Pentapod's World of 2300AD If the monster in this had been a dinosaur, then this would have been 2300's "Jurassic Park".  Play up the NPCs' egos and you'll have a blast ( the PCs may not agree).  My thanks to Mike for granting permission for me to host his revised version on my web site. -Kevin Clark - Oct. 19th, 1998.

This is Only a Test...

by Michael C. LaBossiere
( Ontologist AT aol DOT com )

Copyright ©1992, 1998 Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere.  All Rights Reserved.
Originally published in Challenge magazine #61.

HTML layout/editing by Kevin Clark
( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )
Please report errors to me.

Legal Information: This adventure is copyright 1992, 1998 by Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere.  It may be freely distributed for personal use provided that it is not modified and no fee above the normal cost of distribution is charged for it.  Visit my web site at:
Disclaimer required by Far Future Enterprises: This item is not authorized or endorsed by Far Future Enterprises ( FFE) and is used without permission. The item is for personal use only. Any use of FFE's copyrighted material or trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, this item cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author ( Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere).


"They can't be dead!  They can't be!  This isn't real!  This is only a test..."

This adventure is intended for an experienced group of PCs.  What begins as an enjoyable excursion to observe the testing of a new robot on a charming South Pacific island will turn into a nightmare of machine engineered death.

Referee's Information

Makai-Weymouth Robotics was recently formed by the Makai Corporation ( which was involved in the rather odd combination of film making and producing robots) and Weymouth Artificial Minds ( which specialized in advanced computers and robotic brains).  With the combined resources made available by the merger, M-WR was able to complete development of a highly advanced fluid-matrix robotic brain.  Realizing that the exceptional power and compactness of the new brain made it ideal for application in military and police robotics, M-WR began a project to develop a combat robot body suitable for the advanced brain.  The body was recently completed and the new brain was installed.

The robotic field is highly competitive and the executives at M-WR realized they would need to do something dramatic to draw attention to their new product.  The movie making branch of the corporation set to work on it and came up with a plan.  They decided to conduct the tests for the robot on the island they used when making many of their films.  The robot would be put through its paces in a variety of terrains, including a full scale mock up town.  The special effects division of the company set to work preparing an array of weapons that would demonstrate the robot's capacities while at the same time providing the requisite drama and flash required.  The final touch was the decision to invite several entertainment industry notables to the demonstration.

Players's Information

M-WR is an up and coming company that resulted from the merger of Makai Corporation ( known for its sci-fi movies and its robots) and Weymouth Artificial Minds ( known for its computers and robotic brains).  The new corporation is out to make a name for itself and rumor has it that they are putting on quite a show on their Pacific island.  The rumor mill has been cranking steadily.  It has been said that there will be a test battle between a combat robot and a group of captured Kafers.  Another rumor asserts that the robot will be battling a genetically engineered Godzilla like monster.  The more sensible rumors state that there will some kind of test involving a combat robot, but it will be facing off against more conventional opponents.  The entertainment tabloid media has also produced several stories that claim numerous entertainment notables will be present at the testing.

Getting the PCs involved

How the PCs get involved will depend on their professions.  PCs with military or security experience can be hired as guards or as opponents for the robot.  PCs with medical experience can also get jobs on the medical team.  PCs with scientific or engineering backgrounds may be sent to investigate the test or may have been invited to observe.  Media PCs may be invited to cover the test or may have invited themselves.  PCs that are big in the entertainment industry may be invited to lend their status to the event.  In any case, a plausible reason should be invented to get the PCs on the island ( even if they have to be ship wrecked there).


Only A Test Maps

Makai Island

The island is located in the South Pacific ( exact location left to the referee).  It is owned by M-WR and is outside the jurisdiction of any nation.  The island itself is very beautiful.  The terrain includes thick forests, dense swamps, an artificial stream, beaches, and a large hill.  The terrain has been sculpted and modified for film work and there are cleverly concealed access paths, camera platforms, and so forth all over the island.  There is also a lodge ( left over from when the island was owned by a development corporation that went bankrupt) and a mock up town ( for filming) on the island.  There are numerous animals on the island, most of which were imported.  There are no dangerous animals on the loose, however.  The animals are, for the most part, friendly and well trained.

The Lodge

The lodge was constructed by a development corporation that later went bankrupt.  The company had intended to turn the entire island into a tacky resort.  When the Makai Corporation purchased the island, the lodge came with it.  The lodge was refurnished in a tasteful manner and was kept to house movie crews and actors.  The building itself is a wooden structure and is well constructed.

