Character List:
The Comics
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Phoenix / Amy

Element: Fire
Height/build: 5'7", slim and athletic
Age: 18
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Medium brown with lighter highlights, falling to the small of her back. Bangs, parted in the middle, may fall anywhere between her cheekbones and her collarbones
Clothing: Traditionally, a tee-shirt and jeans. Her "superhero" costume is a loose cross between a gi and pajamas, white with blue trim.
Weapon: Conflagration, a sword that supposedly belonged to Helios and can amplify her direct channel to Fire.
Amy Reference: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4

Amy is a fun-loving girl caught at that confusing age between high school and college. She loves making people laugh, but has a solid sense of responsibility and will take charge when needed. She is very loyal to her friends and will risk herself to help them. As Phoenix, she is something of a leader to the group. She knows the art of channeling Fire fairly well, but she is only just learning how to use the sword Conflagration to compliment and enhance her abilities. Conan was the first vampire she ever met, but she has since become embroiled in "Vampire politics." Her relationship with Mikael is an edgy thing (encompassing hate, respect, contempt, and intrigue all at once) but would become pure hate if she knew that he is the reason that Conan disappeared without a word.

Height: 6'
Apparent age: Early twenties
Eyes: Golden brown
Hair: Dirty bond, close to light brown, with darker brown strands throughout. Slight sideburns, eyebrows, and the shorter hair at the nape of his neck (and sometimes chin scruff) are a very dark brown, almost black.. Sort of a shaggy "bowl-cut"
Clothing: A dark tee-shirt and blue jeans with either a black trenchcoat or a black leather biker coat.
Weapon: Brains. He is very intelligent and crafty
Conan Reference: #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 (color)

As a mortal, Conan very nearly had his throat torn out by the vampire Veratina. That was in the mid 1500s. Throughout the years, Conan has proved to be very adaptable, his mind honed to a quick and clever tool. In the past, he has prided himself in keeping up with the times, the latest innovations and technologies. When he first met Amy, he coerced and betrayed her. It took time to prove himself to her again, but in doing so, they forged a strong relationship. Even so, Conan later chose to cut all ties with her. Why? When the previous Master Vampire died, she gave her title to Mikael (as tradition dictated) but broke tradition and gave her remaining stength and power to Conan. She made him promise to keep power-hungry Mikael in check. Knowing that Amy was now in danger because of their ties, Conan provided for someone to watch over her and disappeared from her life. Living now in solitude, he has become a darker, brooding creature who carries out his task in grim determination and dwells on the sacrifices he has made.

Selket / Stacie
Fire Demoness
Height: 5'3"
Age: 18
Eyes: Blue-grey
Hair: Blonde, cut short and parted to the left
Clothing: Think Abercrombie and Fitch. Or whatever's trendy and sexy nowadays. Her "superhero" costume is...well, barely there. And very red.
Weapon: Whip
Selket Reference: #1 | #2

Stacie's powers manifested long before anyone guessed at their origins. As she progressed into her later teens, she began to experience a strange sort of amnesia - losing hours or entire days. As this became more and more frequent, Stacie met the fire demoness Selket. Selket had merged herself with Stacie upon conception, chosing to be reborn in her body for undisclosed reasons. Stacie eventually gave in and allowed herself to merge more completely with Selket. At first, it was like the two personalities took turns at the wheel. However as time went on, they became more fluid, more comfortable with one another. Selket's abilities lie in fire and flight (she can manifest wings) but also in sexual exploitation and conquest, from which she gains power and energy.

Lyria / Kim
Element: Earth
Height: 5'
Age: 19
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Reddish brown, to her shoulder blades. The upper half is often tied up in a half ponytail
Clothing: A mix of loose flowing clothing and tighter flashier wear. Her "superhero" costume is flowy brown pants (fixed on with a gold chunk-linked belt)  and a turquoise shirt with a long right sleeve and no-sleeve shoulder fringe on the left.
Weapon: Stylized spear/axe that can amplify her connection to Earth.
Lyria Reference: #1 | #2 (girl at front and center)

Like Conan, Kim entered the picture as a "bad guy." She chose to double-cross her malicious employer and helped Phoenix's group to overcome him. Proving herself as trustworthy took a bit of time, but she has gained their friendship. Through her encounters with a trans-dimensional being, her latent Earthy abilities were brought to the surface. Although she was a "late bloomer" to channeling the element of Earth, she excels in her craft.

