Robin on Live With Regis and Kelly, ABC, Mar 09 09:25 2005


Regis >> I was telling kelly about "Mork and Mindy." But what did you do to get on that snow

Robin >> I was working in L.A. There was show called "laugh in ii." So good. Regis: Yes.

>> Nobody else did too. Then i auditioned. Gary marshall's son had seen "star wars" and i wanted them to put an alien on "happy days" and he was like i don't know if it would be good for the kids and then penny came in, hi Gary, hi pen. I basically started off the audition by sitting on my head. So there was some sort of deal 422F079A.JPGstruck with paramount and something fell out and they had to rush together this marriage of pam and myself and so then we had "Mork and Mindy." Kelly: I'm trying to imagine gary and penny with you because you're so quick and they are so --

>> a little bit like a olympic you are and a pula. Wait, what was that? Mmm.



>> they kind of function in a lot of -- oh. Oh, you're hurting me? Why? I woke up. Regis: A little jerry Lewis in there.

>> Hey. Please help now, how much money have we raised? Far period of time. I always love coming here because you got a little bit of new york back there. Obviously a lot of family pictures. Kelly: Right. 422F07CC.JPG

>> And a to get up to the next level. Regis: And park view is over here.

>> Oh, my goodness, so this is what the trumps wake up to. And she wakes up to donald. Good luck. It's all real.

[Applause] regis: We're going to pause. We'll come back with robin williams. Announcer: Tomorrow on "live," we've got john stamos and john lithgow. Great days start here on "live." 422F0890.JPG

>> i'm


>> i didn't do that. Pluzzpluzz

>> who is that? Thereon me, Ronny, regis, , Reggiei love you, man. Kelly: You do drunk very we regis: This is the movie wrap.

>> Talking about a few people having cocktails. Listen to me, ray, you're beautiful. And this suit, god, i love it. And that tie, wow! 422F08AA.JPG

[Laugh regis: All right. Now, let's review robin williams' movie career. He's got some blockbusters here. "Goodwill hunting," "dead both society." Terrific. "Good morning vietnam," "mrs. Doubt fire." Regis: I think my favorite, i don't know. The "bird cage," you were terrific!



>> quell, you know, for me it's always good just to explore. Regis: But you were so handsome. Regis: Gosh, coming from you, thank you. Regis: No. My wife.

>> It's like guys going my wife thinks you're sexy, i, myself, am also somewhat attracted. "Insomnia." Yes. 422F08E2.JPG

>> A creepy guy. Regis: Al pal chino.

>> If i work with duval, i get to have the entire set. Regis: Do duval.

>> Bob, it would be good to have him on the show. He's good, yeah. Thanks. Have fun? Good. Regis: Then creepiest character of them all. "One hour photo." Very scary. 422F08FB.JPG

>> Yrsonaje m*s you get different fan mail too. I really enjoyed your work. Thank you. And i know where you live. Regis: What's your favorite?

>> "Aladdin" because it was a cartoon. Regis: Big box office. Kelly: I would think a cartoon, from -- just from the perspective of the producers because your voice, you are so many different things.


>> A lot people would say that. Kelly: They just draw around you.

>> Well, we start off doing the script and with "aladdin" i was like do you mind if i try something? Then i was like ok. Then 20 hours later they had stuff they could create. For cartoons, the best thing is you're in the room and then they go off and draw what you give them and it usually goes much foote. Regis: You lay down the voice first? 422F0931.JPG

>> Youra what i like to say is you lay it down, you front it and then my an marets, my main peeps with the pencils come out and then they throw it down on the pipe and not necessarily the paper. Now they got a computer, the animated 3-d graphic come out good then the character come to life and really gets out and can get jiggy with it. You know?


[Laughter] when my characters come and dance around and -- and up and down and i hope the sensor was on the button. Regis: So do i because we don't got no five-second delay.

>> Yeah. Not like the oscars. Even Oprah went --


>> weren't the oscars kind of strange when they went in the audience and -- felt like the price is right. Give it to the cucumber! Regis: What about you hosting the academy awards? 422F096F.JPG

>> No.

[Applause] kelly: Why? Regis: Look at the outpouring here.

>> No. There are people who were meant for that, and there are others. It's like, mmm mmm. It's like giving michael jackson keys to disneyland right now. Kelly: Ha ha! Regis: We're going to be right back. 422F0989.JPG

>> We'ck!

