Laws of Electrodynamics

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Historical Outline of Electrodynamics 

600 B.C.Thales of Miletus, a Greek mathematician, astronomer and philosopher, noted that when amber is rubber with silk it produces sparks and can attract bits of straw, silk or other light objects. It should be noted that the Greek word for amber is elektron. This term will be used thousands of years later in creating new terminology such as electron, electronics, electric, electricity, electrodynamics, etc.  Thales also noted the attractive power of a natural magnetic rock called loadstone found in a place called “Magnesia.” This word will also be used later to refer to magnet, magnetism and other such terminology. [1]

1269 A.D.Peter Peregrinus of Maricourt from Picardy using a globular magnet or loadstone and let a needle set on the magnet and, when the needle settled, drew a lines parallel to the needle. Eventually the entire globe was covered with lines. The lines formed circles which crossed at two points on opposite sides of the magnet which reminded him of the meridians on earth which all passed through the north and south poles of the magnet. Struck by the analogy Maricourt proposed to call these two points on the magnet the poles of the magnet. [2]

1600 A.D.William Gilbert of England performed the first systematic experiments of electric and magnetic phenomena. His results were described in is famous book De Magnete. Gilbert also invented the electroscope for measuring electrostatic effects. He was also the first person to realize that the earth itself is a huge magnet as well as demonstrate that amber was not the only substance that displayed electrification properties. Gilbert was the one who used the term electric to refer to the forces that, e.g. a piece of amber rubbed with silk exerted on bits of matter. Thus he originated the term electric force. [3]

1750 A.D.Benjamin Franklin of America experimented with electricity that led him to his invention of the lightning rod. He is also credited for the law of conservation of charge and also determined that there were both positive and negative charges. [4][5] 

1795 A.D. – Charles Augustine de Coulomb of France measured electric and magnetic forces with a delicate torsion balance. The results of these experiments resulted in what is now referred to as Coulomb’s Law. [5] 

1800 A.D.Alessandro Volta of Italy invented the voltaic cell and, connecting them in series, created the first battery. [5] 

1819 A.D.Hans Christian Oersted, during a lab demonstration, accidentally found that a current carrying wire caused a nearby compass needle to deflect thus discovering that electric current produces magnetism. [5] 

1831 A.D.Michael Faraday of London showed that a time varying magnetic field produces an electric current. Thus Faraday showed that magnetism could produce electricity. [5]  

1873 A.D.James Clerk Maxwell used Faraday’s investigations to enable him to establish the interdependency of electricity and magnetism. In his classic treatise of 1872 he published the first unified theory of electricity and magnetism and founded the science of electromagnetics. Maxwell also postulated that light was an electromagnetic wave. [5] 

1888 A.D.Heinrich Hertz of Germany vindicated Maxwell’s theories by generating radio waves of about 5 meters in wavelength. [6]


When either a rubber rod or a glass rod is rubbed with a particular material it will become “electrified” in that it will attract small bits of paper or cloth. The process of rubbing the rod is called charging the rod and the physical change on the rod is that the amount of something on the rod either increases or decreases. This “something” is now referred to as charge. In the days of Benjamin Franklin it was thought that charge was a type of invisible fluid present in all matter. Franklin showed that charge comes in both positive and negative quantities. In fact it was Franklin who coined the terms negative charge and positive charge and hence the term charge was coined. The terms negative and positive refer to whether the charges attract or repel each other. Like charges attract while unlike charges repel. In the years following Franklin it was shown that what was either leaving or gaining charge was the change in the number of charged particles we call electrons. ” (From the Greek word for elektron which means amber)
     We now take a look at the results obtained during experiments like that of William Gilbert. See Figure 1 below   

