New 2300 AD Careers from Old

Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2002 by Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com).  All Rights Reserved.

There is a much easier way to add some new careers to 2300 AD, just re-use existing careers by simply re-interpreting what their skills mean.  The following are examples of how easily you can do this in your own campaigns.


For those who were educated at a standard university, take Academic as the starting career, followed by either the Core World or Administrator careers, depending on the character's predestined seniority, at their place of work.

For other characters, who were educated at a business trade school, you should instead take Core World as their initial career.  Later, they may either stay in it, or switch to Administrator at some point -- representing the character's promotion, to a more managerial level of responsibilities and duties, by their employer ( or within their firm/partnership).


This is simply an individual whose current career is that of an Administrator.

A Diplomat who covers more commercial areas of interests, will often have a prior career either involved in trade ( e.g. Independent Trader), or they may come from the Core World career.  Providing a relevant prior career, will allow you to generate Diplomats for other specialized areas of concern ( e.g. a multi-term American Belt Miner, who because of connections is appointed to an American State or Trade Department ( or even an embassy or consolate) staff position, and so represents America's interests in any international mining rights disputes over Sol System's asteroids and comets).


For a full-fledged Medical Doctor ( an M.D.), simply generate a character who spends more than 12 years involved in the Academic career.

An alternative approach, is to choose Core World for the first term, to represent their 'undeclared major' years of undergraduate education spent at a major university, then switch to the Academic career for the following terms ( which represents the years spent in pre-med studies, medical school, internship, residency, and then finally generalist/specialist practice).

As much as technological progress will have aided a Doctor -- for instance the invaluable Automed or diagnostic expert systems software -- the sheer volume of knowledge and skills needed to practice the profession has increased far quicker.  The net result is that it still takes an extremely long period of formal, followed by hands-on education to become a full-fledged Doctor.

When actually in the Academic career.

You can easily change a Doctor into a Psychiatrist by changing their Primary skill to Psychology, and their Related skills to Medical and either Chemistry or Biology.

EMT ( Emergency Medical Technician)
PA ( Physician's Assistant)

An EMT, PA, or other medical professional who isn't a full Doctor can be created in several ways:

Exterminator/Pest Controller

For a high-tech pest exterminator, the Core World career works well:

For a poor individual in an urban/coreworld location, who may catch vermin to eat, the Thief career is a fairly good choice:

On war torn Kafer-invaded worlds, like Aurore, the Scavenger career ( in the Aurore Sourcebook) would work.  This person would not be the best rat catcher, but then normal ones do not have to dodge "Mr. Kafer" while doing their job/surviving.

On normal colony worlds, another good choice is the Colonist career.  This is more of "a hunt them down ( using General Skills ) and shoot the varmits ( using Combat Skills, primarily combat rifleman) to keep the crops/colonists safe" type of career.

Note: Do not forget that rat catching was and is often a job done by young children even as young as seven or eight.  The tradition would have been reinforced by the Twilight War ( plus a couple of FFE's Twilight:2000 modules have groups of children out rat catching as one of their "urban" encounters).


For the standard 'run of the mill' lawyer, take one term in either Academic or Core World, to represent their 'undeclared major' years of undergraduate education spent at a major university, then switch to the either the Core World career ( for those practicing business law), the Administrator career ( for those practicing criminal law), or the Journalist ( for those practicing advocacy law for some cause/concern).

For someone with a different prior career, who later in life decides to become a lawyer, just select the second career which is appropriate for the type of law they plan to practice.

Preachers, Priests and other Religious Leaders

Some religions and/or their sub-orders ( for instance the Roman Catholic Church's Society of Jesus -- aka the Jesuits) stress academic learning, so either the Academic or Core World career would be an excellent first/prior career, representing their initial formal university and religious education.

Once actively serving their congregations, you have two options for their main Career:

For skills:

The above are just a few examples of how you can easily re-use current careers to create new ones.  If you come up with any new careers from old ones, please let me know, I'd like to list them here.

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Last Update: 2002 Feb 13
First Online: 1998 Mar 29
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Website maintained by: Kevin Clark ( kevinc AT cnetech DOT com)

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