Edited Sept 2, 2004

Image Plane materials are assigned a white Emmisive color by default now, so I've removed the suggestion to do that by hand.
2D Face reference picture from FineArt.sk
Download ImagePlaneRefs.Zip (176 kb)
Here's two examples to show some different ways to use Wings3D's Image Planes as reference pictures. In both cases you must use the Orthographic mode so that perspective doesn't distort everything. And in case of the HeadRefFarPlanes example, you must also set your working object to be displayed as wire-frame so that you can see the reference images behind it

P.S The head was modeled fast just for the example. I know it's not good, so save it! :P
You will need to have both Show Textures and Show Materials checked. Note that the reference Images are 'Combined' into one object, and that they're all "locked" as well to prevent them from being accidently selected while modeling.

The two
.Wings Files in the .Zip

- Simple Image Planes, just placed far away from the 'scene' so that they're always behind the camera. Simple and effective, I pretty much this method exclusivly

- More advanced method using Images with an alpha channel. I can't give a step-by-step on how create these since that's software-specific. Once you create a TIFF or TGA with an alpha channel that Wings will accept though, you can just load-up and use them in Wings as you would any normal image.
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