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If it wasn't, however... Proceed with the investigation, Zur. Acknowledged, Commander. The skimmers were moving now. The craft with Zome and Kor moved to a position forty meters from the boulder and settled facing it.
Will he see me? She nodded. He says he is too sick to fight. Brynden Blackfish chuckled. I am too old a soldier to believe that. Hoster will be chiding me about the Redwyne girl even as we light his funeral pyre, damn his bones.
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Borric glanced in both directions, and ducked under the rope. He hurried across the street, expecting someone to shout, but his dark armor must have convinced the other soldiers a half-block away that he was one of them.
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He would have to send soldiers out to see what, or who, had gone over the edge. He ran a finger through different trails of blood at the edge most of it reeked of mriswith.
It was one of those love songs that made him feel romantic and unhappy simultaneously-as though every phrase of it was charged with loss of the very love it celebrated.
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I've done what had to be done, what others said was impossible. But I knew him better than most, yes, how volatile he could be, how above all he loved his sister Margarite, and his goddaughter better than his own children perhaps.
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