Robin on Today Show, NBC, Mar 09 07:37 2005


Katie Couric >> Oscar-winner Robin Williams is one of the most animated characters on the planet. He was in Aladin 13 years ago.


>> Well, now he is testing his metal as a rusty robot in a movie called "Robots".

>> There it is.

>> [Laughing]

>> whew! . 422EEE7B.JPG

>> Put your head between your legs.

>> Huh?

>> Oh!


>> yeah!

>> It used to be a lot worse. They had this giant hammer. Oh they brought it back.

>> Oh. 422EEE9B.JPG

>> Stick with me. I know this town like the back of my hand. Hey, that's new.

>> [Laughing]

>> Robin Williams, good morning.

>> A little popeye thrown in for good msure.

>> It's been a very humbling morning. Remember that movie, smart boy! That really kicked at the box office. Now he is at betty boop hospital going i wear i never touch today. 422EEEB7.JPG

>> How are?

>> Wonderful.

>> Do you like we brought little gadgets in for you?

>> Look at this lovely thing. It's an accordian and makes julian fries

>> you play fender this in new movie called "robots". You have not done an animated movie since adladin. You were so fabulous in atlanta -- aladin. 422EEED7.JPG

>> T scarlet, i loved that lamp. Aladin in atlanta. Where are we going? I never do lamps.

>> It took you 13 years to do another animated feature.

>> They didn't offer.

>> Somebody said you should have been born a cartoon.

>> My mother would have hadap easier time. Loo being, there is a boy. I didn't break a nail. 422EEEF4.JPG

>> [Laughing oh god. You hadn't gotten many good offers?

>> There was a bit of a misunderstanding, briefly. That's like saying the civil war was about product placement.

>> You had a little disagreement?

>> Yes, with the mouse. Mr. Eisner, oh sorry. We said the e word. Micky is going, come on, push him out the door. 422EEF13.JPG

>> All right.

>> I am starting to pesprire. Is it hot in here?

>> I wonder why we aren't i atlanta.

>> What was it about this movie? I am being honest because i said it during the commercial. I thought this was a tisk -- terrific movie and so original.

>> It was just seeing the designs. It's based on the artwork of a guy named william joyce. It's that art-deco beautiful world. There are 2 "robots". The new ones and rusty. It's really beautiful. When i saw the renders, i thought i would love on to be 422EEF3D.JPGpart this world.

>> And william joyce was one of the artists?

>> Yes, and chris wedge was the director. One character is based on a 1928 engine without the pull crane.

>> I think people don't realize how much attention has been paid to detail in this movie. Everything from the map of the stars to the robots. 422EEF58.JPG

>> I all of the little background stuff. There are millions of individual paintings. Combined with that is the sound effects in the world. It's a world -- when my son was growing up, you this things when you would put a marble in. It's like a world you felt you have never seen before.


>> It has a sweet message. I talked to greg kinnear about it. But it's also sophisticated?

>> Yes, it's about a parent supporting a child's dream.

>> Contormity?

>> Oh, you are talking about that now.

>> The pressure to be like everybody else? 422EEF85.JPG

>> Yes, and the to upgrade. I must look brand new. You are 23, it's okay, sweetheart. I have to get the upgrade. Stay with those.

>> Some of the other things in your life. You are working on a movie that is being directed by david decovony?


>> Yes. Your daughter is in?

>> Yes, she was wonderful.

>> She is how old?

>> 15 going on 30.

>> Were you nervous?

>> A little. But she did a very good job. She was wonderful with people which was great. That made me very happy.

>> Tell he about the movie. You play a janitor? 422EEFAF.JPG

>> Yes a mentally challenged friend of a boy growing up in soho, in the '70S. And he plays his girlfriend. It's a very sweet story. He has a single mom. He is a good kid but trying to find his way as a 16-year-old. It's very sweet.

>> I know you have been involved in a let of different charities and you are active in chris reeves foundation and very close to dana. You spoke so beautifully. I had the honor of attending his memorial service. You were just amazing, robin. 422EEFD7.JPG

>> It very interesting day. Everyone spoke from their heart about him. Beautiful things. It had that thing where it had a great sense of humor but also great dignity. Everyone spoke straight and pure. His son said if anybody has a problem, take it outside with me. It was like a boston funeral.


>> Is he most heiic -- heroic person you ever met?

>> Yes, i think so. It's weird to think of him gone. I never thought he would be taken but we are all vulnerable on that level. Yes, just for the sheer anythingity -- sheer dignity and the power to work through it all and fight on and fight with such digity.


>> And challenge of waking up and living everyday with that?

>> Yes. And doing it with a great deal of humanity also. Admitting all of the flaws of it but saying we can do it, especially fighting for and thankfully still having access to medical technology because of his making people aware of that.


>> And the oscar bruhaha.

>> First being there that night it was like the price is right. I felt bad when they go into the audience and gave awards it people. You didn't dress like a cucumber. You lose.

>> I thought the audience thing was interesting but they needed seat feelings. 422EF03B.JPG

>> You -- seat fillers. People were going taxi.

>> What was up with the tape on your mouth?

>> They censored a song we were doing like olive oil is anorexic. Somebody found that offense even though it was ironic. It was based around the controversy around sponge bob. He's not gay. He is a cleaning product, not a broadway dancer. The idea we were making this song up. I don't know where it came from. Somebody was upset and then they baged the song. When was me left was me coming up with the tape. 422EF067.JPGTh was funny. It's online if you want next to all of the article about the controversy and the notes. Somebody got upset.

>> Do you think the people are too careful when it comes to humor these days?

>> Well, humor is designed not to be, but it's the people who have access to the tools. Don't say that. Look at the michael jackson trial. Shhh. What about the family? Anybody who sends their kid to sleep over with a 46-year-old man, that's like going to a barbecue at the donner's house. Where is grandma? 422EF089.JPGOops

>> [laughing]

>> what are you doing?

>> Oh, take off the gloves.

>> Tell me what else you are up to.

>> Right now the legal people are going, going to commercial! We'll be right back with a live colon cam!

>> [Laughing]. 422EF09E.JPG

>> Katie>> that would really hurt, robin.

>> Katie, we are doing the imax shot. Whoa!

>> Okay.

>> Somebody get the key. Katie.

>> On that note, we are out of time. So good to see you. Fun to talk with you about serious things. 422EF0B5.JPG

>> And the come back.

>> My head is spinning.

>> Ma, so good to have you out. We will be back with martha stewart and the vandlesa. You can't hurry love. The ankle bracelet is long now.

>> "Robots" opens this friday. Tomorrow we will hear what another legendary funny man mel brooks. 422EF0CB.JPG

>> Thencredible man, the king of comedy. You will have a great time with mel.

>> Great to see you.

>> Thank you.

>> We'll be right back.

>> Thanks for all of the toys.

>> Bill, we will get this valve to you real quick.

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