Pete Azzole's On-line Library







Oh, hello, glad you stopped by; pull up a chair. I was just reminiscing through the inspiration for HELL TO PAY.  This book "The Sea War In Korea" started it all. I have had it in my library for many years, perhaps since sometime in the 1960s. Back in 1992, I decided to write a novel. Several general concepts were in my mind, but I was unable to settle on one. I knew it was going to be a novel in a Navy setting. I just didn't know much beyond that. I began reviewing books of Naval subjects in my library. During that process, I pulled this one from the shelf to read while commuting to Miami on the train. By the time my ride to Miami was over, it was clear that this was the setting for my novel. I spent several months reading this and other books, taking copious notes, developing a timeline of major events of the war and forming the framework of a story. I went to the Boca Raton Library and borrowed books on the Korean War. I read biographical work on General Douglas MacArthur. I was slowly, but surely, time-warping myself into that era. I settled on a story concept, mapped out a plot, developed an outline and wrote biographical sketches of the main fictitious characters. In parallel with all that, I reviewed books on the art of fiction. My novel project was launched. The title for that first effort was "The Yalu River."

Progress during 1993-1996 was slow, primarily due to attending Florida Atlantic University full-time to prepare myself for a new civilian career. During that time though, I completed a draft manuscript of the novel. As the result of some of the books I had read on writing fiction and critiques from friends, I decided on a major redesign of the novel and re-titled it to "Hell to Pay." When I completed that project, I launched a marketing campaign targeting publishers and literary agents. Despite some hints of interest here and there, the campaign did not result in a book contract. I decided to start another novel project and let this manuscript "get cold" so that I could assess it more objectively. 

In early 1999, my interest in the manuscript was rekindled. I examined the manuscript thoroughly. I solicited comments from people who would be objective. The net result was yet another redesign that gave it a new starting point, stripped away 12,000 words and refined all the chapters. The finished result is now in the court of the readers.

This is not a "formula" book. You won't know the ultimate challenge to the protagonist after the first chapter. The story moves like real life; events and situations lead from one consequence to another, constantly building momentum. I will call upon all six of your senses and your sensibilities.

Enjoy your flight! Watch your six or there will be HELL TO PAY! 



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