wasn't enthusiastic, either. The character doesn't touch me, because, for me, his soul is missing. What makes Jonas tick? What's his story? I can't connect with a character which doesn't have a background. "Shadow Play" was a step in the right direction, but the episode was, IHO, too weak to really flesh out Jonas more. Corin Nemec sure did his best, but he was limited by a script which was not the best ever written for the show.

I want to know what Jonas likes. What he dislikes. What makes him angry. Doesn't he miss his family? Was there a "special somebody" back home? What and who did he leave?  These are the things that turn a fictional character into a living and breathing being. In the interest of this, I certainly hope for a 7th season, also to give Corin Nemec the chance to really get into the role.

Maybe some of you have noticed the ring Jonas wears? We asked Joe Mallozzi about it. He told us that

"... the ring has significance for both the actor and the character of Jonas.  In Shadow Play (I believe it was), he is talking to Teal'c and, as he refers to all he left behind on his homeworld, you see him give the ring a subtle look. The ring belonged to someone Jonas was close to.  Hopefully we'll find out more in episodes to come."

So maybe a more in-depth look at  Jonas will come in the second half of season 6. It would be a shame if not.

I will not get into the discussion of Jonas being a suitable replacement for Daniel, not a suitable one or no replacement at all.  I could imagine many of you are as tired of it as I am. But what I'd like to say, though, is, that I, personally, would have most probably reacted more positive on the character of Jonas Quinn if the pressure to like him hadn't been so ever-present. Characters have  been discussed and taken apart ever since day one - just remember Anise/Freya! But I can't remember ever having read that somebody was accused of not liking Anise because of being a devoted Sam Carter fan. Which would be nonsense, anyway. So, if you ask me why Jonas Quinn hasn't convinced me yet, I can say in all honesty:  the reason is that the character hasn't convinced me yet.

Daniel Jackson's ascension and Jonas Quinn's joining of the team have changed the face of Stargate forever. It will never be the same show again.  The decision if we're happy with this new face is up to each of us, and we should be allowed to make it without being belittled for liking or not liking Jonas.

There are a lot of people out there who like the new addition to the team. And there are also a lot who have their doubts, and I'd like to thank them all for sharing their thoughts with us. Big hugs go out to Lisa,  Webmouse, Skydiver, Wahooni, ZachWZ, Gategeek, Lene, Jobeth, Jan, Steve, Alison, Susan and GateSkater for their input. :-)
So, my thoughts on Jonas so far.... I think his character
has brought some of the  'sense of wonder' back to the
show that's been missing in latter seasons.
SG-1 has become almost blas� about visiting
new worlds, being captured  by evil
System Lords, etc. Even Teal'c has become
accustomed to the ways of the Tauri!
Jonas brings that element back to the show,
he questions things and I like that.
It's fun to watch the team learning to cope with
the new guy. It enables us to see different
aspects of their personalities, particularly Teal'c.
He seems to be building quite a rapport with
Jonas, trying to help/guide Jonas in his dealings
with the SGC personnel. Also he's giving Sam
a lot more opportunity to crack 'funnies', even
tho' they are at his expense :)
Fave Jonas moments ... so far:

Redemption Pt2 - on the ramp where he 'nudges'
Carter into the right direction about taking the
Stargate out of the SGC.

Descent - where he risks his life to go back
and help  O'Neill and Carter.

Nightwalkers - following Teal'cs lead in choice of
drink at the bar, and his interesting lunch of onion
rings and chocolate milkshake the following day.

And on the purely 'trivial' note, I also like Jonas
because he does look very good in those tight,
uniform t-shirts they make him wear :D
To date I've only seen Jonas in the first eps of S6
(up to The Other Guys). I very much want to like him,
but feel that the writers have spent more time on
giving reasons why the SGC should like him rather
than the audience. Thus far Jonas hasn't been given
very much to do that has had any emotional depth and
has left me wondering why I'm supposed to care
about him. He can't be left to save the team in every
ep nor is it satisfying to watch him read another book.

