Bicentennial Man (1999)
Genre:  Sci-Fi / Dramedy / Romance
Overview: A robot wants to become more human as he develops human emotions.
Robin's performance   10
actors performance   8
directors vision   1
story   3
action aspect   4
comedy aspect   9
art design   8
special effects   10
music   9
reviewers tilt   10

First Time:


Bicentennial Man

First of all, this is not a Sci-Fi flick. It is a very good movie, that is funny, sad, thoughtful and hopeful.
But it's also using futuristic narrative to look into what makes us human.
Robin Williams' performance is great, a balance between hysterical comedy and reserved contemplation.
Also you have to realize how difficult it is to act completely covered in plastic, but Robin pulls it off splendidly.
What made me love this movie so much is how many deep questions it poses without becoming a teachy rhetoric.
And even though the ending is maybe somewhat disappointing, it is understandable,
because the movie is after all a 200 years quest for acceptance.

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