My Cousin


Portly Robust

I am 16 years old, 4’8" tall, and I have been practicing acrobatics sense I was 4. Before I had to stay with my cousin, I weighed 98 pounds and it was all muscle. Now I weigh, , , well read on and you will find out.

As I said I had to stay at my cousins house because my parents were going out of town for two weeks. Pete and I were in a cabin way back in the woods of Tennessee all by our selves and I felt quite safe with him, but that was not to last. Pete was 20 and had always been a nice guy. Pete told me that he thought that I needed to gain a little weight. I thought my weight was fine but he said he was going to fatten up his little cousin weather she liked it or not. He tied me to a big easy chair and began to make me eat. He started shoving food into my mouth. Every time I tried to take a breath, it seemed, after swallowing what he had just made me eat, he stuffed my mouth full again. I pretty much had no alternative but to swallow what he fed me. I tried to spit it out many times and he covered my mouth and made me chew and swallow everything. He fed me and fed me for the longest time, and I was so full I thought I could not take another bite and told him so. He kept my mouth full of food and made me swallow everything. I felt horrible for the longest time and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

When I awoke, it was almost morning and I was still bound in the chair. He was ready for me, and once again began to force feed me. I was still quite full from the feeding the night before and didn’t really want to eat anything else, but he insisted and just continued to stuff my mouth full of food. He was patient with me this morning and allowed me to pack the food into my swollen belly at my own pace. He said he just wanted me to keep my belly so overstuffed that it almost hurt.

Pete let me go to the bathroom a couple of times and I did try to run away but when I exerted myself, I had such pain that I collapsed to the floor. He rebound me to the chair and was quite angry that I had tired to escape. He fed me and fed me to the point my belly hurt and then made me pack even more in my aching belly.

That after noon I decided to give in to him totally and just see if I could please him enough to let me loose from my bindings. This seemed to work and by nightfall I was allowed to roam the cabin freely, however I had to promise to keep myself so full of food that I thought I might puke. Funny thing though, all through this ordeal I never once even felt as though I was going to puke, I just felt absolutely stuffed.

I ate and ate for three straight days and on the morning of the forth day when I awoke I noticed something about myself that I hadn’t noticed before. I was getting a fat round belly and my whole body seemed to be getting bigger. Pete had me fill my belly quickly this morning and told me that he wanted me to eat as much as I possibly could. Believe it or not, I felt hungry and by this time could care less how I looked so I really packed it in. I ate more than I ever had, and then some. My belly was so full and tight I thought it might burst. And yet Pete wanted me to try and get even more into it. Slowly I swallowed mouth full after mouth full into my fat roundly packed belly, stretching it out further and further as I was forcing everything down. I really began to hurt at this point, so he let me rest in the easy chair for half an hour or so, then back to the feeding. I was in the bathroom about every hour now taking huge dumps and trying to make myself puke. My belly was kept so stuffed full that it was impossible for me to puke anything out, I don’t know why, I just couldn’t.

By that evening, I had eaten so much, and my belly was so fat that all I wanted to do was lay there and rub it and my swollen tits. My legs seemed to be staying the same size, strong meaty thighs and fat calves, but my upper arms seemed to be getting a little heavier. You couldn’t tell though because of the muscle but I swear they were bigger.

Pete, every now and then, came over to me with a banana and had me bite off big chunks and try to swallow them whole. I got the hang of it after a while and even that became effortless. It seemed like each day he wanted to make me eat more food than the previous day. I started to worry a bit about tomorrow. I soon fell asleep.

5:00 AM came early on day five and I was up before Pete. My belly was still round and fat and seemed to feel full. Even before Pete woke up I was thinking about how he would have me stuffing my face with anything he could find. I was starting to get use to the feeling of by belly stretching out with the constant eating. I wondered if it was doing damage in some way or if all it would do was to make gain weight and get fat. Well if that was all it would do then I won’t worry about it and try to find some way to enjoy it.

Pete awoke a short time later and the feeding began. I sat their and ate everything, and rather quickly as a mater of fact. My belly grew fat and round in no time today, but I was able to stuff quite a bit more into it before I began to ache. I sat back in the chair gorged full of food and thought, what would happen if I tried to pack it fuller than it was? Would I be able to handle the pain? Would it burst inside me? Could I make it hold more and more by stretching it out further each day? Wait a minute. Am I nuts? Why would I even think about these things? I could not, and can not to this day, explain it.

I decided to shove more food into my packed and already bloated belly. I got up and Pete asked where I thought I was going. I told him I wanted to get something more to eat, and that was all he needed to hear. He shot into the kitchen and shot out with a bounty of foods. He started feeding me. The more he shoveled into my mouth the more eagerly I swallowed. I felt my belly stretching from the inside and strangely enough, wanted it to grow even larger. The only thing that stopped me from making it as big as a house was the pain. I could only eat so much past a certain point and I couldn’t stand the pain and had to stop. Pete could see the pain in my face and noticed that my belly was straining at its sides to grow wider. He no longer forced me to fill my belly. It was as full as it could get.

Day after day the feedings went on. I filled my aching belly as full as I could possibly get it, and then some, each and every day. It had been almost three weeks sense Pete started force feeding me and I had gained weight fore sure. The other thing I noticed was that I was doing all the feeding now and was longing for the feeling of my belly becoming packed full. My body shape had changed and was changing almost daily. My tits had become these huge heavy mounds of flesh, solid to the touch and sitting high on my chest, hardly sagging at all. My strong upper arms were much bigger and still had some muscle tone. My powerful meaty thighs had grown fuller and become more round. My fat calves became much bigger, they were very muscular before but I always saw them as fat any way. My butt and hips had picked up a couple of inches, but the thing I was amassed by was my belly. My entire middle, from my tits to my twat, was full and round. And when I ate, it could grow to what seemed to be twice its size and became tight and hard. Bloated out front and bulging out both sides it became huge, as though I were pregnant.

I now longed for this feeling and would eat until I attained it. Then I just worked at keeping it that way the rest of the day. I continually ate, sometimes to the point that it became very hard to swallow anything down against the pressure of my extremely swollen belly. Pete sat back and watched me as I gorged myself. He never did anything else to force me to eat after the feeling I had took over and made me want to do it myself.

On the 3rd day of the forth week we drove to my house and waited for my parents. Pete thought he had better go and I agreed as it was going to be hard enough to explain my weight gain much less that he had started it. Pete left and I was then alone at home to enjoy the feeding by myself. I filled my wanton gut to it’s fullest and then drank another glass of milk just to feel the over filling stretch it out. I went to my mothers sewing kit and got the tape. Around my fat bloated belly I placed the tape and saw that I measured 68" in the middle, 42 in the tits, and 40 in the waist. At 4’8" tall I was one healthy girl. I hopped onto the scales and about passed out when I saw the dial stop at 158 pounds. I had gained 60 pounds in a little under a month. Shit, what would my parents say?




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