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Liu Xu : (940) Jiu Tang Shu
(Old History of the Tang Dynasty)

Top:  a terracotta figure of a Kunlun from the Tang Dynasty 618-907 (27.5cmH)

Right: A Kunlun dancer found in a tomb in Asitana, Xinjiang
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Also called : Chiu Tang shu

Jiu Tang Shu
Referring to a lion dance, the Old Tang Dynastic History notes that the man who leads the dance "has the appearance of a native from Kunlun" (an African slave)

About Ha-ling (or Kalinga) country (Javanese nation )�..
In the tenth year, (815 to the court of Hsing Tung) sends an envoy who offers 5 Seng-qi boys, a parrot, the pin-ga bird and the different specific valuables�.. In the13th year (818), they send an envoy with 2 Seng-qi woman, a parrot, the hawk's-bill turtle and a live rhinoceros and so on.

In the third heavenly stem, the Hi-ling country sends an envoy who offers the Seng-ki boy and 5 colors parrot, the speaking bird and the famous exotic fragrance treasure.
Note to Zangi Slaves

Note: Interestingly, lion dance figurines dating from the Tang dynasty in China, look very much like the lion dance we know today. Tang-Dynasty literature contains detailed descriptions of Kunlun people, further testified by vivid tri-color pottery figures from this period. A group of male pottery figures unearthed in the 1950s around Shaanxi's Xi'an (known as Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty) and Xianyang clearly portray the physical features of Black people. Chang'an was the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

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