Element: Air (untapped)
Height: 5'9"
Age: 20
Eyes: Lightning grey
Hair: Medium brown, hidden under a backwards baseball cap except for prominent bangs
Clothing: Tee-shirt and jeans
Weaponry: Slaying equipment. Anything and everything needed to get the job done (stakes, explosives, guns, etc)

Not much is known about Avyth. He met the group while he was trying to slay the Shadow, a powerful vampiress who joined the group slightly after Conan. He has no strong ties within the group, but shows up now and then to keep tabs on their vampire situation. Once the group became vampire-free, he began to show up more often. Stacie blames Shadow's mysterious disappearance on Avyth, hating him for murdering the vampiress that she had become very close to. Avyth doesn't not deny her accusations.

Height: 5'11"
Age: 21
Eyes: Grey, usually hidden behind sunglasses/shades
Hair: Dirty blond, spikey
Clothing: Grungy steet clothes
Weapon: Switchblade
Joe Reference: #1

Cocky and utterly full of himself, Joe seems to lead his life in a world of his own. It's been suggested that he only hangs out with the group because he has absolutely no friends. However, he and Stacie have had a confusing relationship. Originally, Stacie drooled over him and his surrounding mystery while he continually shrugged her off. Eventually, Joe and Stacie did have a short relationship...which was ruined when Selket entered the picture. Joe despises Selket for destroying the Stacie that he had loved and Selket enjoys taunting him about it. Joe finally did find a friend when Bob showed up. Even though their initial encounter upset poor Bob greatly, the two became nearly inseparable.

Bob / Ba'azelgmelmshz
Bat / Pretermercurial Demon
Demon Form follows:
Height: 6'2"
Age: ?
Eyes: Yellow, sometimes glowy
Hair: White and very long, just past his butt
Skin: Steely blue/grey
Clothing: None, thanks
Ba'az Reference: #1 | #2

As a bat, he is little and cute. In either form he has a big well as a big mouth that gets him into trouble.
Bob first appeared as a talking bat that took a shine to Phoenix when she first acquired conflagration. Upon meeting the others, he quickly made friends with Joe, possibly because dirty minds think alike. Bob portrays an adorable innocence even when hitting on Selket. But Terminus became upset when he saw Bob - he knew a demon when he saw one. And sure enough, Bob reached the point where he was forced to transform into the next level of his demonic growth chart. By then, he already considered Amy to be a true friend, and nothing was going to change that. It took a bit to convince Joe that this weird blue guy was really his friend Bob, though. (The pic on the left is crazy "RAAHG YOU ARE HURTING MY FRIENDS" mode.)

Master Vampire
Height: 5'11"
Apparent age: Mid-twenties
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond, sexily shaggy
Clothing: Anything sexy, tight, suggestive. Enjoys textures and colors that pleasure the senses
Mikael Reference: #1 | #2 (bottom right)

The second-oldest known vamp in the US, Mikael is the Master Vampire of the eastern US...with plans to expand his sphere of influence. Despite his big ego, he reveals litle about himself. In my cross-over fic, he refered to himself as "Paris; the shepherd prince, apple of Love's eye, he who walked among the immortal." And that's probably all you can get him to say on the subject. On every OTHER subject, he will be pleased to go on at length. And then jump your bones. Like Selket, he finds power in sex.

Half-demon, half-god - son of Kalista, grandson of Hades
Element: Spirit
Height: 5'6"
Apparent age: Early twenties
Eyes: Usually hazel. Silver when channeling Spirit, red when enraged
Hair: Brown, slightly wavy and extending to his shoulderblades
Clothing: Poets shirt worn under a black vest. The vest is trimmed with silver and embroidered with silver vines along the front. Black pants and boots, black cape
Weapon: Rapier with a spiraled silver hilt (See: Reference)
Terminus Reference: #1

Terminus was exiled from Hell (by his own mother) and sentenced to live on Earth. To prevent him from returning to Hell prematurely, he cannot die until his mother Kalista allows him to. Since his expulsion, Kalista has been giving Terminus a series of boons: protect his current ward (a person of Kalista's choosing) and if he can thwart her attempts to kill that person, he may be allowed to die and come home. Who knows how long this has been going on, but Terminus is REAL tired of life by now.

Height: 5'9"
Apparent age: Late twenties
Eyes: Green and yellow, very feline
Hair: Dark red/brown, falling down past her butt
Clothing: Similar taste to Mikael's - suggestive, tight, sheer, sexy.

The third-oldest known vamp in the US and Master Vampire of the western US. Located in Las Vegas, little is known about her by the main characters.

Height: 5'4"
Apparent age: Early 30s
Eyes: Warm grey with flecks of gold
Hair: Dirty blond, falling to her shoulder blades
Clothing: Casual clothes that do not call attention to herself or her presence
Sarai Reference: #1

The oldest known vamp in the US. Or is she? Sarai has completely dropped off the radar. This leaves slightly younger vampires in the driver's seat, but they fear her possible return.
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