trip 06 (Albany, New York, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Istanbul, Mui Ne (Viet Nam), Saigon, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney), trip 05 (Albany, New York, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Bruge, Belgium, Prague, Beijing, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney), Brooklyn life, Trip 2007 (Sydney, Las Vegas, NYC, San Pedro Guatemala, Warsaw, Hamburg, Edinburgh, Manchester, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Singapore, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, VIDEOS,

Romantic poem of the week for Wednesday, 10 May 2000  current weekly romantic poem  NEXT POEM
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Holy Order of Mans 1974 Terrell Neuage - Kansas


by all the things

of my past

toys, notebooks, pictures, letters, books,

souvenirs, photographs, wedding dressess...

I pour the fluid

a mixture of blood and gasoline (unleaded)

I light the match

a lifetime so quickly consumed

I sweep up the ashes

Portable memories in a jar

Easy to carry wherever I travel

Memories can never be destroyed

only the world can.

8-20-94 Victor Harbor south Australia

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