In Figure 1a there is one plastic rod hanging and one that is being held near the end of the hanging rod, each of which has been untouched for some time. There is neither an attraction nor a repulsion of the ends. We will say that the objects are neutral. In Figure 1b each rod was rubbed with wool. Since each rod has had the same experience, i.e. plastic rubbed with silk, then one might expect that the rods have the same charge on them and should thus repel each other. This is exactly what happens. In Figure 1c the hanging rod is plastic rubbed with wool while the one being held is rubbed with silk. As seen in the diagram these rods will subsequently attract each other. The signs of the charge are not determined at this point. In Figure 1d we have the same situation as in Figure 1b except that the distance has increased between them. We still have two charged rods but now we know that the force between them decreases with distance. Therefore in Figure 1 we can see which rods have zero charge, which rods have the same charge and which rods have opposite charge with the knowledge that like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Any charged object can pick up small electrically neutral pieces of paper or bits of straw or dust. By the definition given by Franklin, the charge on the glass rod when rubbed with silk is defined as being a positively charged. Thus a plastic rod rubbed with wool is negatively charged. Franklin discovered that the total amount of charge in a closed system remains constant. This is known as the Law of Conservation of Charge. The differential equation that describes this law is derived below and results in Eq. (5). Thus if we rub a piece of glass with silk and the glass becomes positively charged then it must be at the expense of charges which are transferred from one object to the other leaving the silk negatively charged by the same amount of the glass rod but with opposite sign. If a plastic rod is rubbed with wool then the rod becomes negatively charged and thus the wool must become positively charged by the same amount of charge but the opposite sign. Thus the wool is positively charged. The wool being positively charged will attract the silk, which is negatively charged.
    Certain materials permit electric charge to move from one region of a system to another region while other materials cannot. The former materials are called conductors while the later materials are called insulators. Any metal, such as steel or copper, are conductors. Materials such as glass, plastic, nylon are insulators. Suppose that we have a metal ball suspended by a nylon thread as shown below in Figure 2



In Figure 2a there is a small metallic sphere hanging from a nylon wire. The sphere is uncharged and the glass rod on the right has been rubbed with silk to make it positively charged. In Figure 2b the copper wire is used made to contact both the sphere and the rod. This figure shows that some of the positive charge from the glass rod has moved to the metallic sphere through the copper wire. The nylon thread is an insulator that prevents the charge from bleeding into the support structure from which the sphere is suspended. Figure 2c shows that the sphere remains charged, as does the glass rod, which has less charge on it. The total amount of charge has remained the same. Note: a wire was chosen to conduct the charge onto the sphere. Here a wire refers to a rod whose surface area is small compared to the sphere so that most of the charge is left on the sphere and only an insignificant amount of charge is left on the wire.
     An important quantity in electrodynamics is current density J(r), which is defined as having the magnitude
dI which is the amount of current flowing in the direction of the surface’s normal vector, divided by the area dS of the surface element. In order to shown that the current density has the value J(r) = rv. Figure 3 below allows us to visualize the information required in calculate this expression.


as was intended to be shown. The definition of the current flowing through a closed surface is

The current I is related to r and as such Eq. (2) becomes


QS is the charge enclosed by the surface S, i.e. contained within the volume V. The negative sign in Eq. (3) denotes the fact when a net current is flowing out of the surface S the charge QS enclosed by the surface decreases.  Employing the divergence theorem to Eq. (2) yields 


Since Eq. (4) is a general equation for charge density, current density and enclosing surface it follows that the integrands must be equal, i.e.


Eq. (5) is called the continuity equation; it is the differential form of the law of conservation of charge as mentioned above.

Charging by Induction  

Two typical ways of charging something are by induction, conduction (as in Figure 2) and by rubbing two materials together. We studied the first two ways above and now give an example of charging by induction. Consider Figure 4 below 

Figure 3a shows two spheres, located on top of insulated bases that are in contact with each other. Figure 3b shows a rod that is positively charged brought near to the spheres along a line that runs through the center of both spheres. The positively charged rod attracts negative charge and repels positive charge as shown in Figure 3b. In Figure 3c the spheres are separated while the charged rod is still near. In figure 3c the rod is taken away and we are left with two charged spheres. 