Floor 1

1-12.  Rooms: Each room is equipped with either one or two beds and well as standard room furnishings, including a small bathroom.  The furnishings are nice and tasteful, but are not elaborate.  The guests and corporate people will be housed here for the test.
13.  Lounge/Entrance: The lounge contains comfortable furniture and is decorated with high quality photographs from various films done by MC.
14.  Office/Front Desk: This once served as the front desk and administrative office for the lodge.  It is now used as a multi purpose room ( in other words, it has served as everything from a storage area to martial arts training room).

Floor 2

1.  Kitchen: The food preparation area of the lodge.  It is equipped with the latest in food production equipment.
2.  Theater: This room has been set up as a small movie theater.  Despite its small size, it has the latest in movie showing equipment.
3.  Dining Area: This area contains tables and a bar.
4.  Deck: The deck contains tables, a bar, and an outside dance floor.  There are transparent shields that can extend in case of poor weather conditions.

Town Mock Up

The town mock up consists of wooden and plastic "buildings" that are designed to simulate a modern town or city area.  The buildings are designed to be easily modified to represent everything from the center of the Boston Combat zone to colony towns on Aurore.  The buildings are solid enough to support people and equipment.  Some of the buildings have interiors, but most are hollow shells with interior supports.  The town is currently set up to represent a section of a modern city.

The Day Before

The guests will begin to arrive on the morning of the day before the test.  The guests will arrive in VTOL aircraft which will land on the pads near the lodge.  The press will arrive slightly earlier.  There will be quite a media circus on the island and the events will be well covered in the entertainment media.

Once all the guests and media have arrived, the guest of honor will arrive.  A Utility Light Transport will land on a pad and corporate guards will trot out and form a double line.  Then the Autonomous Combat Unit Model 300 ( ACU M-300) will walk out to face he media.  There will be numerous posing sessions by the celebrities with the ACU M-300 and it will be interviewed by various news agencies.  The ACU, having been provided will specially designed software for the occasion, will do very well during the interviews and will come off as if it actually had a personality.  Once the day's media circus is over, the ACU will return to the Utility Light Transport which is serving as command post/laboratory/maintenance shop for the test.

Once the ACU goes back into the aircraft, the crowd will head to the lodge.  Portable shelters have been set up for the press and for the corporate personnel ( the celebrities get the rooms in the lodge).  After the guests and press have had a chance to rest, a briefing will be held on the lawn.  The test director will give a speech thanking everyone for coming and will tell several jokes.  Then he will outline the tests that the ACU will go through.  The first test, scheduled for the morning, pits the ACU against a corporate security team in the woods.  The second test takes place in the swamp and has the ACU matched up against an American military team.  The third test is set in the town mock up and involves a NYC SWAT team.  The final "test" is a mock battle with the celebrities.

After the briefing, there will be diner and a party.  Everything will go well, except for one incident.  At least one PC will witness a fight between the project director, Don Weymouth, and Jeff Wilson, one of the M-WR robotic experts.  Weymouth will appear to be berating Wilson and will take something from his pocket and throw it to the floor.  Wilson will drop to the floor and quickly scoop it up.  The two men will notice a media team approaching them and Wilson will take the opportunity to slip away.  If the PCs check the area where the thing was dropped, they will find a drug capsule in the corner.  If they check the drug, they will find it is labeled T-7F9.  The drug, known on the streets as "smart" is a medical drug used to treat injuries to the brain and some forms of mental illnesses.  The drug also adds two points to the user's intelligence for an average of three hours ( roll 1d6).  Taking more than one dose in 24 hours can create extreme paranoia and homicidal tendencies.  Task: To avoid the side effects of "smart": difficult.  Endurance.  Instant.  Notes: For each dose over one, increase the task difficulty level.  If the roll fails, the user will become paranoid and homicidal ( the intensity of the paranoia and homicidal mania and how the user will respond are left to the referee).  The effects last until the drug wears off.  "Smart" sells for Lv 200 for 4 doses on the street.

After getting away from Weymouth, Wilson will go to the Light Utility Transport.  He will take several "smarts", thinking he is taking a mix of pain killers and tranquilizers.  He will realize his mistake almost immediately, but it will be to late.  The overdose will drive him into extreme paranoia and homicidal mania.  Except for the paranoia and mania, his mental processes will be extremely efficient.  He will become convinced that everyone is out to get him and will reprogram the ACU.  His alterations include instructions to replace its test ammunition with the munitions for the live firing exercises.  It will also be programmed to seal off the island and kill everything on it.  The drug will eventually make Wilson so paranoid they he will run away into the swamp where he will drown.  Because of this, he will not be able to completely re-program it and it will go through the tests as programmed.  Of course, it will be going through the tests with live ammunition and programmed to kill.

