His adventures as a member of the PK-14 team are followed by millions of fans all over the world with baited breath every week - Dr. Denzyl M. Sulkson,  TV's most famous archaeologist and linguist.

He's published several books ("The Mesozoikum and its influence on the development of the the consonants in Northern Minnesota"), written a humorous history of modern archaeology ("Budge from Budge"), has worked on digs in Mexico, Egypt and Honduras and recently published his critically highly acclaimed biography ("Dr. Dig's Diaries").

Denzyl Sulkson - geeky scientist or modern Indiana Jones? We finally got the chance to visit the shy archaeologist in his rural summer residence in England which he shares with five cats and, at times, PK-14, hoping to find the private person rather than the scientist.
Dept. for Housing
Coffee, Cats and Cookies
Pink Khaki visits Dr. Denzyl Sulkson at his summer residence in England
While a BBC TV team prepares for an interview with "Dr. Dig" for the Discovery Channel, Dr. Sulkson courteously shows us around his pride, the spaceous garden on the back of the house.

"On a nice, sunny day I know of no greater pleasure than sit outside and read a good book. Unfortunatley ..." he sighs dramatically, "... I have absolutely no knack for gardening. General Allmint, who's really got a green thumb, and Col. O'Phile supervised the planning for this little paradise here." Having said that, we now arrive on a small clearing inmidst the old trees, and there he is, the fearless leader of PK-14, lying in a hammock, reading VIZ magazine.

Sulkson waves, and behind the magazine, we hear a familiar voice grumble: "Whatcha doing?" "These ladies are from an online magazine. We just talked about my English country garden", Sulkson explains. The colonel drops the magazine. "For crying out loud, Denzyl, it's *not* an English garden!"
"He's been under a lot of stress lately. Usually, he's a really nice guy." Sulkson apologetically explains when we turn to go back to the house. "I'm not under stress! But you forgot to tape the hockey game! Could make a saint lose his temper! The only hockey game for weeks! Usually it's nothing else but cricket, cricket and cricket again! What a country!" the colonel scowls, and Sulkson hastily herds us back to the house.

"Eh ... I think I better show you my library now ..." he murmurs, and just before we step back into the house, we hear Col. O'Phile shout: "... and don't forget to bring me a bottle of brown ale when you come back here!" So we can confirm that PK-14 really *is* like a small family ...
The library is a wonderful, spaceous room with book shelves all along, and a cozy fire place in one corner. "I spend a lot of time here. The room has a very special atmosphere. Do you know legend goes that this house was used as a secret romantic hideout by Elizabeth I.?" We notice the collection of german beer tankards on the top of the shelves. "Ehr ... my grandfather used to collect them. He's an archaeologist as well, and right now he's abroad, so I keep an eye on them." He pauses, then adds: "The colonel is very fond of them."

So this is the place where the famous Dr. Sulkson deciphered the secrets of ancient cultures ? Sulkson laughs. "No, no, I do this in my office, back at the mountain. I really try *not* to work here. Actually, all I read here a books by Agatha Christie!" And pointing at the antique chess set: "When Sil'k is here, we play chess. But it's no fun, he always wins."
1. Who were your childhood heroes?
    My dad, Batman and Animal of the Muppet Show.

2. What makes you laugh?
    Every joke which I'm not the target of! ::he laughs::
    Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch knocks me out
    every time. Budge's translations.

3. What does a perfect day look like for you?
    We go off world for a mission, I return unharmed, in one
    piece, not dead, not drugged, not unwillingly married and
    my fishes are still alive.

4. Which part of your body would you consider "sexy"?
    ::this question causes a deep blush::
    The things you girls want to know ... nose. I like my nose.

5. Any secret passions?
    ::very evil grin:: ah ... I'm not telling ... but it involves a
    certain doctor I know, a bottle of champagne and a
    hot water bottle ...
The doctor offers us a seat, tea and coffee, as well as some freshly baked cookies. "Try the chocolate ones, they are lovely." We are amazed - 23 languages, and he can also bake cookies? Sulkson laughs. "No! No! They come from Starbucks, Major Smarter gets them every day. In return, I left her my garage to work on her bike! I couldn't bake if my life depended on it, and if I'd try ... well, you wouldn't want to try, believe me!"

Another smile follows when we ask him why he's not sharing the coffee, as we've heard he was addicted to coffeine. "I am, but even more, I'm addicted to nicotine!" He asks if we would mind if he'd light himself one, then offers us a cigarette, but we pass. "I know, it's horrible. I started back in college and don't seem to be able to stop. Whenever I'm nervous, I'm smoking. I went through three packets when we had the Oak'ra on base the last time. Pastiz/Leia is definitely not good for my health. What a woman!"

He inhales once again, then moves his chair closer to us. "The Colonel hates it, and so does Sil'k. Last week, Mac called the fire brigade when I smoked in the garden, telling them there was a fire. I was soaked to the bone!" He gives another hearty laugh, and leans back. "But that's nothing compared to the lecture I got from Dr. Racier when she saw my tattoo during the last check-up!" A tattoo? We are surprised - what kind of tattoo might this be?

Sulkson gives us a mischievous smile. "It's a tribal." And *where* is the tattoo in question? Sulkson gives us a downright naughty laugh: "Eh - I'm not telling!" and wiggles his eyebrows. Darn the man!

By now, the director of the TV looks very unhappy, so we decide to hurry up, but we won't leave without having asked
6. If you could talk in front of all the people in the world for two minutes, what would you say?
    Hm, that's difficult ::gives it some thought: I guess I'd go for Oscar Wilde:
"As long as war is regarded as wicked it will always have its fascinations.
When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular."
We are impressed. And the Doc is grateful she brought a ladder with her, this way she can at least see the colonel's hawaiian shirt with the dancing pink elephants, which is - special.

O'Phile takes off his reading glasses, glares at us and explains: "This is an old sunken garden in Italian style. Granite was used and then softened with ivy, campanulas and boxus in tubs. On either side of the steps is a parterre  with boxus on the outside and santolina filling the center.

I've made the pots myself, I wish to add. Denzyl and Major Smarter tried to help, but it ended with both of them getting stuck to the pottery table, so Sil'k and me had to hose them down." A dreamy smile lights up the handsome face in front of us. "Ah. What a great day this was ..." With a look at Dr. Sulkson's expression, the colonel decides to change the subject.

"Well, back to the garden. This manor is tudor, and in those times, Italian gardens were very fashionable. One should think ..." the colonel mutters, and gives Sulkson, who's slightly blushing, a stern look, "... that somebody who can speak 23 languages should be able to know the difference between Italian and English!"

And directed to us: "Don't forget to mention this in your report! He's a linguist and he can't tell an Italian garden from an English one!"
Our time is up, we're led out by Dr. Sulkson's secretary Ludmilla, and bump into Colonel O'Phile again, who's on his way to the local supermarket to get some iced green tea, he says. He tells us that Ludmilla was a former russian shot-putter and was hired personally by Dr. Racier to look after Dr. Sulkson ... and we have no reason to doubt this statement!
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