Coulomb's Law

In 1795 Charles A. de Coulomb’s reported the basic experiments of electrostatics. The results of these experiments have been analyzed and used to formulate which is now known as Coulomb’s Law. This law states that the force exerted on charge q2 by charge q1, F12, is given by  


is a unit vector pointing from point charge 1 to point charge 2, as shown in Figure 5 below 


Let an object with a positive charge of charge dq whose size and mass are so small as to not significantly effect the position of the source.  Such a charge is called a test charge. Note: This is an ideal definition and must be used with caution since charge, in general, come in the form of a number of very small discrete charged particles having both negative and positive charges. The negatively charged particles, which have the smallest measured charge, in a current carrying wire is the electron and as such no charge can have a charge less than that of an electron. The ions that make up the lattice structure of the wire are the positively charged nuclei of the atoms, which make up the structure of the wire. Nuclei are composed of a number of positively charged particles called protons. So this model of smaller and smaller charge dq has a lower bound. With this limitation understood, the Electric Field at the location r is defined as the limiting value of the ratio of electric force on the test charge dq due to a source charge q which is the source of the force Ft on the test charge as dq ® 0, i.e.


From Coulomb's law we find that the electric field of a point charge q located at r of a point charge is given by 


If more charges are present then the electric field at any point in space is given is found by the experimental property that the electric field satisfies the principle of linear superposition. For a system of n particles located at ri, i = 1, 2, … , n, the vector sum gives the electric field at the point r. 


Eq. (9) is interpreted as follows; Ei is the electric field that would be measured in the absence of all charges except qi. The electric field E, as defined in Eq. (9) is the electric field that is measured in the presence of all i particles. E is simple called the electric Field.
    If the charges are so small and so numerous and that they can be described by a charge density
r(r’) then the sum in Eq. (9) is replaced with the integral 


Recall the vector identity 


Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (10) gives 

FE(r) is referred to as the electric scalar potential and has the value  


The curl of E vanishes since 

The right hand side of Eq. (14) follows from another vector identity which holds that Ñ´ÑFE(r) = 0 for all possible values of FE(r). We know from vector calculus that a static electric field E(r) whose curl is zero is a conservative field which means


For all paths C. This implies that the integration has the same value between two distinct points that is independent of the path of integration chosen. 

Field Lines

An important concept in electrodynamics is that of field lines. Consider a point charge. Draw the electric field vector as shown in Figure 6 below 


The length of the electric field vectors represents the magnitude of the field at that point. The direction of the arrow represents the direction of the force that would exist on a test charge if placed at that point in the field. Figure 5 is a graphical representation of the electric field. In Figure 5a the source charge is positive and thus the field vectors point away from the source. In Figure 5b the source charge is negative and the field vectors point towards the source charge.
     Alternatively, the electric field can be represented graphically using field lines. These are lines drawn in such a way that, at any given point, the tangent to the line is parallel to the field at the point and directed in the same direction as the electric field. This is shown for a positive point charge in Figure 7 below 

The density of the field lines represents the intensity of the field in that region. The next example is that of two charges. On the left side of Figure 6 below the electric field on the left shows two charges of opposite sign while the right side the charges are of the same sign 


     The flux of a field E through a surface is defined as the normal component of the field vector times the surface area. There are field lines passing through every point on the surface area and it is assumed at this stage that the electric field is uniform over the surface that is assumed to be flat. Otherwise for curved surfaces or flat surfaces for which the electric field varies over must be broken up into infinitesimal surface elements so that the field is uniform over that element has the same value for all practical purposes. The product is then integrated to yield a finite value. The surface vector S is defined as having the magnitude of the area and the direction normal to the surface. Since there are two such normal directions this vector is not unique. Which direction is chosen will depend on the problem at hand. See Figure 9 below. Note that the vector S is not shown


For a flat surface over which the magnitude and direction of the field lines is normal to the surface as well as being constant over the surface the flux of the vector field E through the area S in Figure 9a is easily seen to be 


