Cube Root Formula (CRF) for Armored Hull Points in NAM2

Copyright © 1997, 1999 by Kevin Clark.  All Rights Reserved.

The problem

The formulas in NAM are flawed because large starships -- especially armored ones -- will have outrageously large number of hull hit points.

For instance, look at a cylindrical hull comperable to the SC stats of the Kafer Alpha.  Based on GDW's values for Signature and Profile ( from both the Radial and Lateral viewpoint) a Kafer Alpha BB:

According to NAM, a hull with an MV of 390 and an armor level of 9 has 3,510 hull hits!!!  Definitely not the value of hull points given for an Alpha in any of the game's books.

The formulas

The formulas, according to NAM, for an armored hull are:


Note that plugging the Armor Volume formula into the Total Hull Hits formula will cause the "( Armor Multiplier)" terms in the numerator and denominator to cancel out leaving the simplified formula of:

A Solution

Here is one possible fix for an armored hull's hit points.

Cube Root Formula (CRF)

I suggest taking the cube root of the Level of Armor Protection value in the Total Hull Hits formula:

Note: Designers of ships on other 2300 websites have already used this formula, from my original post to the mailing list of it.  One common abbreviation for hull points calculated with it is "CRF".


For my Kafer Alpha BB reverse design:

Applying the same variant formulas to the Punyuang example in NAM, we get:

Since the Kennedy is really armor level one, taking any root of one is still one, leaving that craft unchanged.

Cube Root Table

Here is a handy table of cube roots for armor levels 1 to 20.

  Armor   Cubroot        Armor   Cubroot
  1       1.00           11      2.22
  2       1.26           12      2.29
  3       1.44           13      2.35
  4       1.59           14      2.41
  5       1.71           15      2.47
  6       1.82           16      2.52
  7       1.91           17      2.57
  8       2.00           18      2.62
  9       2.08           19      2.67
  10      2.15           20      2.71

I think using the cube root gives a reasonable boost to any armored starships hit points, without being excessive ( like my reversed Kafer Alpha shows happening with the official NAM formulas).

P.S. For those people whose calculators don't have a cube root key, yet have a "ln" keys.

To take the cube root of X press.

  1. Enter X,
  2. press the "ln" key,
  3. now divide by 3, and press "equals sign" key,
  4. now press "e to the xth power( superscript)" key

And you now have the cube root of X.

Note the "e^x" key may require using the "inv" key on your calculator, depending how your function keys are laid out.

Also you can substitute "log" for "ln" and "10^x" for "e^x" and get the same answer.

Here is a walk through, solving for the cube root of 8.

   Enter 8,                       display reads: 8
   Press "ln"                     display reads: 2.07944 ...
   divide by 3 and press "="      display reads: 0.69314 ...
   now press "e^x"                display reads: 2

So the cube root of 8 is 2  ( since 2 * 2 * 2 = 8).

If you have any questions about the above, please email me.

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Last Update: 1999 Sep 22
First Online: 1999 Sep 22
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Website maintained by: Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )

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