If I could pick a few moments that struck me at all then:

Nightwalkers - when Sam slapped Jonas, and then
later when he realized that she was in complete contro
and only hit him to "make it look convincing."

Shadow Play - when Jonas admits that if he stays a
minute past the negotiations he'll be arrested for

The Other Guys - when the team learns that Khonsu
won't be there to get them out of their situation, nice
look of panic and frustration from Jonas.
If there is a tremendous advantage to the change from Daniel to Jonas it is that the team had lost much of the wide-eyed innocence, our view through their eyes of the wonders they see. In the film, that view was supplied by Daniel (James Spader). In COTG, it was Sam and her fascination when first seeing the event horizon. Later, it was T'ealc as he discovers the oddities of Earth culture and customs. Jack is the stable, seen-it-all, wise-cracking military man, but he has moved from Kurt Russell's intense and suicidal character to RDA's humor and charm -- but not innocence.

SG1 and the audience were all getting a bit jaded. Seen the Goa'uld, been captured by this or that villain, died and resurrected a few times, been there, done that.

Now Jonas is the one who remarks on the "firsts" and the new things around him. How long the writers can sustain that is unknown. Perhaps through a possible 7th season. They've given Jonas a lot room to grow and change; now they need to let some stories focus on that and let the audience experience everything anew.

I remain patient and hopeful, but with network TV one shouldn't get too attached to anything that seems sensible
What I like about Jonas:
He does bring a freshness to the show. Everyone seemed to be a bit tired in season 5. I have nothing specific to quote, folks just seemed so subdued. Things are different now. There's a new energy to the show.
Jonas has enthusiasm and an eager to please attitide that i think any of us would have given the circumstances.
He knows he's not totally welcome...but I haven't seen him sitting in the corner whining about it, he's accepted it and is working to prove himself.
He seems to be to be a guy that's not going to judge you...rather accept you just as you are.
The favorite eps...Descent and Shadowplay.
Descent because that's when he truly became a member of the team and was accepted by Jack. He accepted Jack's limits and did what he could within the scope of his limitations. Then in the end, he also showed that he has the initiative to know when to ignore orders and do something to save the team.
In shadowplay we got to see a bit of the price he paid to leave his home. How many of us could literally grab some valuables from our boss and walk out the door, knowing full well we can never return? What he did took guts. He had the foresight to see that at times sacrifices need to be made in the quest for the 'greater good'

Jonas moments.:
I like how he and teal'c talk. They've done it several times and it seems that those two have a good chemistry. I also liked it in descent when he realized that even though he was on the team, he had a lot to learn. He may know 'book learning' but he is woefully innocent in the aspects of 'real life'.

What would i like to see in season 7 :
Wow, i can't even imagine that we're talking about a season 7. I'd resigned myself to it ending in 15 eps or so.
I think i would like to find out for sure what happened to his home world...and either return to lead his people, or to find a nitch where he can continue to learn and help his adopted people.
He isn't going to give up! He may not ring a winner the first time around but he will try again....and again.... and again.

Besides, he is an underdog and I always root for the underdog. LOL! :)
"Shadow Play" was a lost opportunity to really show what JQ was to that government, what they lost and what he gave up. Instead the writers were so focused on lifting the plot from "A Beautiful Mind" that they lost sight of what could be done to give Jonas more depth by giving him more background.

Just speaking of his regret is not enough. I want to see that regret.

I still don't know what leaving Callona means to JQ -- did he have a girlfriend, wife, child, parents, best friends? Where is his yearning for them? Teal'c at least returns to home now and then to catch up with family and old friends.

Shouldn't JQ be wishing he could do that -
oh, but no, he'd be shot for treason.
His family and friends have disowned him.
He can't go home again.

We should be seeing that,
not just imagining it.
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