Covariant Gauge Transformation

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Non-Covariant Treatment of Gauge Transformations

The vector potential, a, is defined such that

Since the curl of the gradient of any continuous vector field vanishes then it follows that the vector potential is, apart from an additive constant, arbitrary up to the gradient of an arbitrary differentiable scalar field Y(x, y, z, t). I.e. the quantity a’ defined as 

also satisfies Eq. (1) yielding the same magnetic field B, i.e.

In terms of the Coulomb potential, f, and the vector potential, a , the electric field can be expressed as

The curl of Eq. (3) results in Faraday’s law. Since the electric field is uniquely defined when both its divergence and curl are specified within a bound region it follows from the Helmholtz theorem that E is unique. Therefore E cannot change upon a gauge transformation and is thus independent of Y. If the potential, f, is also modified then E will remain unchanged by the substitution a ® a + ÑY. It is readily shown that the substitution leaves E unchanged

Therefore E remains unchanged by the transformation. The transformation

is called a gauge transformation.
     Upon a quick inspection of Eq. (5b) it may appear that the Coulomb potential can be made to vanish and thus play no role in describing the electric field. Upon a closer inspection this turns out not the case. For the Coulomb potential to vanish by a gauge transformation we must have
or . Eq. (4) then becomes 

Substituting we once again obtain

     An interesting question would be; what happens to the Lagrangian and the total energy of the particle, defined through the energy function, upon a gauge transformation. The Lagrangian for a charged particle moving in an electromagnetic field is [1]

Upon making the gauge transformation in Eq. (5) we anticipate a new Lagrangian. Call this Lagrangian L’. Then

Substituting Eq. (5) we obtain

The quantity on the right is simply the differential of Y, i.e.

Therefore Eq. (10) reduces to

Since the term on the right is simply the total derivative of an arbitrary differentiable function of space and time it drops out of Lagrange’s equations. Thus if L’ satisfies Lagrange’s equations then so too does L. Lagrange’s equations for L are

Let F = qY and note that F = F(x, y, z, t). Substitute the new Lagrangian into Lagrange’s equations to obtain

dF/dt can be expanded as

The second term inside the braces on the left hand side of Eq. (14) reduces to

The second term on the left hand side of Eq. (14) then becomes

Substituting back into Eq. (14) we obtain

Canceling common terms results in the same Lagrangian that we started out with, i.e. Eq. (13). Eq. (13) can be written as

The quantity in braces, i.e.

is known as the energy function. When L does not depend on time explicitly it follows from Eq. (19) that h is a constant of motion. For this reason h is sometimes referred to as Jacobi’s integral. [2] h has the same numerical value as the Hamiltonian, H. The only difference is that the energy function is expressed as a function of  whereas the Hamiltonian is expressed as a function of (qk, pk) . Eq. (20) takes on a simpler form if we substitute the canonical or generalized momentum, pk, conjugate to xk defined as

It must be noted that the L in Eq. (21) is not L’. It is what is left of L’ after the total derivative dF/dt has been subtracted, i.e. L = L’ - dF/dt. In terms of the canonical momentum the energy function has the form

Substituting the value of L from Eq. (8) into Eq. (21) we find

Substituting this expression for pk into Eq. (13) gives

T º gm0c2 is the inertial energy of the particle, aka the free-particle energy. Thus the value of the energy function is the total energy of the particle. If the Lagrangian is not an explicit function of time then the total energy of the particle is a constant of motion. Also, from Lagrange’s equation it follows that

Therefore if the Lagrangian is not an explicit function of time then the canonical momentum is a constant of motion.

Covariant Treatment of Gauge Transformations

Gauge transformations can also be treated in the covariant formalism of Maxwell’s equations. The 4-potential, A, is defined as

The Faraday tensor F is defined in terms of A as

It is readily shown that the Faraday tensor remains unchanged by the gauge transformation

Y(xa) is an arbitrary differentiable function scalar field defined on spacetime. Substituting into Eq. (27) yields

Therefore the Faraday tensor remains unchanged under the gauge transformation in Eq. (28). It is trivial to see that even though a gauge can be selected such that A0  = 0 the Coulomb potential remains untouched in the actual expression for the Faraday tensor and hence the electric field remains unaltered. The covariant Lagrangian, L, for a charged particle in an electromagnetic field is [3]


U is the particles 4-velocity. Upon making a gauge transformation we have

In a manner similar to that above for the non-covariant Lagrange’s equations the last term on the right is simply a differentiable function of (ct, x, y, z) and will drop out of the covariant form of Lagrange’s equations, i.e.

Similar to the non-covariant case, the canonical 4-momentum, Pm, is defined as

With the Lagrangian in Eq. (30) the canonical 4-momentum becomes

The temporal component of the canonical 4-momentum, P0, is

Therefore the total energy is proportional to the time component of the canonical (covariant) 4-momentum. If the Lagrangian, L, is independent of t then it follows from Eq. (32) that the total energy is a constant of motion.


[1] Classical Mechanics – 3rd Ed., Goldstein, Poole and Safko, Addison Wesley, 2002, page 314, Eq. (7.141).
[2] Ref 1, page 61, Eq. (2.53).
[3] Ref 1, page 322, Eq. (7.165)

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