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YM Magazine August 1997 // Article: Babe Watch // On the Cover: The Spice Girls
Vital Statistics
age: 18
home base: New Orleans
sign: Sagittarius

This superstudly Sag is as unpredictable as his sign - which means he's way more interesting than just another pretty face in a Versace ad.

How did you land in this fab fashion world?
My parents got me into child modeling when I was 10 years old. It's been really great, but now I want to act.

What's the one thing you couldn't live without?
Water. No, really - it's my friends. I have a million acquaintances but just two of three true friends. I can't hide anything from them.

How do you meet girls?
In the oddest ways. I talk to everyone. I'm a people person, so it comes naturally.

Okay, so who's the lucky one?
I don't have a girlfriend. When you model, you're in Paris - all over the world. I used to have a girlfriend, and it was nuts, calling her from Europe all the time.

What's your favorite thing about girls?
Just the way they make you feel. Nothing touches my heart like a beautiful woman.

Name the last three CDs you bought.
All are by the Doors. I love classic rock.

What's the biggest pain in your neck?
There's always something I'm worried about. I have to keep myself occupied so I don't worry so much.

Which is cooler: Road Rules or Real World?
There's better stuff to watch than both those shows.

What was the last book you read?
The Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior - it's a higher-learning book about your inner self. Plus, I read lots of books on acting.
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