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His dress was identical, white kilt, sandals, and shaved head, but his skin shown like ebony in the sun. Most of his followers were equally dark, though a few could pass as trueblood to Eriand's inexperienced eye.
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That means nobodyll miss him. The man's hard, unyielding gaze searched vista beyond the edgy Cheelo. What do we do with the big bug? Using the muzzle of the rifle he prodded Cheelo ungently in the stomach.
You really missed your chance there, Sparhawk. I've always been your most serious opponent. You had me right in your hands, and you let me go just for the sake Of a few crumbs of information and some exaggerated testimony before the Hierocracy.
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It had been a greeting. A greeting of deference. Richard hadn't recognized the words Kahlan or Amnell anywhere in it. The fine hairs on the back of his neck stiffened.
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