"The Tunic"
Click for a bit more info on the recycled head ;]
click face
picture for more... well, face pictures
'The tunic' is how it all started, just a way to demonstrate Wings 3D's new (at the time) smooth proxy mode to someone. But I went with it, and kept adding on to the figure. At first just adding legs and finishing the body. Later even adding some straps and armor. The head and the helmet weren't modeled for this figure, and are both recycled from older projects. They were both originaly modeled in Nendo, later getting significantly reworked and improved with Wings. The face was 'extract regioned' off of this older head, and only the part that's visible is actualy there. (back of the head, ears etc are all chopped off).
The texture on the face is only experimental (that was also made before, and not while doing this 'knight').. It was a test in using photo sources for textures. A pretty sucessfull experiment, but the texture could be better and is pretty blurry in some areas.. (Though that's only noticible in close-up renders, which I didn't include here.  :P )
The default pose in which the knight was modeled in
Knight posed
the complete figure, manualy 'posed' within Wings 3D itself..  Smooth preview on
Some quick renders, done with Ray Dream 5.5, post work in Painter 5.5
By the way, the 'enviroment' was thrown together very fast, and is really only there to provide reflections for the metalic materials. I don't wanna hear anything about the blocky stones! ;) Also the face expression was left in the default "blank, straight ahead" stare.. that could have been better I know, Click the face picture in the upper right portion of this page for some earlier "face expression" tests.
(click pictures for larger versions)
Side view test (512x600) The march to war - (480x640)
Bottom-ish view (542x500)
"The March to War"  has some significant post-render editing.. Nothing that attempts to hide faults with the models or anything. Just altered the contrast/brightness, and saturation. Also put in a little bit of 'glare', and added some totaly fake 'hand-made' focus blur (DOF).
Here's a quick side view render, plus a slightly 'from below' view render. The side view is clean, but the other one has some post render touch-ups (very minor)
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All images copyright (c) Peter Chovanec, 2003.
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