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The oldest noble of the group, his facial hair grizzled and his back bent with years, spoke up. Sire, you are condemning the brave warriors of the first attacking wave to certain death.
Fuck right off, you, said Tick, and Kumiko spun to find him there, his face pale and twisted, filmed with sweat, oily curls plastered to his forehead.
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Lyam and the others watched as the boy thief came to stand before Arutha. Jimmy tried to speak, but no words were forthcoming. Like Arutha, he had relived every moment of the attack over and over in his mind while an acolyte of Nathan'S order had bandaged his legs.
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When the fire had burned down to embers, Bran let him go. The direwolf did not feel the damp as people did, and the night was calling him. Moonlight painted the wet woods in shades of silver and turned the grey peaks white.
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