TerraDyne International TW-101

Copyright © 1996 by Duran Goodyear ( dug96 AT hampshire DOT edu).  All Rights Reserved.


Name: TerraDyne International TW-101 combat walker;
Designated: LandMate;
Country: USA, Australia;
Weight: 200 Kg;
Crawl: 5 m; Walk: 20 m; Trot: 45 m; Run: 60 m;
Power supply: Internal rechargeable power cell;
Power Duration: 20 hours;
Internal Armament: 2 M-384 A1 "Javelin" Light Anti-vehicle Missiles, located on the back of walker;
1 Rochefield 20mm Autocannon.  Carried by Walker as a rifle;
Sensor Range: 10Km (+2);
Signature: 1;
Area Protected: All; Armor Value: 10;
Initiative penalty: -1, (if user is equipped with neural jack, it becomes 0); Price: Lv 50,000. (Lv 51,000 for Neural Jack capable)

The TerraDyne TW-101 combat walker was designed near the onset of the Kafer war.  American strategists, and combat veterans were aware of the short falls of the French BH-21 combat walker which was the primary combat walker of the US Marine Corps.  So following the lines of the new war footing, and using new monomer fibers, advanced control computer technologies, TerraDyne filed a proposal for building the first combat walker for the US Marine Corps.  A year later, after research, fine tuning, and combat trials, the US Marine Corps is just receiving new units of TW-101 qualified, and equipped troops.  So far there has been not enough time to build a concise report on their true worth in combat, but field commanders so far have welcomed their presence on the battle field.

Rochefield 20mm Autocannon: This weapon was designed as a cheaper, yet just as powerful alternative to a plasma weapon.  The Rochefield combines high fire power, rapid fire, and armor defeating capabilities wrapped up into a weapon small enough to be carried by the new TW-101 "LandMate" that is being introduced to the US Marine Corp.

Type: 20mm autocannon; Country: USA; Action: Single, or burst fire; Ammunition: 20x80mm HE-APDS Shells fired Electro-thermally; Muzzle Velocity: 2000 mps; Magazine: 35 round clip; Magazine Weight: 10 kg; ROF: 6; Aimed Fire Range: 1500 m; Area Fire Burst: 10 (AFV=1.5); Area Fire Range: 1000 m; DP Value: 8 (Armor Value is halved); Price: Lv2000 (Lv4 for a box of 50 rounds, Lv3 of empty box)

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Last Update: 1996 Nov 14
First Online: 1996 Nov 14
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