Unanswered Questions

Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
How come phonetic isn't spelled the way it sounds?
Would Adam or Eve have Bellybuttons?
Why are there
interstate highways in Hawaii?
How come a "perm" (short for permanent) grows out?
If 7-Elevens are open 24 hours a day all year, why do they bother installing locks on the doors?
Why do they put Braille dots on the keypads of a drive-up ATM?
Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?
How do you know which armrest is yours in the movie theatre?
Why is the candybar called Butterfingers when there is no butter or fingers in it?
If you shine a light into a mirror, do you get twice as much light?
How come it was called the Cosby Show when Bill Cosby's charcter was named was Heathcliff Huxtible?
How come toy hippos are always blue or purple (or something along those lines) when real hippos are brown?
Is there a certain temperature when it isn't cold anymore and becomes officially 'hot'?
If you were a pasture and you were getting married, would you hire a pasture or would you do the ceremony yourself?
Why is Joey short for Joe, when  Joey has more letters than Joe?
If a person suffered from amnesia, and then was cured, would they remember what they forgot?
If you died with braces on, would they take them off?
If conjoined twins participate in a sport, do they count as one or two players?
Do cows have calf muscles?
Why do dogs sniff each others butts to say hello, why don't they just bark in each others faces?
If Mars had earthquakes, would they be called Marsquakes?
If you were a genie and someone asked you this wish, "I wish you would not grant me this wish" what would you do?
If I had to get my legs amputated, would I have to change my height and weight on my driver's license?
Why do they call the small candybars "fun sized"? Wouldn't it be more fun to eat a bigger one?
If you went back in time and killed your mother, would you instantly disappear?
How come the trust department is the only part of the bank that chains its pens to the table?
How come they are called bank tellers when all they do is
ask you stuff?
If your name was Mr. Crunch, and you joined the navy, wouldn't your name evntually be Captain Crunch?
If handicapped bathrooms are for people who can't walk, why do they put at the end of the bathroom?
Why did "Dodge" make a car called "Ram"?
Why is it when we duck we get called chicken?
Can a deaf person go to a hearing?
Is the alphabet in that order because of the song?
Why is abrreviated such a long word?
If your feet smell and your nose runs, are you built upside down?
Does the Little Mermaid were an Algebra?
What would cheese say if it got its picture taken?
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say "I think I'll just squeeze these dangly things here and drink whatever
comes out"?
Why is it what doctors do called a practice?
Why do they call it your "bottom" when it is in the middle
of your body?
If there is 50 mph wind and your drive 50 mph and you stick your head out the window, would be able to feel the wind?
Why does the sun lighten our hair but darkens our eyes?
Why is the man who invests your money called a broker?
Why do they sterilize the needle for a lethal injection?
Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?
If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of progress?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the place you
enter the terminal?
Fun with Expressions:
Why do you have to "put your two cents in" when it's only "a penny for thoughts"? Where does the extra penny go to?
Why do they say, "the alarm is going off" when it is really
going on?
Why do they say, "You've been working like a dog' when all dogs do is sit around all day?
If when people freak out they are said to be "having a cow", well when cows freak out are they said to be "stop having a person"?
Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" when it really doesnt work anymore?
Is the opposite of "out of whack" "in whack"?
Why do people never say "its only a game" when theyre winning?
Why do people say  "you scared the living daylights out of me" when daylight isnt really living?
Why do they call it "head over your heels in love" when your head is already over your heels?
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