Adventures of Baron Munchausen (1988)
Genre:  Adventure / Fantasy / Comedy
Overview: Baron Munchausen's supposed travels and fantastical experiences with his gifted servants.
Robin's performance   9
actors performance   9
directors vision   10
story   3
action aspect   8
comedy aspect   9
art design   8
special effects   7
music   9
reviewers tilt   10

First Time:



This is a great movie based on a very good book. Which is an accomplishment on itself.
It's directed and written by
Terry Gilliam who is simply put a genius.
The movie is a grand fantastic adventure that is entertaining and funny.
There are also some rather wonderful satiric moments in it, that show some of today's problems.
Like the part with god Volcan, where he describes nuclear bomb.
Robin performance as Moon's King is hysterical, and the whole thing with detachable heads has a fun philosophical play to it.
All in all this movie can be equally enjoyed by adults and children, as well as the ones who read the book and who didn't.

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