Old Updates

6/02/00         Its Summer vacation!!!  This means I can spend a little more time to make this page better then my old one.  I hope everyone likes this layout....Its not quite pink, but its close enough.  I just got a new FF7 Dojinshi  called Sweet Portion so I will have some scans of Cloud and Aerith up as soon as I can.

            Well I seem to be doing this day by day ^_^  1/2 of the series pages are up, but they dont have the series info.  If someone would like to write a short review on an anime series please E-mail me!  It will save me a lot of time.  If you would like to to a summary of your Fave anime  couples story that would also save me ALOT of time as well.  This page is going to depend a lot on all of you.  If you have a fanart, fic, or maybe some pics please send em in.  The couples request page is not going to come up untill I am done with everything first ^_^ so please dont send me any E-mail about that yet.  As of now I have updated the Tiffa & Cloud page and the Cloud & Aeris page  ( I am doing this right down the list, not by demand).

            Got the Heero and Relena page up today!  Found a ton of pics last night of them and Kenshin & Kaoru.  Right now  the only people that are comming in here are my friends (hey guys) or people using the Ring of Trunks and Pan.  If you guys know of any couple rings that I could join please E-mail me!  The search thingys are taking forever to put me on :(  and Please sign my guestbook!!!

           Sorry But nothing big today :( just a few pics.  I will do a BIG update in the next 2 days though!!! Hey did you guys know that they are making a Final Fantasy Movie?!! I heard about it a year or 2 ago....but it was just a rumor that they would do an anime for FF7(too bad that was not true).  It sounds kind of cool...Click here to get some info on it!

Hey guys sorry it took so long to update I was in Orlando for a few days.  Updates are going to be on and off all day...so stop by now and then. Most Updates have been for Fushigi Yuugi. The Tasuki and Miaka page is up, but its very empty right now -_-.  I am thinking about putting 3 new series up (as soon as I get caught up ) they will be Card Capture Sakura, Call Me Princess, and Maison Ikkoku.  What do ya think??  Just to let you guys know I'm ready to post fanart (now that most of the pages are up) so send em in!!!!!!!

          Well today I got up the Aya and Tooya page (just some pics), Bulma and Vegeta Page (lots put up), Trunks and Pan Page ( lots put up), and started working on the Goten and Bra page (not up yet).  Its just been a Dragon Ball kind of day! I dont know about updates tomorrow because  I have to go back up to Orlando because my mom has to pick my sister up from Space camp  (only 4 girls in the whole thing!!!!).  I dont mind going though,  because this means I get to shop at the huge ass Ron Jon surf shop....and maybe pick up some more manga ^_^. I will not get home till like 5:00, BUT my sister will want to sit in front of the CPU for the rest of the night (since she has not had it for a week) so I may only get a teeny weeny update in late at night.  I really need some Fanart (not trunks & pan or Vegeta and Bulma though) and fanfics!  Even if you did not write it Tell me about it so I can see if I wanna post it or not. Links updated too!

          Wow Two days in a row! If ya did not see yesterdays update then here is a qick sum of what is up now:  Usagi & Mamoru, Goku & Chi-Chu, Miki & Yuu, and 3 new links.  *ahem* Today I am going to beg for someone ta help me make some small animated GIF buttons  -_- This Photoshop is harder then I thought.  I have all the picks...I just need someone ta make them into a GIF for me.  Please if you can help me I will luv ya forever ^_^.  One more thing...I have only got one fanart so far -_-  please send in some pics!
more updates later....buh bye!

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