The Law and Sin

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It may be believed by some Christians that the law should punish those who commit sin. In many cases that is true, in other cases its false. Some Christians may also commit acts of violence in hopes of preventing more sin such as the acts of murder committed to anti-abortion Christians. In my opinion these questions must be taken individually in such a manner that the law allows for a civilized world and that what is a sin should come from scripture. What is law should come from how we must behave in order to live in a civilized world.

Take as an example those people who bomb abortion clinics in the name of God. They believe that are doing Gods work, regardless of people get killed in the process. Does the Bible agree with this sentiment? No. It does not. It is written (Romans 3:8) 

Why not say - as we are being slanderously reported as saying and as some claim we say "Let us do evil so that good may result"? Their condemnation is deserved.

This is merely the ole' The ends justifies the means excuse. 

What about homosexuality? This is certainly a tough issue. My heart goes out to gay people because it appears as if they are simply born this way and we wish to conform them to fit our sense of decor. Many people believe that gay people chose this way of life. There is about as much choice they have for being gay as there is choice for others to be heterosexual. Nobody has ever woken up in the morning and says Hmmm! I think I'll be gay from now on. Yeah! That's it!

Personally I could care less as to what goes on behind closed doors so long as nobody is getting hurt or risking their lives. People commit sin all the time and a homosexual act is simply one of them. Nobody cares if a man and women commit sodammy behind closed doors and that's just about the same kind of sin as what gay people do behind their doors. 

Should we condemn them and stone them to death if caught in the act as the Old Testament says to do? I believe not. This is an entirely different world we live in. Unlike the Old Testament we no longer stone people to death for adultery either. It'd be like sending people to jail for having sex before marriage and I predict that prohibition against such acts will never be penalized by capital punishment.

What about gay people getting married? As I mentioned above, I could care less what people do behind closed doors. If people want to call their partner their spouse and have it be a civil union and have all legal ramifications pertaining to marriage apply to those who are bonded in a civil union then I say Why not? Do I believe it is a marriage? No. The term marriage has a specific meaning so why change it? From Webster's dictionary

The state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law.

I'm against changing the meaning of words to fit into what a minority hold to be true. But I believe in the spirit of what gay people wish to do, i.e. to have all the legal rights and responsibilities for their partners. However I do believe that this should be voted upon and I will be happy with the result regardless if my side does not win.

What about alcohol and drugs?  No child ever said to themselves I want to be an alcoholic/drug addict when I grow up. Yet it happens. Alcoholism and Drug Addictions are diseases. Yet is sinful to become drunk and by extension to misuse drugs. I don't think I'll ever understand this dichotomy. However here people are being harmed behind closed doors since living as an alcoholics or drug addict is a serious risk to their lives. Should we send these people to jail? I believe, even though that it is sinful and people are risking their lives doing this it should be against the law to sell drugs and legal to buy them. The selling of it being illegal will put the people helping the addiction behind bars while the people who are affected by the drugs will easily be able to get medical help. Today there is a stigma against people with this disease. I don't believe that a cure will be easily forthcoming until the stigmatization of this disease is eradiated.  Today's  laws serves to make the addict/alcoholic highly reluctant to seek medical help. I say let us help cure these people rather than send then off to jail and make things much worse.

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