After Wilson departs, the ACU will act upon its orders to seal of the island.  It will use on of the robot cargo handlers ( use the stats for the Transport 'Bot in Nyotekundu Sourcebook, p.  46 if needed) to plant explosives in all the aircraft on the island and it will have another robot take a powerful jamming device out into the woods.  The robot carrying the jamming device will be programmed to move continuously to prevent anyone from fixing its location.  The ACU will also have another robot carrying its munition reloads to a secure place and leave them there.

The next day, the ACU will be brought to the test area in the woods aboard a heavy truck and the observers and the corporate security team will go aboard Swift Songbirds.  Most of the celebrities will stay at the lodge to watch the test on the video monitors, but some will ride out to see the action live.

The exact moment the test is about to begin will be marked by the explosive destruction of the aircraft and the activation of the signal jammer.  There will be no way off the island ( short of building a raft or swimming) and all radio communications will be out.  The ACU will proceed to attack the members of the security team ( who are armed with harmless test weapons).  After it finishes off the woods test, it will head to the swamp to attack the team there.  If the team is not warned, they will be sitting ducks in the swamp.  The ACU will then proceed to the town where the police team is.  If the police team is not warned, they will also be sitting ducks.  Once the ACU finishes with the town, it will go after anyone else who may be still alive.  The ACU will remain in a test area until it has killed everyone in the area ( it will not pursue people leaving the test area).  It will only attack if it is attacked while it is going from test area to test area.  Once it has completed the first three tests, it will proceed to test four.  It interprets this test as requiring it to kill everyone on the island.  It will not stop killing until it runs out of targets or is destroyed.  The ACU will reload its weapons at its supply dump whenever they are less than half full.


The finish depends on what happens in the adventure.  If the PCs save the day, they will be heroes and will be well rewarded by M-WR.  They may also be well rewarded my the media and the celebrities present ( they may even get a roll in a movie or a guest appearance on a video show).  If the PCs blow it, and any press or media stars survive, their failure will be known world wide ( maybe even beyond).  Overall, this adventure takes place under a media spotlight, so the PCs actions are likely to be well known.

M-WR may either suffer or benefit from the event.  If the ACU is contained with minimal carnage, the company image will be slightly stained, but repairable.  If there are excellent film shots of the battles involving the ACU, a movie will be made around it and it will be a smash at the box office ( all participants signed over their film rights, of course).  Finally, if the ACU does a great job at butchering people, especially people with real weapons, the military will be very interested in the ACU.  This way, the company's public image will be rather bad, but they will have numerous lucrative contracts ( and they will be able to buy a new image).


Corporate Personnel



Testing Teams

Autonomous Combat Unit Model 300

The ACU M-300 is the cutting edge of autonomous robotic combat units.  Its most important feature is its fluid matrix brain which gives it excellent data processing capacities.  The brain enables the unit to recognize targets, make plans and strategy, and effective implement its plans.  While the FMB Model 300 is not self aware, it enables the unit to function almost as well as a trained human soldier.

The FMB is located in the torso of the housing body.  The body consists of a powered advanced alloy skeleton which is encased in advanced composite armor.  The unit is powered by an advanced battery.  The head of the body contains advanced sensors including radar, visual ( IR, telescopic, and light enhancement), and audio.  The torso contains the FMB, the battery, two integral gauss rifles ( treat as FAM-90s with 400 round clip and no grenade launcher), and two missile launchers.  One holds two light anti-aircraft missiles ( treat as Guiscard Martels).  The other holds two light anti-vehicle missiles ( treat as Guiscard Blindicide-9).  Each hand contains extendible blades ( treat as bayonets).  The hands can also strike as clubs in melee combat.  The right arm contains a Quinn Darlan MK 4-A1 PGCW.

Crawl: 2m Walk: 15m Trot: 30m Run: 50m. Power Supply: Internal Rechargeable Battery Power Duration: 36 hours Sensor Range: 10km ( +2) Signature: 1 Armor Value: 12.  The ACU M-300 functions as a veteran NPC in combat.  The ACU uses the combat walker combat rules ( Equipment Guide p.  28-29), with the following change:

Operator: the FMB is hit.  It is treated as having a life level of 10 for the damage it can take.

-Michael C. LaBossiere

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Last Update: 1998 Oct 19
First Online: 1998 Oct 19
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Website maintained by: Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com )

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