In Figure 9b the situation is a bit more complicated. The vector field at all points on the surface has the value F but is not normal to the surface. The flux is then given by the product of the surface area times the magnitude of the normal component of F. The flux is therefore given by 

For a curved surface this readily generalizes to 


Gauss’s Law

The integral in Eq. (5) is not always the most suitable form for the evaluation of the electric fields. Another method for finding the electric field is provided by Gauss’s Law. We begin the derivation of Gauss’s law first consider a point charge at the origin of coordinates within a closed surface S as shown below in Figure 10

We now wish to find the electric flux over the entire surface S. Our first step is to evaluate E·dS. For a point particle this becomes  


The second term on the far right of Eq. (7) is 


dW is a solid angle subtended by dS. Eq. (19) can now be expressed as 


We now integrate this over the entire surface to obtain the total flux of the electric field passing through the surface. We use the fact that the integral of the solid angle over an arbitrary surface has the value of 4p 


Eq. (22) was derived on the assumption that the surface S enclosed the charged particle. If the charge were outside the surface then the total flux would be zero. If there are n charged particles enclosed by the surface then it is immediately apparent that  


For a continuous charge distribution we have 


Eq. (24) is known as Gauss’s Law. In order to place this in the form of a differential form recall the divergence theorem which states that, for any well behaved vector field C that 


Applying this to Gauss’s Law gives 


Since the volume enclosed by the surface is arbitrary it follows that the integrands must be equal. We therefore have the differential form of Gauss’s Law.  


The result in Eq. (18) is often referred to as the differential form of Coulomb’s Law.

Biot-Savart Law

The ancient Greeks knew that certain minerals called loadstones could attract iron objects. Chinese navigators were using loadstone compasses. Today we would refer to materials that display such properties as magnets. If a small bar magnet is placed on a cork and then allowed to float in water then one end of the magnet would point in the general direction of geographic north pole while the other end would point to the geographic south pole. The north-seeking end of the magnet is now referred to as the north magnet pole while the other end is referred to as the south magnetic pole. Given any object, which displays magnetic properties, all of them will have both a north magnetic pole and a south magnetic pole. And regardless of how the object is cut the results will be two magnets each having both a north pole and a south pole. About the year 1,600 A.D. William Gilbert recognized that the compasses work because the earth itself is a magnet. Thus the geographical North Pole is in the general direction of the earth’s magnetic south pole and the geographic South Pole is in the general direction of the earth’s north pole! A bar magnet is shown below with both North (N) and South (S) labeled. Notice that like poles repel while unlike poles attract. See Figure 11 below  


    In the midst of a classroom lecture demonstration in 1918 the Danish scientist Hans Christian Oersted discovered that if a current were established in a wire, by connecting it to a battery, a nearby compass would needle would turn. The compass thus responded as if it were in a magnetic field. Oersted’s discovery that magnetism is caused by an electric current will be the starting point for analyzing the magnetic field in this section. The concept of what Oersted observed in his lab is shown below in Figure 12 


In Figure 12a there is no current in the wire and the compasses placed around the wire point in the direction of North. In the figure the compass arrows point in the direction of the geographic North Pole and thus represent the north magnetic. In Figure 12b there is a current in the wire and magnets placed equidistance from the wire will exert the same value of torque that all other identical magnets will experience at the same distance. If compasses are place in a circle around the wire they will point in a direction tangent to the circles and in the direction given by the right hand rule. The right hand rule refers to the idea that if the wire is carrying a current and a person grabs hold of the wire with their thumb pointing in the direction of the wire then the fingers curl around the wire in an anti-clockwise direction.  If more compasses are added, each at the same distance from the current carrying wire, then they appear to form a circle as shown in Figure 13 below



It is clear from Figure 13 that if more and smaller compasses were placed around the wire then the diagram would look more and more like a circle. Such a line is called a magnetic field line (even if the line is curved and not straight). The magnetic field lines are imaginary lines such that a tangent to the field line is in the direction of the magnetic field and the closer the lines are together the greater the strength of the magnetic field. The idea of magnetic field lines originated with Michael Faraday. Faraday constantly thought in terms of lines of force. As Faraday wrote [7]

I cannot refrain from again expressing my conviction of the truthfulness of the representation, which the idea of lines of force accords in regard to magnetic action – i.e. all that is not hypothetical appear to be well and truly represented.

