About Me

John Philip Gepes

Hi!! My name is John Philip Gepes I am a student of Binalbagan Catholic College taking course of Bachelor of Science Information Technology, 21 year of age , son of Felipe Gepes and Jennylinda Gepes we are eight siblings and I am six child in them.

My favorite to do or hubby, first watching my favorite movie, singing anywhere in my house alone hahaha also I love dancing but I�m not to good in dance and also eating is one of my favorite to do.

I am very simple guy, shy type of person and little bit naughty I have many friends always be there when I�m sad or happiness in my life

Ok, let�s talk about my dreams in my life, first, I want to help my family give
them a beautiful life someday.

Finally, I think that my good intellectual skills are keeping me ahead at Binabagan Catholic College the reason in because when it comes down to doing class assignments and project , I am very adept to getting different assignments done on time . I know definitely aware of my limitations and deficiencies. The reason is because it motivates me to take advantage of self improvement opportunities in the workplace, educational setting and my environment. Also as a student I know that I m capable of accomplishing more than what I�m doing now.