When "DL"'s talk about "JA" and "TPTB" post on "GW", "IMHO" it's a bit difficult for "newbies" within the "SGF" to understand what people are talking about.

What river float's a "shippers" boat? Do "slashers" use knives or razors?

"TWTID" or "MOTEM" - it's a slang on its own. Following the good idea of "PK" reader Baterista9, who wondered what the heck a "Gekko Charmer" is, we bring you now Dr. Jackson's glossary, hoping this will help you to find your way thru the fandom jungle! "YCBYAIW!"
Dept. for lost cases
Dr. Jackson's Glossary
(we just couldn't resist ...)
You don't have to be a linguist to understand "Fan Speech"!
RDA = Richard Dean Anderson

J, JN, JON = Jack O'Neill

Jack O'Neill (see episode "Double Jeopardy", where Jack fights with his robot double, who tells him to "bring it on flyboy!) Flyboy is a mocking description of a male member of the US air force.

Anderson's production company is called "Gekko Film Corp.". If you want to know the story behind this name, please hop over to RDAnderson.com.

Fama volat that RDA is called "The Dog Whisperer" (a spoof on "The Horse Whisperer") by his friends. "The Gekko Charmer" is the result of a private joke - we think he could even charm a gekko if he wanted to (ah well), not only because he's a V.A.M. (Very Attractive Male).

In connection with RDA you might also find the terms
S.O.L. (sex on legs) and S.O.A.P. (sex on a plate). Hey, we're only reporting ...!
MS = Michael Shanks

MGS = Michael Garrett Shanks

D, DJ = Daniel Jackson

Spoof on Ivana Trump's nickname for Donald Trump, "The Donald".

TWTID = The Wonder That Is Daniel

Adlib change of the script in "The Serpent's Lair" by RDA: when Jack hugs Daniel, whom he believed to be dead, after seeing him alive and well back at the SGC, he says: "Spacemonkey, yes!" As per MS, nobody has a clue where this came from. Not even RDA himself!

Jack calls Daniel "plantboy" in the episode "One False Step".

Never used in the show. These are fan-made nicknames.

MS could be described as a
M.O.T.E.M. - a Mild On The Eyes Male. Some people (including MS) insist DJ's got a V.C.R. (Very Cute Rear).
DJ: M.O.T.E.M. with a V.C.R.
RDA: V.A.M. with a V.C.T.
AT = Amanda Tapping

S, SC, Sam, Sammie = Samantha Carter

We don't know of any nicknames - if you do, please let us know. But what we can say for sure is that Amanda Tapping is
DDG (Drop Dead Gorgeous).

Submitted by Major Sam: "On set, between AT and TR, they call themselves Gazelle(AT) and Turtle(TR):) it's an inside joke thing, don't ask me how it originated :)"
CJ = Christopher Judge

T, TC = Teal'c

We rather not say anything but enjoy the view. Woah momma!!!
CN = Corin Nemec

J, JQ = Jonas Quinn

Jonas Quinn is
TNG - The New Guy. We've also spotted the term "TSB" - T-Shirt Boy (due to tight fitting t-shirts).
DSD = Don S. Davis

GH = General Hammond, George Hammond

Rumours go he's called
"General Daddy" on the set. (pssst - we didn't tell you!)

Another very affectionate nickname is "Hammie" (awwwwww ...) :-)
On the right we have

TR = Teryl Rothery

JT, JF = Dr. Janet Frasier

We think the term most appropriate in connection with the doc is, needles aside, "cute". Teryl Rothery also got the nickname
"turtle" (because she carried such a huge back pack in the episode "The Tomb" and somehow resembled a turtle).

On the left you see

VA = Vanessa Angel

A/F = Anise/Freya (Anise is the snake, Freya the host. Anise has a thing about Daniel, Freya about Jack. Darn - life is full of difficult decisions!)

The most frequent nicknames for A/F you can come across in the fandom are
"Tok'ra Spice" and "Tok'ra Barbie". The reasons are obvious ...
Other actors and their characters:

TB, TMB = Tom Mcbeath
HM = Harry Maybourne

CC = Colin Cunningham
PD = Paul Davis
If you hear somebody talking about "Major Cutie Pie", she/he's talking about this gentleman. :-)

JR, JB, JRB = JR Bourne
MT/LS = Martouf / Lantash (Martouf was the host, Lantash the snake) Tok'ra with a thing about Sam, who, for a short time, was the host for his love Jolinar (JN, JL). Affectionate nicknames: Marty and Touffie.

GJ = Gary Jones
thisguybehindthecontroldeskIcanneverrememberthenameoff ...
Jack called him "Walter", but that's not his name. So "Chevron Guy" is much handier.
The general term for those involved in the production of the show and making decisions is "TPTB" - The Powers That Be. You might also see "Big Wigs" - this term originates from the - ehr - wigs of questionable aesthetical value worn by lawyers and judges in British Court. It means: those with the power to make decisions.

HC = Hank Cohen     BW = Brad Wright     MG = Michael Greenburg    RDA = Richard Dean Anderson

JM = Joe Mallozzi     PM = Paul Mullie     RCC = Robert C. Cooper     MW = Martin Wood     PdL = Peter deLuise
Most of the descriptions for "fan camps" originate from various message boards and mailing lists and have, over the time, become part of the fandom speech. While a "Danielite" used to be somebody who was posting on the Danielite mailing list, it's now become some kind of a general description for all fans of Daniel. And not every fan of Jack will describe herself (I use the female term here, no offense meant to all male Jack-fans) as a "Jackette"! There are Tealconites, Samsters and Jonasarians - it's a confusing universe we live in! The general term for fans of Stargate SG-1 is "Gaters."

When talk comes to websites (which can also host some "fan camps"), you might hear this:

GW     = Gateworld - website as well as forum on delphi
MSFC = Michael Shanks Fan Club (not official)
SDJ    = Save Daniel Jackson - describes the website as well as the campaign itself and the campaigners
SGF    = Stargatefans
SJHW = Sam Jack Horse Women

Shipper = this comes from "relationship", and is used as a term for those who'd like to see two characters involved in a romantic relationship - most popular couple is S/J = Sam and Jack. But also the D/J = Daniel and Janet pairing has a lot of fans (please note: don't mix it up with J/D = Jack and Daniel ... that's something completely different)

Slasher = those who'd like to see two characters of the same gender involved in a romantic relationship - most popular pairing here is J/D = Jack and Daniel, but D/P (P/D) has also friends = Daniel and Paul Davis. That's for the m/m = male / male. Regarding f /f = female / female, J/S = Janet and Sam. The term "slash" originates from the time where the first "slash" stories appeared, which were about Kirk/Spock - the "/" separating the names giving the genre its name.

Slacker = Some Like All Characters. I think this is the baby of Glendaat over at GW; a nice description for those who don't want to have a specific sticker attached. :-)
When chatting, you might stumble over the following abreviations:
Something wrong here? Know of other "codes"? Let us know!
We'll add things as they come.
=  the better/equal/worse half, girlfriend, wife, boyfriend, husband - the Significant Other :-)
=  spoiler
=  Garage Door Opener
=  "just my two cents" - the same as
=  in my humble/honest oppinion
=  you know you've seen too much Stargate when ...
=  laughing out loud
=  rolling on the floor laughing out  loud
=  rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
=  grin
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