The next step in history was when Andre-Marie Ampere who, after hearing of Oersted’s discovery showed at a meeting exactly a week later that two parallel wires carrying currents in the same direction attract each other while two parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite direction repel. This is illustrated in Figure 14 below  


From what has been shown so far we can now understand what the magnetic field around a straight conducting wire looks like. See Figure 15 below  


Since a current consists of moving charges Ampere’s experiment implied that a magnetic field exerts a force on a moving charge. 
Consider the magnetic field of a long current carrying wire and a charged particle moving in the direction of the current as shown in Figure 16a  


In this case the magnetic field is tangent to a circle that is in a plane where the surface normal vector is parallel to the direction of the current. The straight wire passes through the center of the circle. The resulting force is directed radially inward and has the magnitude F = qvB. If the direction of the charge is opposite the direction of the current as shown in Figure 16b shown below  


The magnitude of the force is the same but is now directed in the opposite direction, i.e. radially outward. In the case where the velocity is radially inward as in Figure 16c then the force is anti-parallel to the current  


If the direction of the velocity is radially outward then force on the particle is in the direction parallel to the current as shown below in Figure 16d.


If the velocity is not perpendicular to the magnetic field then only the perpendicular component of the velocity to the magnetic field will apply. In all cases the force is always directed perpendicular to the plane containing the velocity and field vectors. Thus the magnetic force has the general value of  


    In 1820 Biot and Savart first and later during the years 1820-1825 Ampere, in more elaborate and thorough experiments established the basic experimental laws relating the magnetic field B to the currents and established the magnetic force law between two currents. [Jackson p. 175]  Since a compass/magnetic dipole m will experience a torque N when placed in a magnetic field the magnetic field B is sometimes defined as

    If dr’ is an element of length (pointing in the direction of current flow) of a filamentary wire that carries a current I and r is the coordinate vector from the element to an observation point P as shown in Figure 17 below

The magnetic field strength was found to be  


Eq. (30) is called the Biot-Savart Law. The total magnetic field B is found by integrating Eq. (30) over the entire path of the current. The result is

For the general case of a finite current density J(r) the line integral in Eq. (31) becomes a volume integral  


Recall again the identity in Eq. (11) above. Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. 31 yields

Using the vector identity




That last term on the right side vanishes since J(r’) is a function of r’ while Ñ is a function of derivatives in terms of the unprimed coordinates. Substituting Eq. (33) into Eq. (31) gives




 is known as the magnetic vector potential. The equation B = Ñ´A is usually regarded as a formula for finding B if A is known. Taking the divergence of Eq. (34) is zero since the divergence of the curl of any vector vanishes. We are therefore left with  


This is the first equation of magnetostatics and corresponds to Ñ´E = 0. The Helmholtz Theorem requires only that additional knowledge of Ñ·A to uniquely, up to an arbitrary the gradient of an arbitrary scalar function, determine A. Taking the divergence of A gives  


Eq. (37) is known as the Coulomb gauge. The general form of A, at least in magnetostatics, is  


To find the Ñ´ B we take the curl of Eq. (34)


Using the vector identity  


in Eq. (40) gives

The first integral on the right vanishes. To see this, and to simplify the last integral on the right, we employ the identity in Eq. (11) and, the following two vector identities


Eq. (42) becomes

The integral integrand vanishes due to the fact that we are only considering magnetostatic scenarios for which the charge density is not an explicit function of time. Therefore Eq. (5) tells us that Ñ·J(r’) = 0. We are therefore left with  

This is the differential equation form of the Biot-Savart law in the case of magnetostatics.

