The Bet


Portly Robust

When I was 12, I hung around with the guys in the neighborhood. I was, and still am, a tomboy for sure. I stood 5’2" tall and was very healthy, strong and a little beefy to be exact. I weighed 125 pounds and had big tits already. Long red hair, always pulled back into a ponytail and pretty green eyes. The boys love playing games and rough housing around with me and I had a great time with them also.

One day one of the guys, Billy, said that he could drink more milk than anyone else. All the kids had to try and out do him, including me. By the time the contest was over, Billy had downed 4 - 32 ounce glasses of milk and the best anyone else could do was about three of them. I was only able to drink a little over two 32-ounce glasses before I felt very full and stopped. Billy was right. He could drink more milk than anyone else, but I was not to be out done by him. I made Billy a bet. I bet him that in two weeks I could drink more milk than he could and if I did he would have to give up his Base Ball bat, glove and ball... He agreed.

I hurried home and decided that if I was to beat him I needed to stretch my stomach out so I could hold over a gallon of milk. I got the new gallon jug from the refer and drank as mush of it as I could hold before my stomach began to hurt. And every minute or so I took a large gulp and swallowed hard forcing it into my full belly. I felt it stretch with every large gulp. All day and into the night I kept my belly packed full of milk hopping it may stretch it out enough to beat Billy.

The next day I did the same thing. I grabbed a full jug of milk and drank as much as I thought I could hold and then took another large gulp and forced it down. I kept my belly as full as possible and it was in pain most of the day. By the end of the evening and bed time I had drank a total of 4 gallons of milk, but that was all I had all day.

The third day I nearly finished the entire gallon on the first try. I had about an inch left in the jug and tried to force it into my swollen and stretching belly. Unable to I just continued to keep myself so over filled with milk that my belly hurt all day. Yet I didn’t seem to mind the minor pain because I knew I was going to get that bat, ball, and glove.

The forth day I stuffed the entire gallon of milk into my round swollen belly on the first try and knew then that I was going to win if I just kept it up. I packed away 6 gallons that day and swore I would drink even more the next.

By the time of the contest, I had picked up a few extra pounds and every one knew it. They could see it in my legs and arms not to mention my belly, which had become quite full and round. But I didn’t care and wanted to get on with the contest. Billy was ready and I was also. We had a total of 8 gallons of milk on the table in front of us and I thought that if we even came close to finishing it we should go down in the book of records or something.

Billy and I started at the same time and we downed the first gallon in no time. I started on the second, as did Billy, and got half way through it when Billy put his down. I was still drinking and could stuff it in my fat swelling belly easily. The second jug was finished for me and Billy was trying to stuff the balance of his second jug into his big belly. I, by this time, was full to the brim but knew that Billy would eventually finish his second jug, so I started to force the third into my belly, causing it to stretch and grow to accommodate the added volume. I kept swallowing and swallowing even after the pain started. I couldn’t let Billy win. I forced more and more milk into my belly and all of a sudden I could feel a real cool feeling deep in my lower belly and all kinds of room develop in my stomach. The pain went away as fast, and I proceeded to inhale the balance of the third gallon in no time. I picked up the forth gallon and emptied it into my now bloated belly and felt as though I still had room for more. No more pain and I didn’t want to stop filling my expanding gut. It was a little harder to force the fifth gallon into my fat monster belly but I did, and when I was finished with it all the guys said they could not believe I could become so big. Billy was working on his third gallon and was about finished but he looked bad, sick or something. I grabbed one of his jugs of milk and began to force it in to my huge growing belly. I ended up drinking the last jug as well and tried to stand. I was unable to do so with out help and after I got up I could not see my feet over my mammoth belly. I had a great feeling all through my body and that is the time I learned what a climax was because I was climaxing over and over. My shorts were wet and the guys thought I was peeing my pants.

I won the BET!




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