This is my 12 Thematic Peices

I personally like this image bacause of the red of the flower!

This photos I took while camping in Wyoming. The fire is very vibrant!

This phto gives my flashbacks to the time I was almost attacked by a black bear. It was scary but thank God I survived to make this webpage!

This photo is one of my favorates. The way the road disapears into the mountains makes it look cool!

This photo shows the hot springs in Yellowstone National Park. I think its cool because you dont really see this terrain anywere else in the USA.

When I go out west I do a lot of fishing. This photos shows a picture of a trout swiming in the stream. Im suprised I didnt scare him away!

This photos shows one the the peaks from a mountain in Wyoming. I like this shot because the contrast between the sky and the peak.

I like this photo because of the rainbow in the background. It shows the beauty of the landscape.

This photo is a wild Coyote in Yellowstone.

While I was driving to Yellowtone, I saw this cow laying in the grass. I thought it looked cool so I took a photo.

This car I took a picture of. No clue how long its been there but it made for a cool photo.

This is a photo of my one friend from camp. I like it beacuse of the water dripping down from the fish.