Ampere’s Law 

The integral form of Eq. (44) is known as Ampere’s Law. To obtain the integral form we take the normal component of Eq. (44) and integrate over an open surface S that is bounded by a closed curve C. This is shown in Figure 18 below  


The integral of the normal component Eq. (44) is  


Applying Stoke’s theorem to Eq. (45) yields


Ienc is the total current flowing through the surface bounded by C.  

Faraday’s Law of Induction

Induced Electromotive Force (EMF):  In 1831 Michael Faraday found that a time varying magnetic field near a coil would induce a current in the coil. Three examples are shown below in Figure 19 below



In Figure 19a the meter measures a current only when the switch is turned on or off. In Figure 19b the meter measures a current when either the magnet is moved in and out of the coil. In Figure 19c the meter measures a current when the loop is passed into and out of the field between the N and S poles of the magnet. Currents produced in this way are called induced currents. They occur only when there is a time varying magnetic field in the coils. The induced force is a result of the magnetic force Fmag = qv´B  

Motional EMF:  

If a conductor is moved through a magnetic field then the free charges inside the conductor will experience a magnetic force. The charges will then migrate through the conductor until it can go no farther or it will complete a path and the force on the conductor will maintain the motion of the conductor through the magnetic field so that current will continue to flow. The induced current is called a motional EMF. Note: EMF is not a force.

Induced EMF:

    The induced emf E is is defined as  

The line integral is taken around the closed path C. Faraday’s law is given by 



is the total magnetic flux through any surface bounded by C. Using this result Faraday’s law becomes


Since Eq. (51) is a general statement and thus holds for all possible curves it then follows that


Eq. (52) is the differential form of Faraday’s Law

Displacement Current

The laws of electrodynamics as stated above in Eq . (5), (14), (45), (52) were derived from steady observations.  That they are inconsistent can be seen by taking the divergence Eq. (45), which then gives  

This relation is only valid when the charge density is not an explicit function of time. Otherwise, by Eq. (5), the Ñ·J(r, t) will not be zero in general. To compensate for this, Maxwell realized that the divergence relation in Eq. (5) could be modified using Coulomb’s Law as follows

The term

is known as the displacement current and whose physical meaning is that a time varying electric field “causes” a magnetic field. The term cause has been placed in quotes since all that can really be said is that when there is a time-varying electric field then there also exists a magnetic field. Eq. (45) now becomes  


Eq. (56) is Ampere’s Law in its most general form.  

Vector and Scalar Potentials

The expressions above for both the electric scalar potential and the magnetic vector potential may be combined to find an explicit expression for the electric field in terms of these potentials. Substitute Eq. (35) into Eq. (52) to obtain  


Eq. (58) means that the term on the right inside the parentheses must be the gradient of a scalar, which we’ll call Y for the moment. Eq. (57) now takes the form  


In magnetostatics, when A is zero, we see that y is really FE, i.e. the electric scalar potential. Thus Eq. (58) becomes


Lorentz Force

The total force on a charged particle is found to be the sum of the electric force and the magnetic force, i.e.  


This force is known as the Lorentz force law. However this is not a true law in the literal sense since it can be derived from the other laws above using special relativity.

Summary of Maxwell's Equations (in MKS/SI units)”


[1] Electromagnetics, John D. Krauss, McGraw-Hill, (1984), pg. 1.
[2] A History of the Theories of Aether & Electricity, Sir Edmund Whittaker, Dover Pub., (1989 – originally published in 1951 and 1953), page 33.
[3] Ref. 2, pp. 34-35.  
[4] The Electromagnetic Field, Albert Shadowitz, Dover Pub., (1975), pg. 8.  
[5] Ref. 1, pg. 2.  
[6] Ref. 1, pg. 3.  

[7] Ref. 2, pg. 172.

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