Home Family History Family Stories Jews in Hungary

Family Reunion Fischer Descendants

A Brief Family History

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How we all got here...

It all started (at least as far as we can find out) with Jozsef Fischer in the town of Kisvárda in the north eastern portion of Hungary. Described as a horse trader in the census of 1848 his descendants have formed the Fischer family.

This family has now spread across the globe with members in Hungary, Sweden, Australia, the USA, Canada, South America, Israel and South Africa.

Kisvarda crest

This is the coat of arms for the town of Kisvárda,  known as a 'cimer' in Hungarian or 'arma' in Latin. Nézö István and Szivák Gábor in their  book, "Kisvárda a források tükrében" state that these coats of arms were used in the middle ages to distinguish one noble house from another and enabled the followers and retainers of a nobleman to distinguish themselves from others on the battlefield. Coats of arms arrived in Hungary at the time of the Anjou kings of France. They write that since the occupation of the Hungarian homeland this area has been important for the defence of the realm. This is epitomised in by means of the left hand side of the shield which is red cut seven times with silver a part of the Hungarian. In the first two centuries the Árpád rulers of Hungary were also the overlords of the area in which Kisvárda is located. This connection with the earliest conquest of Hungary by the Magyar hordes is an indicator of the place that this are has in Hungarian history.

List of Surnames

Adler, Altmann, Amato, Auschpitz, Austin, Ban, Bies, Bilsky, Bottom, Brandes, Brandon, Burger, Cantori, Ceszarszkaja, Chilow, Chrestels, Clemans, Cohen, Cooper, Daman, Daniels, Déry, Engel, English, Erem, Ernst, Falk, Faludi, Falus, Farago, Felbein, Ferber, Feuerstein, Finkelstein, Fisch, Fischer, Fisher, Flesch, Foldes, Frankl, Friedman, Frizs, Fuchs, Funk, Földes, Galet, Gänsler, Garas, Gergely, Gilbert, Goldstein, Goltz, Goodman, Granit , Green, Green(stein), Grunberger, Haas, Harris, Harrison, Havas, Hegedüs, Hinga, Holcsa, Jenkinson, Jernigan, Jessner, Kallosi, Kamen, Kane, Kardos, Karman, Kast, Katona, Kaufmann, Kelemen, Klein, Knopfler, Koenigsberg, Kohn, Kroll, Kuslitz, Künzler, La Monte, Labańino, Laske, Laskova, Macsay, Markowitz, Marks, Martens, Mateos, Meyer, Mirochnick, Mittleman, Monte, Moormann, Moscovit, Neuman, Olsen, Park, Pass, Peets, Plonka, Podhradszky, Praeger, Queen, Rheingruber, Riccobono, Rochlitz, Rogen, Rosenfeld, Roskies, Roth, Rottner, Ruttenberg, Saffer, Saffer-Spiro, Sales, Sanders, Shapiro, Silverstein, Simon, Skirow, Somogyi, Spiro, Spitz, Stein, Steiner, Sucher, Svartz, Szirt, Tallin, Tasman, Tenenbaum, Terry, Till, Townsend, Vanderham, Varga, Verö, Wall, Weinberger, Weinfield, Weinstok, Wiesner, Winkler, Wolf, Zalka, Zarotsky, Zeiden, Zelmar, Zelvy, Zimmerman.

The list grows daily as more and more members of the family are discovered and added to the knowledge base

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