Dept. for Hot Babes
Look like a million dollar
at the next convention!
Colonel Mac O'Phile, applying his patented "weedwhacker" haircut
on Major Dawn Smarter.
Do not try this at home, boys and girls!
Denzyl agreed that Sil'k needed to let his hair down more often.
He just wasn't sure *how* ...
"A woman whose smile is open
and whose expression is glad
has a kind of beauty
no matter what she wears."
Anne Roiphe
Remember when you got home from the last convention? You've sworn yourself that the next convention, you'd look absolutely stunning. Those few little extra pounds - gone. The cellulite - gone. Wrinkles - zilch. You had no doubt you'd look like peaches and cream, and after all, there were still months to go for the big day - plenty of time to get yourself in shape.

So far for wishful thinking. The reality, at least in this household here, is: darn! Only two weeks to go! I look horrible!! Diet! Regime! Yoghurt!!! Hairdresser! Jogging! Fitness studio! No way I'll show my face looking like this! Panic!

Sounds familiar? Let me tell you one thing: just forget it. Don't punish yourself and make yourself feel miserable for the next weeks, just because you feel you need to "look great". You'll look great if you are great - no matter the size.

Let's see what we could do to look yummy despite all the little thingies we dislike about our body we usually try to ignore, but which seem to magnify proportionally with every day we get closer to an event which is important to us.
First and most important: you can't change the way you've been for years within two weeks. It's just not possible. You gotta work with what you have.
Don't make the mistake to put yourself on a strict diet with the target to lose a lot of weight within a short time. It's not healthy, and you'll feel bad. Most women tend to become really grumpy when on a diet - don't ruin the fun for yourself and your friends.
Best thing you can do for your complexion is to drink lots of water. Dehydrated skin looks grey and unhealthy.
Wash and style your hair the day *before* The Day. Hair needs a day to settle down again after the stress of being washed, it will be much easier to style and hold its form longer.
Most conventions involve lotsa standing around and queuing. So wear comfortable clothes and shoes - which does not mean you gotta look sloppy!
Our tip: jeans are very comfortable. Try a pair of dark denims, they are absolutely high in fashion and don't look scruffy.
A nice top can do wonders, and you should prefer it to some oversized t-shirt.
Leave the back pack to MacGyver - go for a nice big lady bag instead. Only take with you what you really need, and don't play the mule for your friends - they are all old enough to carry their stuff themselves!
Avoid sneakers - you're not about to run a marathon. Rather go for a comfortable shoe with a small heel. Unless you're really tall, don't wear flat shoes, they make your legs look short.
Don't try to cheat yourself by wearing too tight clothes - they will not make you look slimmer. You'll actually look much better in nicely fitting clothes.
If you feel you don't look good in an uniform, don't wear it. There's no point in feeling self-conscious all weekend because you're not comfortable in the BDU's.
Accessories can work wonders! A small broche on a plain top can look really stylish!
You will always look better when you're feeling good, relaxed, are comfortable in your skin and smiling. Yes, it's true, the first thing we *see* is the outer appearance, but the first thing we *note* is a persons charisma. We all are normal women, and also if we might not look like a supermodel, we are all special, each of us in our very own special way. Never forget this: you are special, unique and lovely. Write it on your mirror so you won't forget it!
Some easy to follow tips to look good and feel even better!
Meeting the "Staaahs"
Of course they are not better than you or me. But it's perfectly natural if you're nervous when meeting up with one of the actors or actresses. It has nothing to do with "hero worship" or "being a fan" - it *is* strange to meet somebody you know so much about without him/her knowing you at all.

It can be a help if you recall before going over and asking for an autograph that also Michael Shanks has to carry out the trash can and Amanda Tapping doesn't look like Amanda Tapping when wearing curlers and a cucumber mask (ok. It's only an example.)

Don't feel intimidated - ok, actor X might have made a movie, but you have born and risen two kids - that's QUITE something, dear!!!

What these people do deserve, though,is the same you deserve, too: respect. Having bought a ticket doesn't mean having bought the artist. It's not a carte blanche to grope or get overly familiar. And before you ask "boxers or briefs" - ask yourself how you'd react if a complete stranger would come up to you and ask "panties or string, baby?"  ;-)
Make-up and perfume are great - if used with good measure.
If you have lovely eyes: accentuate them and leave away the lipstick or go for a lip gloss.
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