As illustration only; the east African part of an anonymous medieval world map
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Hamza al-Isfahani: Tarikh Sini muluk al-ardh wa�l-anbiya
(d. after 961)
from Ispahan Persia
(History of the Years of the Kings of the Earth and Its Prophets)

Taken from: Arabic Historical Thought in the Classical Period by Tarif Khalidi

Know that the inhabited parts of the earth�s quarter, despite diversity in regions, is divided among seven great nations: China, India, Black Africa, the Berbers, the Byzantines, the Turks and the Aryans. Among them the Aryans, who are the Persians, are in the midst of these kingdoms, surrounded by these six nations. For the south-east of the earth is held by China, the north east by the Turks, the mid-south by India and opposite them the Byzantines in the mid-north, the south west by the Africans and opposite them the Berbers in the north-west .. ..

Note: This does not learn us a lot about East-Africa. This entry is just there as a representative of a different school of philosophical-geographical thinking in Persia. Persia is the center of the world. Surrounded by the big nations. A different thinking from the normal geographers who made the countries in the first clime to be man-eaters, different from the standards of humanity. Other authors in this school are Biruni and Al Tawhidi and grandson of bin Shadi.
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