My Friends

This is my boyfriend Justin.  His is the only picture up right now because he's the only one of my friends with a web cam, and my scanner's being rather moody at the moment.
Justin's absolutely the most wonderful guy I've ever met.  There's too many good things to list about him right here, but if you had to pick his most prominant features they would definately be his unending source of optimism, his boundless energy, and his willingness to bounce!

Click here to see Justin's Song...

...And here to read the words (more verses)!

Tracy is my best friend; she has been since we met in sixth grade and she always will be.  The odd thing about our friendship is that we're such opposties, everything I enjoy she despises, and vice versa.  Somehow we seem to get along very well despite our differences, and because of this, we've  opened up to new things we wouldn't have dreamed of trying otherwise.  She helps me out in math, I help her in english, and so we manage to get through life. 

My other best friend is Kimberly,  who I've known since preschool.  Kimberly is one of the sweetest, most considerate people I've ever met.  She shares my love of writing and literature, and has a passion for traveling.  Kimberly is also one of the best listeners.  In fact, she's also known as "My Diary" because with our conflicting schedules, we hardly get a chance to see eachother much, but I often write to her just to say what's on my mind, and she's always there to listen and offer support.  Always.

This is Sylvester, from the same Realm as Christopher

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