Modeled for the April Wings3D challenge ("Sea Creature") over at the Renderosity W3D forums
Wings 3D - modeling
Ray Dream 5.5 - 
Painter 5.5 - a ton 'o adjustments for the renders.
Wires.. I made some changes to the mesh after this pic, but very minor (mostly just tiny fixes, and connecting a few more edges).
Swiming along..
Just swimming along, my first test render.  A whoooole lot of post work in Painter
ZAP!  Squid Strike
I got carried away with the effect a bit, I'll tone it down in the future.. ;]
The squid has an electric attack, it extends it's front tentacles out in an umbrella-like shape and forms arcs of electricity between them that meet in the middle. It's strong enough to kill fish and smaller things, but mostly the squid goes after larger prey.. In that case the attack isn't strong enough to kill, but is instead used to stun. The creature can't keep the field sustained like a tazer, instead it is but a quick flash that immediatly disappears, and all that is left is a cloud of air bubbles racing towards the surface. The explosive bolt of energy is used just before contact is made, this temporarily blinds and stuns the prey, allowing the squid to grasp it's victim, and sink the many spikey teeth on it's tentacles into it. This anchors the  grip, and the squid then begins to squeeze the prey tightly to deny it a chance to fight back.
  Oh, the small things dangling on the back of the squid creature can emit a mild shock as well, but that one is too weak to do anything serious and is merely used to distract any pursuing predators.
The large shark like tail is used to propel the creature along, with the big side fins extending out away from the body againts the current. This back-pedaling can be used to suddenly stop, do sharp turns or even swim backwards a bit.. (though slowly, only used as a defensive tactic.. tentacles out front to keep a predator at bay, while slowly backing away)
Since my squid thingy swims forward like that  (real squid swim with the tentacles facing back), I was asked how the tentacles are positioned when it's swiming along, there's 2 possibilities.. I'm thinking the bottom one, since it looks more hydrodynamic.
photo composition
UPDATE 4-25-2004
A photo composition / manipulation pic.. probably 5+ ocean photos mixed up in there, a couple hours worth of work in Painter
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