[Applause] regis: There you go. There's your old avenue right there.

>> Columbus avenue. Just the corner. Regis: I still love that voice.

>> Mr -- god bless this country tapped american people. Regis: Now, you're going to make a movie here in new york i guess in the summertime? 422F0A4A.JPG

>&gtL, in upstate new york regis: So you're going to be living in the city again for a while?

>&gtLy. I'll be here with your weather. Weather by Cybill. It was interesting. Landed and the guy at the airport said, don't get used to this. You were talking about the -- you hear errr. You feel like there's an old ship captain going i wouldn't go outside. Regis: Like "Popeye."


>> Dono down to the village ` live. It was very, very, very cold. Chicago cold, you know? Kelly: Yes. Regis: One day.

>> Then in one day, gone. Ahh aa-aah. I have seen many cold breezes but he who sleeps with the pack was not with me. Regis: Let's talk about "robots." Whoa!


>> Let's the movie.

[Applause] regis: You know the man made up a song, actually a takeoff on singin' in the rain called singin' in the oil.

>> I thought you'll never get the rights and then they did the movie and i'm like you did. Regis: Your character is fender.

>> He's kind of a skid row robot, living hand to foot literally, put together of spare parts, much like i am at the age of 53. You and i look for upgrades whenever we can. It's a sweet part. Regis: You enjoy doing it. 422F0AB1.JPG

>> I love animation, and I've always loved it since i was a little kid, especially Elmer and for me one of the great characters is elmer fudd. Very, very accessible human being. Kelly: I would imagine that every pitch meeting for every animated movie they must start out with ok, we see the lead character as robin williams. Got to be every character in every movie.


>> Blessa you, child. You live in a wonderful world.

[Laughter] kelly: I do. It's so lonely here, though.

>> There's others coming. Regis: Now, do they allow you because you're so good at this, do they allow you to change a word, a sentence?

>> To make a sentence, yes. Would you make a sentence? 422F0AE5.JPG

>> Yes. I would like to make a sentence. They would let me do like a riff like we tchade riff before and he would say try something for different parts where they are trying to get into a place in a big party so they tried like the royal family except with better teeth. And then i -- one character was very froveragee but then you have to have crazy cigarette smoke but it's not crazy for the children, what are you doing? I allow. Oh, look. The determinens! Ahh! Then we made a can a stillian spanish because in can a


spoke like this because fip the ii spoke like this and they wanted to make everyone feel it was ok is to fip wouldn't notice nothing was wrong.


>> so if you're in america, mess up your sentences so the president doesn't feel badly.

[Laughter] regis: So you got the spanish down, the french down. 422F0B26.JPG

>> But the ended up, it's up to the director to pick which one they wanted and so he has a great sense of hour. Regis: Did you throw in one of my italian brothers?

>> Regis, why you not put me in a cartoon? Mickey mouse how come you only got three fingers? You can't cook with three fingers. How do you make the italian hand signals?


[Speaking gibberish] good luck with the censor going --


[speaking gibberish] regis: Now see --

>> irish, regis. I do know irish? That's the only holiday in the world where people in even in pakistan say it's pakistan but I'm irish! The irish don't dress up at passover saying manesh tadanoi. We're going downtown dressed as a blipts. Find me. Rabi mcfineman. What are you doing? I circumstance you mean sized the boy myself. Regis: All right. 422F0B7C.JPGLet's play a little --

>> let's play a game and see how good you are in this film because you're dynamite right here. But here he is -- you're talking to u.N. Mcgregor who plays rodney.

>> He's of the east side comp put bottle. Regis: You're offering him a place to say stay.


>> Just po bo crash.

>> Come on. You can bunk with me. We'll ignore the gossip. You missed a spot.

>> Get out of my room!

>> I'm not in your room. Am now, not, am, not.

>> Get out of my room!

>> Oh, mab, this is my third oil change today. Something's wrong with me. 422F0BB1.JPG

>> Here we are. Home, sweet, home. What's mine is yours. Oh, dear.

>> I'll get them.

>> Oh, now they are arm wrestling. Could you separate them? Hurry. My backside itches.


[Laughter] regis: Funny stuff. "Robots" opens this friday. Theaters everywhere! Robin, thank you so much.

>> Thank you. Regis: Robin williams, everybody.

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