Pictures of Egypt

Below is a series of pictures taken for my by a friend who recently visited Egypt. Please forgive me if I have misidentified some of the temples, as it was not me who took these photographs.

Here are some views of the Colossi of Memnon, otherwise known as statues of Amenhotep III.

Two views of the relief sculpture on the pylons at the Temple of Edfu.


Two views of the Barque of the God Horus inside the Temple of Edfu.


A nice view of the approach to Hatshepsuts Temple at Deir el-Bahri.

Some photographs of the impressive temple of Ramesses II at Karnak.



For contrast, two views from the Aswan Dam, which aren't nearly so nice to look at.

The Temple of Isis at Philae is a beautiful place that I cannot wait to visit for myself. Here are its outer pylons.


Inside the temple at Philae. I think this part is dedicated to Hathor, and it is very beautiful.


Some feluccas, sailing on the Nile.

The unfinished obelisk, which developed a large crack before it could be taken out of the quarry.

Finally, what you've all been waiting for (if you've managed to get this far) the Pyramids, the Sphinx and one of the Valley temples (with camel).


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