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It... it's not written down, Mungo explained, casting a hasty glance at Mor Am. I was to tell you the message. Very well, tell me, Jubal urged, growing impatient.
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We will keep our own watch so long as we are here. See that no one enters this wing of the palace without my leave, and take care that the dragons are always well guarded.
Some pretty high-class residences up there. And some high-class arses perching on the crappers that watered Wally's underworld. But Wally didnt waste time while he was up there.
Aahz didn't. I was sweating hard just watching. Much more and I would need to change into one of my clean shirts. All right, he said, his voice so soft I could almost not hear it.
They had sworn oaths always to protect one another. Verna, she is one of us, a Sister of the Light, again. She is one of us five. Please, Verna, I'd rather stay with her than leave her here alone.
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