  Guildford School of Acting 'Class' London Showcase - 2001.

  '[Philip] Simon was never less than hilarious...Great one liners and impressive timing...and that feel-good  
  factor washed over the audience.'
(Derek Smith - The Stage)
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   'A Midsummer Night's Dream' - June 2001

   'The evening was one of pure enchantment...The fight scene where the two girls try to get at each other  
    and their lovers [Philip Simon & James Cook] try to hold them back was achingly funny...I can't remember
    enjoying a production of
Dream so much.' (Margaret Burgess - Surrey Advertiser)
    'Jack & The Beanstalk' - December 2001 - January 2002  

     'If only you could package the atmosphere at the Eye Theatre during this show...the performers produce a
     magical warmth...Philip Simon has a lot of fun as Simple Simon...Easily the most beguiling panto in the
(Hugh Homan - The Stage)

     'In the 10 years Eye Theatre has been in existence the traditional panto has always been renowned for its
     appeal to families.  With good clean fun, plenty of action and comedy to the forefront this year's offering is
     no exception...The predominantly young cast are full of vigour and ensured the show romped along from
     start to finish...Richard Mainwaring as Dame Trot and Philip Simon as Simple Simon work well together to
     create plenty of laughs.'
(Janet Chambers - East Anglian Daily Times)

    'The Winslow Boy'- September - November 2002

There's outstanding work too...from an exceptional supporting cast who brings even the smallest role to  
       vivid life.
(Charles Spencer - The Daily Telegraph)
     'Cinderella' - December 2003 - January 2004  

    Absolutely top of the pops however is Philip Simon as Buttons, a truly bouncing bonny and cheerful friend
     to all, though his love for Cinders in unrequited.  This is a lovely performance with such stage presence.    
(Paul  Downey - The Stage)
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