Barry King has been acting, directing and producing independent productions for over 15 years. He's been involved with Dept.13, SoLofty Productions, PHASE II and other production groups.


Q. When you were younger, did you know film making was something you wanted to do or were you inspired by something you saw and decided that was something you wanted to do?
A. That's a great question and I'll try and give a great answer! As a kid growing up in rual Alabama I came from a broken family. There were some good times but seemed to be a lot more bad ones. Looking back, I think I could have done a lot better in school but my mind was always somewhere else. Around 1975 or so, I recieved a tape recorder for Christmas. That thing was always with me. I'd make my own little audio adventures with it and also record audio of everything I could (Gilligan's Island, Star Trek, Battle of the Planets orchestral scores, classical music). It was sort of my early "VCR" (an "ACR" if you will!). That's right kids, no VCRs in the 1970's to play with. This was a big escape for me. I still read many comic books. All of this input, was cooking inside me for many years. All of that movie making hunger was there, I just didn't have a tool with which to work it. Then along came video cameras that any guy could afford in the late 1980's!

DIAL 911

Q . You've been in a number of features. What's the favorite thing you've been a part of and why?
A. Being in- I assume you mean acting. The acting I'm most satisfied with is a short called "Safety First" and was a 1991 episode of a public access TV series called "Twisted Realities". The story was written by Mike Clark and directed by Herb Henderson. I was extremely nervous because it was the first thing I had "starred" in at the time. All of us came together as a creative team, did the work, treated it seriously and in my opinion it came off nicely. Another production I enjoyed making was a thriller called "Dial 911". We had a great cast and Jim towsend did a wonderful scoring job on the music.


From an acting standpoint, the Realm of the Bizzare short titled "Strange Case of Ezra Bumble" was really fun. There I played a sleezy, blackmailing homosexual. A part you don't get to play very often!

Q. What was the biggest disappointment?
A.Two words "Cosmic Debris". While with the same production company many years later, we were approached by a guy who asked me to portray this space wise lizardman called "Rimbar". It would take place all around outer space and consist of drinking strange elixirs and showing music videos hosted by a dopey scientist character. We even got as far as the executives at Cartoon Network playing out the thing in front of them live. They never called back (at least I don't think they did). I really thought it was bad and not funny, but that describes most televison of today so I thought it had a chance.

Q. If you could work with any director, living or dead, who would it be and why?
A. Stanley Kubrick, hands down. Why? For the simple fact of what I could have learned from the man. It's been stated that he sometimes took well over 50 takes of one scene just to get it the way he wanted. If I had been an actor in one of his films, I would have done as many as he needed. You have just to look at his films to see why. I miss Mr. Kubrick and not having any more Kubrick films to look forward to, but we'll always have the masterpieces that he left us to watch. Other directors I admire are Freddie Francis and John Boorman.

Q. Same question as 3 only instead of director how about actor?
A. William Shatner is my first knee-jerk answer! But I would loved to have worked with the great Peter Cushing. Kenneth Branagh comes to mind as well. As an actor and director.

Q. Of the film making process, what's your favorite part- writing, acting, directing, post production, etc. and why?
A. It's hard for me to choose between acting and directing for favorites. It always changes with me. Both are hard sometimes but are extremely enjoyable and rewarding for me. Writing is rather foreign to me. I would rather take a story someone else wrote, make it and put it on the screen. Then when the process is over and the work is done, watch the finished product. And that produces a high better than anything in the world (especially if it comes out o.k.). Same thing with acting. Usually when I'm done with a days shooting on whatever, we rush back to the studio to see the footage because we really get a kick out of it. The most joy and satisfaction I've had was through directing, the most fun has been through acting.
On the other hand, I dislike post-production and editing. I know it needs to be done but I would really like to leave instructions with someone else (who is better at it) and have them do it. Don't get me wrong, features need to be edited the way I intended them to be, to coincide with what I shot- but it's just my impatience that makes me feel that way.

Q. From where do you draw inspiration?
A. My inspiration I think, is probably 75% outside forces,10% me, 10% from my lovely wife Kelley and 5% luck. It's impossible for me not to be infuenced and inspired by things I love and respect. Be it either older horror films, older television, comic books, weird relatives etc...Then I'll take that 10% from inside me somewhere then mix it in my brain and come up with "X". And there it is, good or bad. Hopefully good. Also, being married to a wonderful woman that supports you also helps things come out right.

Q. You're a comic book collector. If you could be a superhero, who would you be and why?
A. Well that's tough! My favorite hero of all time is "Captain America", but if I had to choose it would be "Superman". I mean those powers are probably close to perfect. The power of flight, invulnerability, heat vision, you're a member of the Justice League (sometimes). Plus you're a reporter in Metropolis with a babe girlfriend! And with those powers I could travel space, which is another fantasy in itself.

Q. What book would you like to see made into a movie and why? If your book has already been adapted, was it a good adaptation or would you change it?
A. It's funny but I would like for a good adaptation of "Captain America" to be filmed! Many comic book heroes have had great motion pictures made, but Cap has been shafted. Also William Shatner wrote a Star Trek book called "Ashes of Eden". It's a fabulous story that takes place after "Star Trek VI - The Undiscovered Country" and would have been a fitting ending for those great characters. Even "Cyborg" the book upon which "The Six Million Dollar Man" was based on would make a great new motion picture.

Q. What are you currently (2006) working on?
A. I am working with Dept.13 on directing a short feature entitled "Paradox", it's time travel story. It should be available on DVD in early spring of 2006. Also, I am producing & directing a short 6 min. film for the Independent Film Channel called "In the Shadow of My Enemy". It's a story set in 1944 during World War II. I'm working with Solofty Productions on this feature with 2 great pals who play the soldiers in the picture; Alan J. Sanders & Mike Haines. Look out for this! SoLofty is also producing a huge scale Star Wars fan film called "Shroud of the Enemy" which I hopefully, will also be involved with.


I am also participating in some independent film fests. This work includes getting indies shown in cinemas to promote independent pictures. These shows began in Dec. of 2005 with Dept.13 and continue into '06 many others and beyond. Being able to see "Dial 911" and several other features up on the big screen was a huge thrill (also see the links page).

Q. And finally, what would you like to accomplish in the future?
A. Just be productive. Success isn't that important to me. I want to continue to research and film independent pictures, present them here and interview admired celebrities (independent or otherwise), plus write reviews. I would also love to continue directing and acting on a contract basis for anyone or studio that may have a need for either.


Email: [email protected]

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