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Official Young American's Site // Article: Ian Somerhalder Interview
With piercing blue eyes and driving ambition, Ian Somerhalder seems to be able to achieve anything he sets his sights on.

TheWB: How did you get into modeling?
Ian Somerhalder: I started when I was 10. I wanted things all the time, and my parents wouldn't give in for everything. I was brainstorming on ways to make money and my mom came up with the idea. I got a great agent and a contract. When I was 15, I went to work in Europe by myself.

TheWB: What was it like spending your summers working in NY at such a young age?
IS: It was wonderful. It was such a great balance between the city of New York and the area where I grew up. New York is such a melting pot, it's very European, it's so different from Louisiana.

TheWB: How did you make the transition from model to actor?
IS: I just realized what I wanted to do and figured out the sacrifices I would have to make. I had to stop working and start studying.

TheWB: Tell me a little bit about Hamilton Fleming...
IS: He is the dean's son and he's grown up around the school. He knows every nook and cranny, he was the kid creeping behind the bushes with binoculars. Now he goes there and he wants to show everyone what he knows.

TheWB: What do you do in your free time?
IS: I'm writing a screenplay right now, so I'm usually working on that.

TheWB: What are you writing about?
IS: A parody of beauty I would say. It's a feature done in a format that's never been done before, I can't really explain it. I guess we'll see...

TheWB: Where would you like to go from here?
IS:I want to write and direct and produce, but I definitely want to act for a while. I'd like to do features. I want to become good at what I'm doing and get great projects.

TheWB: If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
IS: I would probably be sitting on the water in Bali with my laptop writing the screenplay, or I'd be sitting on a horse thinking about writing the screenplay.

TheWB: What would you say is your biggest weakness?
IS: I kind of think too much, I try do too many things at once.

TheWB: If your ruled the world what would you change first?
IS: I'd get rid of hostility and bad writing.
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